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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1e7a482d8aa9df1⋯.jpg (284.45 KB, 924x1228, 231:307, lyndon_b_johnson.jpg)

File: 7cae1b6d5cf067b⋯.jpg (180.49 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1965_immigration_act_signi….jpg)

be9556  No.224661

The guy in pic related is Lyndon B. Johnson. He signed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Basically, this act allowed for non-whites to stream into America and become citizens MUCH easier than before. Before this act, all the laws in the United States regarding immigration and nationality were designed to ensure that the population was always >95% white. Other than you being a somewhat well-off, educated man from Germany, UK, Scandinavia, and some other European countries, it was next to impossible for you to enter and become a citizen. Actually, for a lot of years no one who wasn't in that group was given citizenship, unless you were a Negro who lived in America beforehand. After this act, the flood gates were opened and non-whites were suddenly allowed to enter and obtain citizenship very easily.

Was this the Act that ended the West?

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b8d878  No.224663


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be9556  No.224667


Don't sage my thread, shill.

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debfcc  No.224675


The Act was created by a Jew and signed by a Freemason.

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15e967  No.224676

File: add149df3fc67d5⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 1580x4708, 395:1177, Hart_Cellar_Immigration_Ac….jpg)

File: 650113d47d62ea3⋯.jpg (381.35 KB, 1516x871, 1516:871, Henry_Celler_Jew_Immigrati….jpg)

That act did play an important role on initiating the great replacement in USA. And of course, it was the jews who were behind this.

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5864e0  No.224678

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

How much did you pay in extortion to the 'moderation' to post your OP?

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badc1c  No.224739

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