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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 7eebb5730d5f90f⋯.jpg (157.38 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, PicsArt_05_01_10_59_37.jpg)

58f7d8  No.228638

wtf? there's a Big Meanie who has invaded our "sovereign territory" here at /pnd/ and has made life miserable for ALL THREE OF US !!!

the only thing we know how to do is RUN & HIDE

please :

somebody teach us how to behave like men

(it looked so easy to be a badass in videogames and Star Wars)

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58f7d8  No.228639

if this keeps up, I'll be left with no choice but tofind other timid, sexually failed men online USING DECRYPTION ON ANOTHER PLATFORM!!!

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58f7d8  No.228641

I came to /pnd/ because I'M A SUPERIOR MASTER RACEOF ONE

ONE lonely little "master bacillus"

who will never create a zygote

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58f7d8  No.228643

Thethreeof us who come to /pnd/ like to pretend we are "important", that we pose a threat to society (lol) and that "government agencies are watching us"

so it's less humiliating to claim the Big Meanie is a BOT… or a PSYOP, or a CIA GLOWSPY… than to simply admit the truth :

all it took was ONE PERSON to defeat us

just one "normie"….

just a random human being who stumbled in here


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58f7d8  No.228644

it's demoralizing when somebody ridicules my "superior master race" drivel by correctly pointing out that I am incapable of reproducing because no woman will have sex with me

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58f7d8  No.228645

allthreeof us share the same problem:

if we ever WERE able to get a girl, she would be UGLY & DESPERATE

it's mathematically improbable that a white woman would ever fuck us, which would be kind of an "obstacle" to creating a master race

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58f7d8  No.228646

it's too bad we aren'tthreepolychaetes

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58f7d8  No.228647

I can STILL create my master race without a woman

all I need is to marry a hot muscular guy

and we can adopt some boys

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58f7d8  No.228648

I like to tell myself that it was MY CHOICE that women won't fuck me

I convince myself that I "can't find a woman who is good enough for me"

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58f7d8  No.228649

File: 372613111c4521a⋯.png (606.49 KB, 1080x641, 1080:641, PicsArt_05_01_11_50_34.png)


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58f7d8  No.228650

me?….. whenever "The Big Meanie" reminds me what a failure I am, I enjoy accusing him of being a "nigger"

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58f7d8  No.228651

or a Jew… or a bot… or a CIA Agent… Or ANYTHING other than the truth :

he's just ONE DUDE

and he destroyed my "safe place"

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58f7d8  No.228652

I'm a homosexaryan

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c0e7ea  No.228659


we areALL THREEhomosexaryans

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6db76a  No.228664

holy nigger balls, chinese bots at it again

-10 social points

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c0e7ea  No.228729


first it's a "bot", then you claim it's a "nigger", then you say it's a "Jew", and now you're back to THE "BOT" EXCUSE again….

lol you sexless little boy

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4b6753  No.228755

File: 0432e922564fe76⋯.png (324.25 KB, 700x906, 350:453, 3655caa034b178668b71843262….png)

OP is a faggot.

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a4e146  No.228807

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46ac1f  No.228808


It is a fagbotkike, cover all the bases…lol

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