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File: 7fbb5e055eafc87⋯.png (512.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, yeahfem.png)

636a74  No.226910

What is the end goal of de-Europeanizing the USA? Why is the government allowing immigration of 99% non-whites? Why weren't we allowed to keep the USA homogenous? In 1950 the USA was 90% white, and average happiness was much, much better than today. Why weren't we allowed to be asked if we wanted other races to live amongst us? Why is every other country on Earth allowed to stay homogenous except white countries? When did all this start? Will whites ever stand up and fight against this? Is the USA fucked? Is there anything we can do? Is moving to Europe the fate of all whites in the USA if we want to live amongst our own kind, or is Europe fucked as well? Is there anything we can do to save our culture?

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43d113  No.226911


They can't have Global Communist "NWO" until the U.S. falls as a super-power. Europe is already invaded by trained Islamic militants waiting for the green-light to slit the throat of every possible European male.

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0955de  No.226913


it's about social instability and economic abuse.

They don't want a completely black or hispanic or whateverthefuck country. That would allow a country to have a unified identity, which would end in strong morals, a lack of interethnic conflict to keep the goyim down, and a rejection of consumerism. This would lead to unionization and a demand for workers rights, which would mean (((shareholders and large businesses))) would have to pay the goyim more. No, they want to mongrelize everyone to make everyone against eachother, and make everyone fill the empty hole in their heart and souls that race and religion filled with products and empty political ideologies.

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694c6d  No.226915


>What is the end goal of de-Europeanizing the USA?

White genocide.

>Why is the government allowing

Jews own it.

>Why weren't we allowed

Because you didn’t fight for it, you stupid fucking subhuman bitch.

>Why weren't we allowed to be asked

Because you didn’t fight for it, you stupid fucking subhuman bitch.

>Why is every other country on Earth allowed to stay homogenous except white countries?

Because you didn’t fight for it, you stupid fucking subhuman bitch.

>When did all this start?

The dawn of fucking time.

>Will whites ever stand up and fight against this?


>Is the USA fucked?


>Is there anything we can do?

Yes. We won’t.

>Is moving to Europe

Why, so you can be raped to death by niggers and dune coons there instead? You think Europe is safe, you subhuman retard? Fuck off this website.

>Is there anything we can do to save our culture?

Yes. We won’t.

Piss off with your QTDDTOT.

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636a74  No.226920

File: ea69edb0644d811⋯.jpg (9.11 KB, 255x143, 255:143, blackboychicken.jpg)



>Dead board

Also, saying that I didn't fight for it while also saying that it's been going on since the beginning of time is sub 80 iq shit. I wasn't even born until Gen Y, so there's not much I could have done anyways.

Either you're a nigger, or you're just a little cranky today because mommy didn't get you your tendies.

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03c1e7  No.226924


We de-Europeaninzed the USA on July 4th, 1776. Fuck all you yurops. Stay in your own fucking countries.

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325c0b  No.226928

File: a17e0b592a2a1d4⋯.jpg (325.92 KB, 1080x1981, 1080:1981, bezos_document_leaked_dive….jpg)

File: 6525f24b03028ea⋯.jpg (25.56 KB, 800x450, 16:9, bezos_lauggh.jpg)


Just like Bezo's discovered that you can union bust and employees can't organize for fair wages or rights when you have a multicultural work environment, the same thing happens with nations. There is no strength when people are divided INSIDE THE SYSTEM. There is plenty of strength when people are divided outside the system.

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325c0b  No.226942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Multiculturalism looks like it is going well in the UK.

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040761  No.226943

File: aae3cbc5c3434be⋯.jpg (265.13 KB, 1131x1280, 1131:1280, nonwhitebirths.jpg)

Why is Europe doing it?

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325c0b  No.226945


Crashing civilization looks like it is going well.

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