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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: dde4542623aec19⋯.jpg (82.17 KB, 496x489, 496:489, Screenshot_2021_04_16.jpg)

03e0e5  No.223918

USSF, the quiet professionals…. meh.

They post on Facebook and think they are secure because their page is "secret".

Anyone in their right mind does NOT post on Facebook with an expectation of it staying "secret". Not in any way, shape, or form.

These guys are a joke.


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68d34c  No.223919


Qanon is a Communist "Trust Operation."

You need to just stay on Facebook.

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03e0e5  No.223922


Q-anon isn't the subject of the post, it's the idiots who post their drivel on an easily hackable site.

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03e0e5  No.223923


Oh yeah… Sage yourself.

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7346d4  No.224056


>easily hackable site

he posts here

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a71b47  No.224079


I also post dishonorable comments about government agents here knowing that it's fed honeypot. Your point?

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7f75d8  No.224085


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3a2cb7  No.224091


>easily hackable site

I guess I can repost the comment.

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1429aa  No.224135

the military isn't exactly full of geniuses….

If they were intelligent, they wouldn't be earning peanuts in the military

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3a2cb7  No.224139


idealism is always toxic when it is force fed to people

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1429aa  No.224142


everything is toxic at certain levels, no matter if it's forced or voluntary

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1429aa  No.224143

All I'm saying is The US Military is full of idiots ..

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1429aa  No.224144

much like US Law Enforcement, local, state AND federal….

IQ Limits

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1429aa  No.224147

put it this way :

Our Nation's Brightest are NOT slaving away for pennies in camouflage…

fuck no….

The military is filled with IDIOTS

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1429aa  No.224148

after finishing their stints in the military, they CANT EVEN GET HIRED AT WALMART…

they have no applicable work skills

they're competing with 16 year olds for jobs at McDonald's

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1429aa  No.224152

I've known A LOT of guys in the military…..

and only ONE of them was smart

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3a2cb7  No.224186

Not that this thread was all that but the filter sure cleaned it up

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2a6ce7  No.224491

File: 02a4556cfee4c1b⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 63979244968_69F4AB6C_F02C_….jpg)


imagine thinking anything of importance is even posted on those pages

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77cb53  No.224496

File: b2a0554b7da2398⋯.jpg (170.93 KB, 1194x1184, 597:592, captain_mexicos_dynamic_tr….jpg)


I imagine terribly important stuff is on those pages. Weekend gettogethers…yah kno?

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7014d7  No.224515


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2a6ce7  No.224568

File: 999d238f32608f2⋯.png (127.29 KB, 553x798, 79:114, dd5460752814c9497dfbc83140….png)


that and "family days" or other shit

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