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6ae465  No.22564

> This power point shows the way that the internet has changed critical thinking in adults and young children.

> Internet's Effect on Critical Thinking and Learning

> 1. The Internet’s Effect on Critical Thinking and Learning Presented By: Jodi Ripley, Karan Muns, Shaun Hensley

> 2. What is Critical Thinking? • The intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga) • In the layman’s terms, critical thinking is the ability of a person to problem solve, gather information from context clues, decipher which information is pertinent, and using logic to summon a logical conclusion

> 3. Eight Components of Critical Thinking 1. Asking Questions 2. Determining the Problem 3. Examining Evidence 4. Analyzing Assumptions and Biases 5. Avoiding Emotional Reasoning 6. Avoiding Over Simplification 7. Considering Other Interpretations 8. Tolerating Ambiguity (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga)

> 4. Why is Critical Thinking So Important to Children • Problem Solving • Understanding Information • Making Informed Decisions

> 5. Problem Solving • Critical thinking in children is an important aspect for daily living that needs to be formed and nurtured early on to provide the individual with a better base to draw upon when making choices. Research has found that more often a student is exposed to critical thinking; the greater the student will transfer critical thinking to other areas of their life (Importance of Critical Thinking, 2005). Critical thinking skills give students the ability to not only understand what they have read or been shown but they will also have the ability to build upon their current knowledge base (Importance of Critical Thinking, 2005).This empowers students to be independent, innovative, creative and also helps them succeed in school and in daily life (Importance of Critical Thinking, 2005).

> 6. Understanding and Interpreting Information • Using critical thinking can help to improve decision making and judgement in general, critical thinking can also be thought of as reasoned thinking with a purpose. Some of the core critical thinking processes should include; • An understanding that your opinions could be incorrect • Accepting statements as factual even when they conflict with your views • The temporary adoption of a position that you disagree with and then reason from that point

> 7. Making Informed Decisions • One difficulty with teaching critical thinking is presenting it in such a way that the student can transfer what they have learned from one situation to a new or different situation (Critical Thinking in Decision Making retrieved from http://www.globalcognition.org/critical-thinking-in-decision-making/). When an individual comes across decisions that need to be made, they need to pay attention to the stories that they are telling themselves during the process. Writing a strategy down can also be a useful way of coming to a fully developed and thought out conclusion (Critical Thinking in Decision Making retrieved from http://www.globalcognition.org/critical-thinking-in-decision-making/).

> 8. How Does the Internet Affect Critical Thinking Over Time • Whose critical thinking is most affected by the Internet • How is Critical Thinking affected by the Internet • How can the internet improve critical thinking

> 9. Who Are the Most Affected • Children raised on “edutainment” • Uneducated or Lazy Adults

> 10. How is Critical Thinking Affected • Critical thinking is hindered because the internet presents information that may not be accurate • People take information at face value instead of fact checking it themselves

> 11. How Can the Internet Aide in Critical Thinking Development • The internet can provide supplemental information that can be used to draw original conclusions

> 12. Conclusion • The internet can be used to think critically or not to think at all • The eight components of critical thinking are either enhanced or destroyed by using the internet to gather information • Children and adults’ critical thinking process is affected by the internet

> 13. References Adhikari, Richard. (2009, September 8). Is the Internet Killing Critical Thinking?. TechNews Retrieved from http://www.technewsworld.com/story/68059.html Boris, Greg Ed.D. Hall, Thomas. (2005) Critical Thinking and Online Learning: A Practical Inquiry Perspective in Higher Education. 20th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from http://www.uwex.edu/disted/conference/Resource_library/proceedings/04_1288.pdf Browne, M. N., Freeman, K. E., & Williamson, C. L. (2000). THE IMPORTANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING FOR STUDENT USE OF THE INTERNET. College Student Journal, 34(3), 391. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ejwl.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?sid=7470c8eb-af7a-4a00-bb10- 9e23cf0deb57%40sessionmgr198&vid=12&hid=101&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=3728491&db=a9h Graham, L., & Metaxas, P. T. (2003). "OF COURSE IT'S TRUE; I SAW IT ON THE INTERNET!" Critical Thinking in the Internet Era.Communications Of The ACM, 46(5), 70-75. Retrieved from http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ejwl.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=7470c8eb-af7a-4a00-bb10-9e23cf0deb57%40sessionmgr198&vid=7&hid=101 Okan, Zuhal (2003, June). Edutainment: is learning at risk?, Retrieved from http://www.readcube.com/articles/10.1111%2F1467-8535.00325?r3_referer The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. Walker Center for Teaching and Learning. Critical Thinking. Retrieved from http://www.utc.edu/walker-center-teaching-learning/teaching-resources/ct-ps.php Wolpert, Stuart. (2007, January 29). Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis?. UCLA Newsroom. Retrieved from http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/is-technology-producing-a-decline-79127

Source https://www.slideshare.net/karanmuns/internets-effect-on-critical-thinking-and-learning

Archive: http://archive.ph/8PQcx

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6ae465  No.22565

File: 3ac5b5204adfa76⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Slide_006.png)

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6ae465  No.22566

File: be685f03584b843⋯.png (1018.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Slide_011.png)

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6ae465  No.22570

Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis?

> Studies shed light on multi-tasking, video games and learning

> Stuart Wolpert | January 27, 2009

> As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to research by Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology and director of the Children's Digital Media Center, Los Angeles.

> Learners have changed as a result of their exposure to technology, says Greenfield, who analyzed more than 50 studies on learning and technology, including research on multi-tasking and the use of computers, the Internet and video games. Her research was published this month in the journal Science.

> Reading for pleasure, which has declined among young people in recent decades, enhances thinking and engages the imagination in a way that visual media such as video games and television do not, Greenfield said.

> How much should schools use new media, versus older techniques such as reading and classroom discussion?

> "No one medium is good for everything," Greenfield said. "If we want to develop a variety of skills, we need a balanced media diet. Each medium has costs and benefits in terms of what skills each develops."

> Schools should make more effort to test students using visual media, she said, by asking them to prepare PowerPoint presentations, for example.

> "As students spend more time with visual media and less time with print, evaluation methods that include visual media will give a better picture of what they actually know," said Greenfield, who has been using films in her classes since the 1970s.

> "By using more visual media, students will process information better," she said. "However, most visual media are real-time media that do not allow time for reflection, analysis or imagination — those do not get developed by real-time media such as television or video games. Technology is not a panacea in education, because of the skills that are being lost.

> "Studies show that reading develops imagination, induction, reflection and critical thinking, as well as vocabulary," Greenfield said. "Reading for pleasure is the key to developing these skills. Students today have more visual literacy and less print literacy. Many students do not read for pleasure and have not for decades."

> Parents should encourage their children to read and should read to their young children, she said.

> Among the studies Greenfield analyzed was a classroom study showing that students who were given access to the Internet during class and were encouraged to use it during lectures did not process what the speaker said as well as students who did not have Internet access. When students were tested after class lectures, those who did not have Internet access performed better than those who did.

> "Wiring classrooms for Internet access does not enhance learning," Greenfield said.

> Another study Greenfield analyzed found that college students who watched "CNN Headline News" with just the news anchor on screen and without the "news crawl" across the bottom of the screen remembered significantly more facts from the televised broadcast than those who watched it with the distraction of the crawling text and with additional stock market and weather information on the screen.

> These and other studies show that multi-tasking "prevents people from getting a deeper understanding of information," Greenfield said.

> Yet, for certain tasks, divided attention is important, she added.

> "If you're a pilot, you need to be able to monitor multiple instruments at the same time. If you're a cab driver, you need to pay attention to multiple events at the same time. If you're in the military, you need to multi-task too," she said. "On the other hand, if you're trying to solve a complex problem, you need sustained concentration. If you are doing a task that requires deep and sustained thought, multi-tasking is detrimental."

> Do video games strengthen skill in multi-tasking?

> New Zealand researcher Paul Kearney measured multi-tasking and found that people who played a realistic video game before engaging in a military computer simulation showed a significant improvement in their ability to multi-task, compared with people in a control group who did not play the video game. In the simulation, the player operates a weapons console, locates targets and reacts quickly to events.


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6ae465  No.22571



> Greenfield wonders, however, whether the tasks in the simulation could have been performed better if done alone.

> More than 85 percent of video games contain violence, one study found, and multiple studies of violent media games have shown that they can produce many negative effects, including aggressive behavior and desensitization to real-life violence, Greenfield said in summarizing the findings.

> In another study, video game skills were a better predictor of surgeons' success in performing laparoscopic surgery than actual laparoscopic surgery experience. In laparoscopic surgery, a surgeon makes a small incision in a patient and inserts a viewing tube with a small camera. The surgeon examines internal organs on a video monitor connected to the tube and can use the viewing tube to guide the surgery.

> "Video game skill predicted laparoscopic surgery skills," Greenfield said. "The best video game players made 47 percent fewer errors and performed 39 percent faster in laparoscopic tasks than the worst video game players."

> Visual intelligence has been rising globally for 50 years, Greenfield said. In 1942, people's visual performance, as measured by a visual intelligence test known as Raven's Progressive Matrices, went steadily down with age and declined substantially from age 25 to 65. By 1992, there was a much less significant age-related disparity in visual intelligence, Greenfield said.

> "In a 1992 study, visual IQ stayed almost flat from age 25 to 65," she said.

> Greenfield believes much of this change is related to our increased use of technology, as well as other factors, including increased levels of formal education, improved nutrition, smaller families and increased societal complexity.

> The Children's Digital Media Center, Los Angeles, has received federal funding from the National Science Foundation.

> UCLA is California's largest university, with an enrollment of nearly 38,000 undergraduate and graduate students. The UCLA College of Letters and Science and the university's 11 professional schools feature renowned faculty and offer more than 323 degree programs and majors. UCLA is a national and international leader in the breadth and quality of its academic, research, health care, cultural, continuing education and athletic programs. Four alumni and five faculty have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

Source: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/is-technology-producing-a-decline-79127

Archive: https://archive.md/Y891W

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2d66f4  No.22575

File: f04daaad3375517⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 837x960, 279:320, [citation needed].jpg)


>Critical thinking is hindered because the internet presents information that may not be accurate • People take information at face value instead of fact checking it themselves

This has applied before the internet as well. In fact, newspapers and radio were even more difficult to verify: if the radio says something about an event halfway across the world for a place you can barely pronounce the name of, how would you check it? You need to go to work the next day, yet you are somehow expected to fact-check something on a completely different continent. You don't even know how to ask someone about it or who to ask because it was said a singular time and you weren't listening with pen and paper in hand. You can only hope that the person you talk to was listening to the radio about the exact same thing at the exact same time as you did.

>The internet can be used to think critically or not to think at all • The eight components of critical thinking are either enhanced or destroyed by using the internet to gather information • Children and adults’ critical thinking process is affected by the internet

This part, however, I agree with completely.

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bcb09b  No.22629


You also don't even speak their language or know anyone on that continent. Personally, I have given considerable thought to the fact that the entire Gulf War etc was all totally fake and that we haven't had a real piece of information in 50 years or more.

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68b272  No.23090


Definitely something to keep in mind. If constantly contemplated, this leads one to seek the most iron-clad truth and knowledge, and exercise greater and greater discernment with ever developing critical thinking.

It as well leads to more grounded interests and pursuits, such as of fitness, wilderness survival (distrusting civilization and its outputs afterall), hard sciences such as mathematics and engineering (all), travel, self-sustainable living and so on.

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3b60c9  No.23216


I think critical thinking has to do with 2 things a lot - subjectivity and trust.

If you trust others, you take their words as truth and do not check the sources.

If you are being extremely subjective, you will dismiss the truth with some cope and just gather everything which follows your agenda and internet produces tons of this.

I think this is explains a lot of the MIGAanons left yet.

I've heard how people say that the world is moving from more objective on to a more subjective one.


That is like the difference between 8chan and 4chan /pol/.


>People want OP to post content of article

>People tell OP to post source

>People are critical of posts done by other anons and nobody takes low IQ posts seriously.

>People do not buy into 4d chess


>fake articles

>baits/anger trolling/manipulative posts

>muh speed

>no sources, just a picture of a fake headline with an exaggerated subject with no source

I think shills on chans have improved our critical thinking tbh. We are being more critical against what's being posted here (especially when it is provocative) because they intentionally try to mislead/make us angry with baits, troll posts, fake pictures and so.

However I've noticed that people still do not look at source for every single infograph which was made by our side.

This is good for group unity and loyality but bad when one actually needs to convince other goys to join our cause, who then think that we are spreading fake shit on the internet. like if we show them a fake article and they'll get impression that we are full of liars and might not look into anything else other than that

We should be more critical of what's being posted by our side tbh.

Kike can just pretend to be one of us, lay down an amazing plan and trick anons into doing what he wants them to do.

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d06c53  No.23230

Critical thinking has been responsible for messing up kids sexuality and getting them to chop of their dicks when they are merely going through a childhood phase

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2d66f4  No.23412


>teachers and parents pump a child's brain with propaganda and punish them for not falling in line with the agenda

>clearly critical thinking is to blame

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e4adde  No.23430


>implying you can know anything for sure outside of mathematics and other formal systems

Anon, I…

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cce054  No.23444

>oy vey, the internet is hindering critical thinking, look, the children are no longer acritically listening to our "accurate" sources of information!

What a fucking joke.

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1b317d  No.23485


Good post OP.

“Common experience shows us, and it is the agreed opinion of all people who think in a philosophical [way], that in all natural matters nothing can be done where these two causes, efficient and instrumental, are not found together.

A smith cannot forge a sword without the help of a hammer; in the same way a scribe cannot write without the help of a pen; a tailor cannot sew without the help of a needle; a man cannot beget offspring without the help of a woman.

Now, just as the hammer is not the smith, the needle is not the tailor, the pen is not the scribe, so the woman is not the man. If anyone denies that the woman is the instrumental cause, let him suggest to us another;

if he points to the privy members, saying that it is they, he will be laughed at by all. For an instrument is never a natural born part of the efficient agent, but is separate from it."

“In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds, and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people, or any of their children, into philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen – of whom we have an ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.”

~ John D. Rockefeller, Sr.

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004707  No.23743

It depends whether you are holding the reigns to your mind, or allowing them to be held by another.

Or in the words of Nietzsche, "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."

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000000  No.23967

Back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and before god flashed into existence technology that us boomers can't comprehend, even getting onto the web require a bit of intelligence and networking savvy. I'd bet at least 90% of the fine folks here couldn't configure a tunnel if their lives depended on it.

Then came AOL. AOL made everything easy so the average moron could surf.

Remember that intelligent people are the outliers while morons are the vast majority. Because anyone with an IQ below 60 literally doesn't have enough brain to even keep their heart beating, they are never tested and not included in the stats, so the "average" is skewed to appearing higher than it really is. Sadly, the average person has a 2-digit IQ and full access to (mostly) the web or at least enough of it to max out their credit cards.

So…………. The web has not affected critical thinking in the slightest but it has given a platform to the teeming hordes who lack it.

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b1dbae  No.23991


Right, apparently more then 2 genders is totally not a product of critical thinking at all.

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aa9fd1  No.24052


You can read it in another way:

Internet ruined the means of submission of the masses that the jews crafted along many decades, and now the masses are prone to be incited by any group, including those of us who are against the jews, and then mobilized to attack and kill jews, utilizing many tricks to provoke emotional reaction from the masses and direct it towards the jews.

You can see many articles written by jews themselves showing that they fear the way in which people are becoming angrier and more hateful towards them the more they are exposed to information about jews on the internet. You will also see many jews wishing for a complete shutdown of the internet, or at least to those who expose them to the masses.

Critical thinking is a necessity for thinking man, leaders and such. To the masses, the lack of critical thinking can be exploited to create an advantage for us to use against the jews.

The recent situation with niggers attacking jews is one example of lack of critical thinking being used to our advantage. Mobilizing the low IQ subhumans among the masses to do our biding against the jews is a very effective way to attack them without diminishing our numbers. Use the jews methods against them. Fight fire with fire.

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b5c4da  No.24153

Is this a presentation for high school students? The conclusions are laughably simple. Disappointing.

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88a0b2  No.24811

File: 10c93c04b40bdab⋯.jpg (95.39 KB, 960x802, 480:401, critical theory.jpg)


You're probably confusing critical thinking with critical theory, which is a concept created by the (((Frankfurt School))) meant to confuse the public and create chaos in functioning societies.

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2cac88  No.26411


Just like shrinks are "confusing" the effect of depressant drugs with the emotional state of depression, thus throwing low level stimulants at people?

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874cb9  No.26442


I've seen memes with the text from your pic before, what book is that?

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dab4bf  No.59638

File: a8ff0d15ac11cef⋯.png (12.91 KB, 220x229, 220:229, 6860F6DE-004D-4545-815D-8D….png)


You called?

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a49b39  No.59851


>Globohomo agenda is somehow a product of critical thinking

Imagine having terminal illiteracy

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a49b39  No.59852


Aren't there african countries with IQ averages under 60?

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e74e4a  No.60060

File: 1083b9bbbbf7f60⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 567x690, 189:230, stirner1.jpg)

File: 9121198e2efb7b7⋯.png (286.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, stirner2.png)

File: 0aed5a5579d3089⋯.jpg (19.43 KB, 340x506, 170:253, stirner3.jpg)


Never forget: this is what old Max (actually Johann) actually looked like.

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4cc047  No.60357

File: fe1671957f9e98c⋯.jpg (136.11 KB, 750x1185, 50:79, stirner cuck.jpg)

File: 2d3152a0e06f16e⋯.jpg (77.61 KB, 780x465, 52:31, deadstate-black-lives-matt….jpg)


>1st pic

I recognize this cuckpose…

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