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File: acbac338e2bda6d⋯.jpg (38.26 KB, 700x525, 4:3, sw3.jpg)

d35fd3  No.224910

Post your best ones

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a20afc  No.224913


You have 72 hours before you learn how to eat corn out of cow shit. Try spending it on something a bit more worthwhile, mm?

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098f20  No.224915


>You have 72 hours before you learn how to eat corn out of cow shit.

Cows process all their corn.

Had you said human shit, I would have said, yeah, maybe 50% of the time.

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a20afc  No.224916

File: c8871db062f0465⋯.png (170.13 KB, 1597x1219, 1597:1219, ClipboardImage.png)

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7927cb  No.224927


Here's a whole book about the Clown World phenomenon: https://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=16099

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d502ae  No.225242

File: a44913f2442c370⋯.gif (2.63 MB, 720x540, 4:3, 20201116_091538.gif)


> 2018 clown world is a small town carnival

> 2021 clown world is a sickening hellscape

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0846c4  No.225243


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