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File: 9f3365ba8140db0⋯.png (35.43 KB, 300x250, 6:5, sGAaTAzx9X.png)

0f2ea9  No.224589

How can I analyze my DNA without giving it to jews or chinks? I wanna see if I'm actually Greek or not? I don't care about cost, I just wanna know if there's a 100% safe method.

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b86238  No.224601

Sequence it yourself

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da08e2  No.224626

securigene.com apparently doesnt store or use your dna in research.

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68ff80  No.224641


Nobody gives a fuck about your DNA you sperg. If you're so worried about it, use a fucking PO Box and a fake name. The worst that can happen is that the Mormons will use it to make a slave on some other dumb freemason planet.

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f54661  No.224668


>Mormons will use it to make a slave on some other dumb freemason planet

Wut? Why will they do that?

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0f2ea9  No.224690

File: ce2010a47b3eec2⋯.jpeg (204.08 KB, 924x1158, 154:193, 1618738479700.jpeg)


>t. did the test and salty that his clone is being tortured in crispr chink labs

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68ff80  No.224696


That's their whole thing, my dude.


The government and associated third parties have gallons of my blood by now. I wish them luck in their project. Ain't skeered.

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0f2ea9  No.224704

File: 1f0f890c7a0aa48⋯.jpg (13.7 KB, 228x278, 114:139, ETzDeBcXgAMx49a.jpg)




I'm from Greece, which is basically a third world shithole. I don't worry about that at all.


That's what 23andme also says supposedly, they destroy the samples if you tell them to.

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4295c6  No.224712

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

How much did you pay in extortion to post this OP to /pnd/

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0f2ea9  No.224725


You can check that I'm actually Greek and not a shill because I made the same thread on /pol/ a few hours ago. Stop being such a fucking sperg. Not everyone is a shill.

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68ff80  No.224727


He's a poorly-paid nigger-brained murder-shill who is butthurt because nobody wanted to engage with his

>hey guys homicide is fucking awesome


I don't think you need to worry about someone using your DNA, anon. If they wanted it, they could get it in a thousand different ways. Realistically, they already have it. Use your head.

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432415  No.224736

This is how






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0f2ea9  No.224755


Are you retarded? You first start calling me a shill about a thread I never made then just respond to my question as if nothing happened…

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68ff80  No.224756


Your ESL is showing, bro. No biggie. Good luck.

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0f2ea9  No.224759


DUde Idk how to convince you, here is the thread I made on 4/pol/, I'm clearly not a fed, I don't get why you think that I am.


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4295c6  No.224762

File: 600080241712931⋯.jpg (8.8 KB, 297x170, 297:170, WHITE_WOMAN_KITTERAGE_SUPP….jpg)


This is who you are talking to…just so you know…a totally 'white woman' (and I mean, you be the judge anon if you think this is a woman) who wants to murder you and your children if you have them in 'service' to the (((British Royal Crown)))

I wouldn't expect much…as well as her collusion with our own government and acts of extortion/bribery on this site.

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4295c6  No.224764

File: 01d2eaeffbf1395⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 1066x198, 533:99, kitteridge_comment_8kun_ad….jpg)


You want to know what the most ironic thing of all was? She actively wants to murder all White people and their children (unlike my proposal which was a Nationalist proposal), but at the same time she objects to our engineering our own environment with selective murder of criminals, thieves and murders. You can't see my OP which was simply taking the power back into Nations (rather than (((globalism))) because she is 100% in collusion with our government and had it taken down.

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0f2ea9  No.224768



I'm really confused man, is this some new type of psy op to shitpost on the board? You are not making any sense.

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4295c6  No.224770


Nope, It is just me no longer afraid, knowing that they do have the power to kill us all and spreading info anyways. If you don't understand it that is ok…it is my fighting the entire glownigger world because I really have nothing left to lose at this point and some things are worth fighting for, like my love of my own people. Take it however you want.

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0f2ea9  No.224778


I'm really curious then, could you elaborate?

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f54661  No.224783


Recently there's been a poster/bot(?) that's been spamming crypto address and asking for money. That faggot thinks it's "extortion" and somehow that poster is a jewess wanting to murder white people. Maybe it's a board-wide deliberate "paranoid fearmongering", like yesterday there was a "drunk boomer-posting" in this thread >>223909 .


>it is just me no longer afraid, knowing that they do have the power to kill us all and spreading info anyways

They have had that power for a long time. Calm down or go shoot up the local synagogue instead of shitting up the board with your schizo rant.

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68ff80  No.224784


It took less than a dozen posts to out the legally-dangerous schizo. It's called COMSEC. Fucking LOOK INTO IT.

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955ff0  No.224790


It’s not illegal to talk about anything you want

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955ff0  No.224794



What a joke

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001cb3  No.224822


>i outed that guy that killed 3 precious niggers by typing into google whatever the voices in my head told me to

Your schizo-vestigating skills are top notch, I must admit. You're still off, but you almost had me! Keep at it!

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267594  No.224823

File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, schizo_take_your_meds.gif)

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955ff0  No.224824


It also thinks it’s a female. Maybe it should start investigating the difference between the sexes before it starts pointing its fingers at anons.

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001cb3  No.224845


>i cry for dead niggers

We know you do, ZOG-faggot.

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4295c6  No.224868


Please try to keep up. Sometimes you are embarrassing.

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784e19  No.224891

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