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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 656cd5662c03d6c⋯.png (378.5 KB, 633x543, 211:181, lol.png)

90d842  No.225384

How can anyone defend the american "justice" system?

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ac5cc0  No.225387


>we lost so hard that we're just gonna keep making shit up and hoping it sticks

Cope, bitch.

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90d842  No.225391


race war soon nigger, this proves that the courts are corrupt

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d4ab8e  No.225393

I can't that is twice it has totally spectacularly failed in the last 6 months.

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1dd5a8  No.225394


TRUTH. Harsh, but simple.


Who said we ever did? I lost hope a long time ago. This to me is nothing new. This is why it's time to re-think a lot of things, including any support you give this corrupted stupid third world system. Consider yourself and family first and foremost, and do what you can to protect your own future and well being. Everything else will eventually come crashing down, and when it does, don't try to help. Watch it all burn, and do whatever necessary (legal or not) to defend yourself, loved ones and property. That's all you can do.

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d4ab8e  No.225396


>do whatever necessary (legal or not) to defend yourself, loved ones and property.

More truth.

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6599ca  No.225400


Let the cop exodus continue.

Enjoy having no more cops burgers.

I feel bad for Rittenhaus though. He's fucked too it seems.

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1dd5a8  No.225403


A lot of former cops head for greener pastures and many are teaching self-defense training for the 'burgers' who have also abandoned the cities for greener pastures. This has been going on for a while and I expect it will only continue.

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6599ca  No.225408


It's a beautiful thing actually.

Finally perhaps some respite.

Niggers won't leave the cities. The best gibs are in cities and that's ultimately the only thing that motivates them.

Stand down officer - take a well deserved retirement fishing by the lake.

Niggers have made it very clear they don't want your help preventing them from abusing each other.

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ac5cc0  No.225416


>race war soon

You've been saying that for over 100 years. Nobody believes you anymore.


Good. Fuck cops and fuck Rittenhouse.

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71a859  No.225419


>How can anyone defend the american "justice" system?

We don't have a system. It's an industry. Like many mega corporations that are failing because they went woke, the Criminal Justice Industry just fucked itself right in the ass. It's gonna be a helluva show, ladies.

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d4ab8e  No.225421


>It's gonna be a helluva show, ladies.

I hope so, I meant it when I said it before: Don't get caught. There is no more reason for any of us to participate in this system. We fed, clothed housed and educated the niggers all for WHAT? This…we slaved to raise 6 gorillion nigger children in this nation in leu of having children ourselves. This is where all the taxes went. Now what? Fucking locust plague.

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046e4c  No.225422

So where are her nudes?

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d4ab8e  No.225425


Wow that takes the cake for low IQ…I was on some other sites were people (not me) are openly talking about killing the jurors

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d4ab8e  No.225429

File: e23d9a4228ee2df⋯.jpg (554.53 KB, 570x4143, 190:1381, Jurors.jpg)

The panel includes six white jurors and six Black or multiracial people. Seven are women; five are men. They include a chemist, a nurse, an auditor and a grandmother.

Juror No. 2 said he worked for seven or eight summers at a camp through his childhood synagogue.

Juror No. 9 is a multiracial woman in her 20s who has Type 1 diabetes. (COW)

Juror No. 19 is a white man in his 30s. He is an auditor who said he tries to resolve conflict and make decisions based on facts, not emotions. (I wonder what happened)

Juror No. 27 is a Black man in his 30s who immigrated to America more than 14 years ago. (Somali Muslim)

Fuck it…I give up on this…I can't IMAGINE my life being decided by these niggers…. The entire thing was totally fucked.

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362f22  No.225433


The more that lose trust in the system, the more that boycott the system, the more that abandon the system, and all it's institutions, the more that refuse to fight for the system, or be pawns for the system, the faster the system will implode. And that is what all disgruntled Americans need to make happen. Give the system the finger, sit back, watch it all collapse (preferably from a distance). Consider the most important things in life RIGHT NOW: you, your immediate family and your property. Make sure you fight for that and only that. The more that do, the faster this corrupted system has a nuclear meltdown.

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362f22  No.225434


>I give up on this…I can't IMAGINE my life being decided by these niggers

Think about it. And don't let it happen to you, under any threat or circumstance, ever.

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d4ab8e  No.225435


Yeah, but don't you understand THAT IS EXACTLY what they are extorting us with…

"you best behave or we are going to make you live with niggers."

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d4ab8e  No.225436

File: d4efb9686b55c07⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 585x557, 585:557, jewish_deplorables_chauvin….jpg)

File: a7e8fd92a4d27cd⋯.mp4 (10.83 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, truck_attacked_by_BLM.mp4)

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d4ab8e  No.225438

File: 554610584da2470⋯.jpg (31.8 KB, 635x666, 635:666, jewish_deplorable_free_sne….jpg)

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d4ab8e  No.225442

File: 17e2f921a3bf5ec⋯.mp4 (3.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cops_shooting_ohio.mp4)

Here we go again.

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e52b82  No.225461


If anyone could, not after today

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69efb0  No.225483

File: d328b8a04e09191⋯.jpg (194.14 KB, 794x1024, 397:512, 1618882246715.jpg)


"Ooga booga, OOOGA, Booga! BOOOGA! OOOOGAHH! Oogh Boohgah!"

Gorillas with guns and cameras. *Sigh*

Dear good cops, move to Australia, we still have a mostly functional judicial system, but only just. ASIO are enemies of the state but work on taxpayers dime like your corrupt FBI and CIA.

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82ad69  No.225484

File: 93adbc8a5dc0e33⋯.gif (945.36 KB, 327x200, 327:200, external_content_duckduckg….gif)



I like the way you think. That has been the conclusion we have come to. No reason to waste time VOTING or whatever. That is just polishing brass on the Titanic. Shes going down baby. Nothing can stop it now.

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d4ab8e  No.225485


Not a fan of any 'crown' or 5eyes governments all of them are violent extremists that believe in things like the castration, torture and mutilation of children under the 'trans' agenda. So they are the active promoters of torture of White children.

They are the immoral filth of the world.

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2d6df1  No.225494


> "you best behave or we are going to make you live with niggers."

we have a choice?

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6f2924  No.226110

File: e616cda9f4bc709⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 630x630, 1:1, be_gone_thot.jpg)



>attention whore got what she deserved

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