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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 02598d04998c786⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 552x632, 69:79, 182428519_1022281972457617….jpg)

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bc9e1c  No.229976

Scott Koch Confession - https://soundcloud.com/staci-burk/koch-confession?fbclid=IwAR2LMpf7vs-0_5o_SV6aM-830upboNYIxboPkOexDNEfhPQLt_xcgP2TSlY

Arizona Speaker of the House and Stacy Burk - https://soundcloud.com/staci-burk/arizona-house-speaker-rusty-bowers-and-staci-burk?fbclid=IwAR0LFtNIYin_BTCvoXqYZCwfLwxHIrGLAiN3xcI_3ii_d1-hIGtihmVOQvQ

This is a conversation on Thanksgiving Day with Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers regarding the Koch Confession I had already sent him. This conversation took place BEFORE the 2020 election was certified. I did not receive a response until April 2021. At that time, Bowers said he reached out to House Representative Col. Travis Grantham because he would be the person who signed off on all planes coming in and out of the Arizona Air National Guard. Even though at the end of the audio Bowers said he would report the alleged criminal activity to the Arizona Attorney General. According to the AG, they never received a report from him.

***Note this was also before I knew his boss Shawn Wilson was directly involved. When this recording was made Wilson was denying his or his companies involvement. A few days later I learned he was at the election center with Koch and directly involved.

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bc9e1c  No.229977

File: 4bb7208e9706c15⋯.jpg (36.57 KB, 960x686, 480:343, 182193854_1022281972953630….jpg)

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This audio-recorded confession along with eyewitness affidavits and videos who saw this individual and his associate behind the secure line at the election center was just part of the evidence in my election challenge case that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and never got an evidentiary hearing.

I was working directly with Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn. She filed her cases in Federal Court and I was listed as the Jane Doe witness in her Arizona case. As a third-year law student when I saw her cases being thrown out of Federal Court saying she should have filed under State law, and that none of her Plaintiffs had standing because they weren't denied the right to vote, I filed in State Court (Pinal County) and was, in fact, denied the right to vote and thus had standing. The Court threw my case out saying to do an election contest in State law you have to have voted to have standing.

The Court system has created a locked-down system ensuring that nobody can legally challenge an election in the Courts.

In the first month after the election, by design, ALL legislators were directed to send people with complaints to the AGs office or the Courts. Their offices did not follow up on the election complaints until after the election was certified.

The process is being used as a weapon in this information war.

Below is an excerpt of the audio-recorded confession of Scott Koch (former law enforcement deputy and DOD contractor with security clearance and pilot license) confessing that he and "his guys" transported illegal ballots from a plane at Sky Harbor to the Maricopa County Election Center and sent others to Las Vegas via FedEx.

He approached me because I had a whistleblower who reached out to me from the FedEx facility in Seattle where she witnessed suspicious ballots come through and I had been sent a video of a plane (HL8230) that based on a tip to the Trump team was believed to be carrying illegal ballots. He mistakenly thought I had video of the illegal activity of him and his guys on the tarmac.

The full conversation was well over two hours. This is an excerpt.

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bc9e1c  No.229978

As you can see the flight first came to Phoenix Sky Harbor. First time in over eight years this particular South Korean flight came to the U.S. From Seattle the ballots were loaded onto the flight to the Memphis hub. And from the Memphis hub were distributed to Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Georgia.

There were multiple flights like this.

There’s an executive order that all south Korean air flights did not have to pass customs because of the pandemic. They were supposed to be transporting PPE and therefore to streamline efficiency were bypassing customs.

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9dafd6  No.230019

File: 328f4ff80530042⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 1308x8614, 654:4307, Voter_Fraud_2020.jpg)

File: 04e98a1f45c3d5c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1200x2606, 600:1303, ELECTION_georgiabenfordsla….png)

File: 49e549fb669739e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1855x3602, 1855:3602, ELECTION_michiganbenfordsl….png)

File: b9dd0de9a7b415f⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1200x3863, 1200:3863, ELECTION_pennsylvaniabenfo….png)

File: 8ae466f3fce1e09⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1444x3108, 361:777, election_wisconsinbenfords….png)

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4c09c5  No.230021

File: c2502a2b50de895⋯.png (973.25 KB, 1066x993, 1066:993, trump_collusion_israel_2.png)

>muh election fraud

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