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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b4456b87883678f⋯.jpeg (40.37 KB, 828x177, 276:59, 07FC84B0_1964_4946_9CA6_D….jpeg)

9d81ab  No.224217

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9d81ab  No.224218

>muh CMM

Lads if the language in that article doesn't confirm in your mind the now irrefutable fact that we're are in The Turner Diaries timeline…

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9d81ab  No.224219

File: 5d9eac48f4eb70d⋯.jpeg (9.96 KB, 130x120, 13:12, 6CFED1A9_4A9B_4791_9E28_4….jpeg)

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9d81ab  No.224240

File: cb3812462dc1f77⋯.png (525.76 KB, 791x718, 791:718, 2802167A_47CF_4964_B8BF_25….png)

No. Seriously. White genocide. Not the faggot

>muh jobs

kind. The



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9d81ab  No.224260

File: f0b9ec695616a19⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1033x1234, 1033:1234, ClipboardImage.png)

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027307  No.224317


No, Anti-American propaganda is all this is. I'm not going to give up my right to self defense just because there are nut jobs (most of them recruited by psyops within the FBI) who decide to shoot up a school or gym or grocery store. All these places were GUN FREE ZONES anyway, every single time the successful shooters pick the easiest DISARMED targets. When they fail, it's because someone else had a gun and stopped them!!!

CNN is Anti-American GARBAGE complicit in lies, government propaganda, cover-ups, fraud and aiding war criminals to say the least. All owned by (((the same assholes!))) who own all the other media too.

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9d81ab  No.224320


You're typing superfluous bullshit and are a "dumb fuck" who is "missing the point entirely."

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9021c9  No.224331


A mass gun grab would ignite into a total civil war and they know it. Here are just some facts: America is more armed today than ever before, just the last year alone there were over 5 million new gun owners (many both liberal and conservatives). The American population is known for being extremely well spread out (the census once called our country "the land of small towns" for a reason), and it's not just small towns but tons of spread out rural areas as well. Many counties in many states have police departments and sheriffs who have openly refused to enforce gun control measures (including bump stock bans!) The places that have passed gun control always fail to see results as no one in their right mind turns their old guns and magazines in (if you doubt this, just ask the local police sometime!)

Even IF they were to have the human resources to enforce such laws (which they don't), going door to door all across the country would take years and years of resources spent and conflicts that pop up (it would be a ten to twenty year war to fully disarm America). Not only that, it would spark massive PR backlash, political uprisings, secession, drag through the courts, civil resistance, contraband being developed, etc etc etc. Simply put: without the voluntary consent of the American people, this gun grab agenda goes nowhere.

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9d81ab  No.224333


>they are not intentionally provoking a civil war


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027307  No.224341


They can try but I think they'll fail. They simply do not have the support or the resources they need to pull this off. If a domestic war starts, it would end just as swiftly, you would see stand-offs everywhere and once the police got fed up with the risks, they'd simply refuse to enforce such nonsense, for their own well being. And that's not saying all police even support the nonsense to begin with, many already know it's FUBAR already. We saw what happened after the bump stock ban, and the Clinton ban on semi-auto rifles…. nowhere, they got nowhere.

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9d81ab  No.224345


I admire your optimism but we're in the American Cannibalism timeline, I'm afraid.

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1dad10  No.224349


The vaccine passport agenda is a bigger risk, at this point, that is actually feasible and could happen if enough Americans go along with it, that I fear could become a reality soon.

As far as gun grabbing, there are politicians that have tried this for decades since and even before, the late 60s. And mind you, they failed even when they had monopolistic boobtube propaganda in every household on their side!

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9d81ab  No.224353


You still have no idea what's going on, hey?

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a09faa  No.224439




Burgers keep talking about it but when push comes to shove you do nothing. Now go ahead and call me a glownigger trying to incite violence. Had I posted something like "bros, it's over. no one will fight back", I'd get called a defeatist shill then you faggots would say "hurr durr i'm gonna shoot any fed who tries to take my guns with my big bad american gun of a certain model which fires big bullets of certain caliber. come get me in the countryside if you dare".

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412a25  No.224441


So from your perspective we are 'bad' because we don't casually take lives?

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a09faa  No.224445


I just want global jewry to collapse now.

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9d81ab  No.224485

File: 41cbbc37ab32fb5⋯.jpg (659.33 KB, 1440x1600, 9:10, 1618701131341.jpg)

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b279f6  No.224498


Starting with his?

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b279f6  No.224499


Don't we all.

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143250  No.224512


Not a thread. Not an argument. You will never fight back.

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143250  No.224513


>killing the people who publicly state they want to exterminate whites from the face of the Earth and erase everything that every white man has ever created

>casually taking lives

You are the reason he is correct.

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9d81ab  No.224529

File: 1a60813266c5a5d⋯.jpg (198.91 KB, 1125x580, 225:116, 1618708942945.jpg)

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9d81ab  No.224537

File: 69edf01be830e4a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1219x1165, 1219:1165, ClipboardImage.png)

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412a25  No.224540


He should have just gone around them over the grass.

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9d81ab  No.224542


>should have


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493603  No.224576


>CNN link


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