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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: d813aca0b7fb775⋯.png (26.73 KB, 466x467, 466:467, 1618529609047.png)

b1d25a  No.223542[Last 50 Posts]

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b9671a  No.223556

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b1d25a  No.223557




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b9671a  No.223558

File: f76532e4d215cfa⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 828x1201, 828:1201, injection_research_stop_sa….jpg)

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b9671a  No.223559


ok Boomer

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b1d25a  No.223560





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b1d25a  No.223561


But seriously: why are you still using handphones? Weird, honestly.

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b9671a  No.223569

File: b8824ed9ce1ab31⋯.jpg (88.44 KB, 925x1045, 185:209, COVID_vaccine_totals_EU_ap….jpg)

File: 6362f4db86022d8⋯.jpg (71.39 KB, 963x1038, 321:346, COVID_vaccine_totals_april.jpg)

reported death toll and injuries as of April 2021

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b1d25a  No.223572


If you're like me and have a soft-spot for schadenfreude (yeah, it's ignoble; meh), I suggest the




to be found on a constantly-updating basis at


Certainly the most amazing and improbably retarded mass-hallucination I have seen. To watch it unfold in realtime is… magnificent.

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b1d25a  No.223573

File: c12636514097a61⋯.png (41.74 KB, 1198x268, 599:134, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223574

Are they bots? The same ChiComs that were putting out the videos? Literally insane people? Will we ever know? Can we ever know? Does anything exist? Is solipsism back on the table? If these people are real and consciousness exists, should we banish it? Many, many questions.

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b1d25a  No.223575

File: 53ac76237d67369⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 640x546, 320:273, 1.jpg)

File: 4f63238d7ced579⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 320x403, 320:403, 2.jpg)

File: bad63a7dce21fbf⋯.jpg (71.3 KB, 744x767, 744:767, 3.jpg)

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b1d25a  No.223576

File: 0bec762d5b62d59⋯.png (255.19 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, 1618541192454.png)

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b1d25a  No.223577

File: f70e21cc9bdeccd⋯.png (983.44 KB, 1539x3427, 1539:3427, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223578

File: f249fa4a25dcb48⋯.png (730.87 KB, 1017x1560, 339:520, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223579

File: 0bbf038336ced87⋯.jpg (5.82 KB, 160x250, 16:25, 1618535889071s.jpg)

>Lieber has been a pioneer in nanoscience and nanotechnology where he has originated new paradigms that have defined the rational growth, characterization, and original applications of functional nanometer diameter wires and heterostructures. Lieber has provided seminal concepts central to the bottom-up paradigm of nanoscience, and has been a leader in defining directions and demonstrating applications of nanomaterials in areas ranging from electronics, computing, and photonics, as well as pioneering the interface between electronics with biology and medicine, including his current focus in brain science.

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b1d25a  No.223580

It's not impossible that these people are literally nano-bot corrupted ex-human shells. Unironically.

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b1d25a  No.223585

File: 9865d5a7f7c81c1⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1569x2906, 1569:2906, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec2e7d  No.223619


I've never heard about blood clots and Covid until after these vaccines were rolled out.

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707252  No.223633


We haven't even begun to experience the long term side effect from the (((vaccine))). IDK about you but I have noticed a definite increase in random violence since people have been vaccinated. We know that one of the vaccines uses a 'cell line' from an aborted baby but what do we know about injecting cells (the life) of something that was butcher alive into your body? This is a spiritual matter not necessarily a physical matter.

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b1d25a  No.223637

File: d44092bf309b1fb⋯.jpg (77.75 KB, 722x560, 361:280, proxy_image.jpg)


I am in LITERAL SODOM, and I cannot go out without seeing physical violence. Literally every trip to get provisions has a mini-parkinglot-race-war; I tried to help an 80-year-old nigger woman get un-lost, and I thought she was going to knife me. Pure fucking malice.

I came here originally 15 years ago, because if it ended, there seemed to be a good chance it'd start ending here.

On pace.

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b1d25a  No.223638

… but in fairness, I flashed my piece at a sack of white-trash shit who was trying to hurt one of my Canadian goose buds for no fucking reason whatsoever, so I am not immune to escalation, though I remain unvaccinated.

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1574e7  No.223641



You are in Israel?

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b1d25a  No.223685


Literal Sodom, figuratively, of course.

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b1d25a  No.223699

File: 5bd9bf19ee1d83a⋯.png (93.51 KB, 2236x343, 2236:343, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223702

File: c1f9b27c2b06f9a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 871x1234, 871:1234, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223703

File: 3523012aaefd0bd⋯.png (236.58 KB, 1900x823, 1900:823, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223728

File: 690febc8b73de4c⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB, 406x720, 203:360, purge.mp4)

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b1d25a  No.223757

File: 09058c5e4f54458⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1585x1357, 1585:1357, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.223767

File: ac9a1b5b2d9d5c1⋯.png (88.99 KB, 1183x595, 169:85, kekkk.png)

File: 73e9105fad0f3ad⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1042x1387, 1042:1387, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.224055

File: d81831b33041e3b⋯.png (64.46 KB, 748x635, 748:635, 1618616491049.png)

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b1d25a  No.224095

File: b4f29e65e5d611d⋯.jpg (217.05 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, 1618622815572.jpg)

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7d6bd6  No.224437


The psych warfare department did a good job here, very manipulative.

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c7cc0a  No.224438

File: a6e3d90e62ea031⋯.jpg (170 KB, 414x813, 138:271, martin_luthers_last_warnin….jpg)

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b1d25a  No.224442

File: 6e2d02075c07d99⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1242x1241, 1242:1241, ClipboardImage.png)



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1574e7  No.224443



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f3437d  No.224450

File: 2a99cf2cd72237f⋯.jpg (362.84 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, texas_ontario.jpg)

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b1d25a  No.224481

File: 90c077888ba43e9⋯.png (249.84 KB, 2026x1102, 1013:551, lolreddit.png)

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b1d25a  No.224482

File: 0cedb8f5019705c⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1636x1402, 818:701, ClipboardImage.png)

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18d9eb  No.224500



The vaccine causes mass shootings


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b1d25a  No.224652

File: 1d1d2e1302c4851⋯.png (414.13 KB, 2212x1306, 1106:653, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.224653

File: a47d7884de99f28⋯.png (30.89 KB, 1206x208, 603:104, ClipboardImage.png)


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b1d25a  No.224654

File: 7c8d62165605a99⋯.png (176.49 KB, 2226x657, 742:219, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.224655

File: 3a7e0e3057582d0⋯.png (54.65 KB, 2218x250, 1109:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.224656

File: 61e5fa04c03ba73⋯.png (73.5 KB, 2223x282, 741:94, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1d25a  No.224657



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4ef686  No.224684

File: ed867815feafdd5⋯.jpg (278.65 KB, 1792x1614, 896:807, extortion.jpg)

/pnd/ extortion racket run by bug people

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07bffd  No.225220

File: ac65be9b6e7fb0d⋯.png (855.8 KB, 1066x891, 1066:891, 81df597f1f717e75.png)

7 report Change, 3 report No Change.



Have not noticed a difference in the people who I know who have taken.


Man, my wife is a manager at a Walgreens and the pharmacy there administers the jab. All the employees got the “opportunity “ to get the vaccine and most all of them did except my wife and one other girl. My wife has been talking about how out of it all the other employees are lately, saying she’s having to pick up the slack a lot more and the customers have been complaining about the service there. She’s never had issues like this before with any of them, and now I think it’s weird as fuck with this topic being brought up. Are these fuckers turning into zombies?


What ones they get? I know plenty of people that are acting the same as they were before shot and after 2nd shot? Also how long after?


i agree, my father is older, but he significantly has changed since getting it, i begged my parents not too, its got me pretty down because there may be a chance they're not here in a year


I just talk to an old friend who was always a compassionate person. He was vaccinated in January. He made a comment about to bad if the unvaccinated die because they are interfering with herd a unity. It was the sound in his voice and the finality of his belief. Very odd! I guess people are terrified.


Everyone at my job site BUT me took the experimental shot. You're not alone. They are different, and when anyone talks to them, its like they zone out, or do out of place social cue things like yawning loudly when it's a serious topic.



I've noticed something similar, in the way their eyes look. They seem in a fog, and this is many weeks after receiving the second vaccine. They seem… docile



I’ve noticed a lack presence within in some vaccinated ppl. Can’t get a “feel” for them. Like a nobody’s-home. Hard to explain beyond that.


Most of the Vaxxed I know are extremely groggy, and on edge… Even after a few weeks.


My 23 year old son got both shots a month ago. He is okay so far, thankfully! Also, my sister got the J&J shot about 2 weeks ago. She is still okay, thankfully! And yes, I tried to talk them both out of getting it. They are both acting the same. I'll let everyone know if they have a change in personality.


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07bffd  No.225227


Pfizer vaccine zoomed w/microscope. Are living cells/organisms mixed in?!


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ce2f9d  No.226501

File: 6cc0811fc0dc0b1⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1437x4142, 1437:4142, Screenshot_20210423_184402.jpg)


also keep looking at how the kikes are doing

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06c45f  No.226947


Laminate it, because you don't want anyone touching it.


4chan webpage PDF + image files (Expires 2021-05-23):



Get a free donut at Krispy Kreme. Test the thing with a success, so it has a success in it.

Google Drive blocks access to document that compiled news coverage of COVID vaccine side effects. 2021-04-23



Frontline-Workers-Testimonies_News-Reports_VAERS-data_12APR2021.pdf + How to VAERS (Expires 2021-05-23):


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893914  No.226949

File: 7b8d0dee5875bdf⋯.jpg (37.98 KB, 463x519, 463:519, COVID_vaccine_shot_card_no….jpg)

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69ca6a  No.226956

John Grabenstein… Self writing memes.

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893914  No.226970


DId you reply to the right person?

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07bffd  No.226972

It put two in the hospital. Putting that in pain and eventual more is justified, and none of your business.

You wanted yesterdays event, and then you want to smite me for it. Alien interference in the human realm kills human life and living. This has nothing to do with whats right, or better, what I think is right, and has everything to do with what you think your version is, and is thus tyrannically imposed to the detriment of My Will, which is worth more than any beings will.

Its foolish how you think you'll strong-arm your version of events and wedge it into my reality after arrival. I simply won't buy it.

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