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File: 327a6820d3c2a76⋯.jpg (46.86 KB, 1432x650, 716:325, knight_movie_way_russian.jpg)

File: d577cda7c50f0c6⋯.jpg (64.64 KB, 1431x652, 1431:652, movie_symbols_russian_knig….jpg)

File: 98c6acfd06e33f0⋯.jpg (51.77 KB, 1431x669, 477:223, movie_symbols_russian_knig….jpg)

File: 36a0041f2bc3fc8⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 1435x662, 1435:662, russian_movie_signs_symbol….jpg)

File: 33cad0badfd66ca⋯.jpg (17.31 KB, 1137x579, 379:193, symbols_and_signs_manifest….jpg)

563493  No.228120

I am trying to find the name of this movie?

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96c816  No.228169

bump for interest

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563493  No.228176


I have sent an email to a Russian person and I am hoping that they will know what it is. I will keep you posted if I find out. It looks fascinating like an occult interpretation of E8 (the structure of the Universe) as it effects humanity. Some of the themes are recognizing the mathematical structure and learning to manipulate it so escape the control of the 'overlords' by projecting back onto the symbolic occult landscape.

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96c816  No.228181

File: 00b1d25a209bc29⋯.jpg (131.94 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Hitler_Occult.jpg)


Neat. I'm a student of the Occult and it looks interesting.

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563493  No.228203

File: 59042b129b36e71⋯.mp4 (10.55 MB, 640x480, 4:3, clip_with_subtitles_russia….mp4)


Here is a clip of it that I managed to take off the web (it appears in the middle of another video compilation)…I added machine translation subtitles which are not correct but will give you an idea of the subject matter. Hopefully I will hear something in the next couple days; will let you know.

From what I gather it is all about the route out of here, the narrow path which is not based in the physical environment but rather the etheric manipulation, in reverse, not as a receiver but rather as a projector. You have to bypass the 'wardens and technologists' in order to obtain freedom.

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563493  No.228238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Russian(s) got back to me fast…I now present it to all of you for your viewing pleasure…2 hours of what I hope will be esoteric goodness.

INTENT | Film revealing mysteries more than The Matrix

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96c816  No.228240



Thanks will give it a watch.

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563493  No.228410


What did you think?

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563493  No.228425

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70a82a  No.228527


LOL you thought the matrix revealed actual mysteries?

The matrix was absolute garbage

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563493  No.228531


>LOL you thought the matrix revealed actual mysteries?

That was the title of the film. I was trying to provide information.

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