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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 8b40f58538d9a06⋯.jpg (138.58 KB, 2200x1677, 2200:1677, Neuralink_graphic_e1594299….jpg)

9fa0ec  No.224201

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792a6a  No.224202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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296061  No.224204

Elon Musk developed Neuralink with limited funding, and it can already be disguised under the human scalp, wirelessly transmit and receive data, and wirelessly charge.

(((Jose Delgado))) had rudimentary wireless human mind control, including wireless power transmission, in the 60s, and the CIA was at the very least experimenting with canine mind control at the same time. The potential for mind control tech is obviously tremendous, and as such it was likely developed in secret with near unlimited funding for the purpose of surveilling and controlling important politicians, CEOs, and bankers. Eventually, I fear, you I will be implanted as well.

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ccb6a4  No.224229



actually believes that this alleged "technology" is real….

Yeah, sure….

and that was a FLAMETHROWER, right?

Elon Musk couldn't even successfully dig one mile of smooth tunnel

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ccb6a4  No.224230

File: 3bf884a7ae77d45⋯.jpg (15.88 KB, 390x500, 39:50, 41g1x5cEeXL_AC_SY580_.jpg)

You fell for it when hestarted selling $35 roofer's propane torches in a cheap $3 plastic frame…

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ccb6a4  No.224231


perhaps if you hadn't spent so much of your life indulging in Fantasy Films and roleplay D&D, you'd be more grounded in reality?

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ccb6a4  No.224232

I can easily guarantee that you'll never see legitimate "mind control implants" before you eventually die.

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6caa2f  No.224292

File: 046a270c00e8c8e⋯.jpg (22.08 KB, 400x301, 400:301, Hmmmmm.jpg)

Enron Musk




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56a463  No.224294


>correct, but for the wrong reasons.

They don't need implants to control minds you silly person.

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792a6a  No.224297

File: 0cc88b88a4e6a64⋯.jpg (6.83 KB, 284x178, 142:89, stupid_cow.jpg)


tbh they have never needed implants to control humanity

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141ac1  No.224420


tbh implants make the job more easy

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792a6a  No.224426

File: 5933cf0af880d63⋯.png (76.88 KB, 850x844, 425:422, Commercially_available_cam….png)


Si, we were working on internal 'monitoring' implants 20 years ago, trying to combine them with AI. No one ever wanted to 'come over for dinner'.

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703f0f  No.224458


hehe monkie

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909b97  No.224483

It's probably how they create/time all these mass shootings

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a94662  No.224494

I always thought Gorbachevs scar on his head was a dead giveaway to an early brain implant so he would collapse the soviet union.

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fbdc90  No.224705

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

/pnd/ is now a chinese extortion racket

You have to pay to play

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8d58fd  No.224773

File: 047b4624c98d1e5⋯.png (370.56 KB, 1162x652, 581:326, JN_DESIRES.png)


No, (You).

Watch This Here:




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8fc97f  No.225219

TCDS = Trans Cranial Direct Stimulation… Brain pacemaker. That is what the shit was called in the 70s and 80s. I wonder how small it is now?

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e5a7f2  No.225288



Did you really think Elon Musk would not show the white race the same utter disregard for like his Rhodesian mine-owning ancestors showed for the black race?


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e5a7f2  No.228786

Rhodesians are basically the same breed of demons as Azhkenazim

So 100%

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