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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 10497062d130121⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, seth_rich.png)

65fbf6  No.228760

Who was Seth Rich?

> Assange and others may have been right after all

> While the FBI has repeatedly asserted over the years that it was not involved in the investigation into Rich's death, the documents show that they were lying.

> Most pressing is the revelation that an individual, whose name is also redacted, had snatched Rich's laptop and taken it home. The FBI is currently in possession of the laptop but will not say if anything was altered or deleted from it. The FBI revealed this information earlier this year, but has stated it has not investigated a pertinent piece of evidence in the case.

> Link:


> Archive:


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7a0792  No.228761

File: c899595885ffbb5⋯.png (704.29 KB, 545x596, 545:596, _seth_rich_2.png)

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3e77e7  No.228764

Either a patriot or a mole. We will never know which.

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5dedab  No.228765


He jewish so he can't be a patriot.

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