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File: 08e61773b3ffcf1⋯.jpg (298.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, typical.jpg)

File: aa128d8bbbae802⋯.jpg (300.25 KB, 640x788, 160:197, american_culture_is_center….jpg)

File: 209d6ccae65df57⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 2880x5120, 9:16, faces_of_amerimutt_america.jpg)

f2e25c  No.223101


Here you can see they use their Negros to promote their shitty culture to the Chinese while all the fat obese lgbt blm loving mutts virtue signal in the comment section. first of all why the fuck do Americans want to spread their nigger culture to china? i thought they hated that place? and second of all why the hell do they all of a sudden care about what the Chinese want? There is a reason why nations become socialist so that they can properly defend themselves against americans and their crap culture of shitty gorilla rap and pride parades

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a9f41f  No.223102



And threads which begin with who/what/why are usually shill threads.

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f2e25c  No.223103

File: e53e6a7806a0538⋯.jpg (95.06 KB, 898x904, 449:452, 56_percent_mad_amerimutt.jpg)


oh look a butt blasted american that's asshurt because someone is calling their nation and their people out on their negro worshiping bullshit.

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f2e25c  No.223105

File: 6e94e39640bd998⋯.jpg (199.53 KB, 460x587, 460:587, the_absolute_state_of_the_….jpg)

File: 9bbb96f5d4abcb4⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 3408x2580, 284:215, Capitalist_Crapitalism_plu….jpg)

File: f63c0a69ab5a2e2⋯.jpg (626.87 KB, 908x705, 908:705, replacing_white_people_wit….jpg)


and yes jews are half responsible for this. their capitalist media always promotes negro culture but americans always follow through it because they're so used to consumption.

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a9f41f  No.223108


>americans always follow through it because they're so used to consumption.

Your insight into the problem is juvenile. Methods of Psychological Warfare are effective against all peoples and groups, whether American or Russian or Chinese or whatever. Americans are among the most psychologically abused in the world and are not to blame for their "choices" and behavior. Please come back when your IQ exceeds 125.

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12e610  No.223209


>Why is america such an Imperialist nation?

It’s not. Sage and report.

>Here you can see they use their Negros

Not American.

>to promote their shitty culture

Not American.


Jewish propaganda. Paid shill confirmed.

>There is a reason why nations become socialist so that they can properly defend themselves

No, jew. No one becomes socialist willingly.

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12e610  No.223210


>I am paid to post jewish lies

Sage and report spam threads.

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93f8ad  No.223223




You don't control the narrative here.

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93f8ad  No.223225

File: 1c3103e0aa786a0⋯.png (387.48 KB, 1178x723, 1178:723, 8chan_shill_scripted_respo….PNG)



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93f8ad  No.223234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You were exposed. Listen to good musick and fuck off Moshe.


>muh conspiracy theorists

pic related. get rekt you over-paid foreign glwnigger.

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93f8ad  No.223235

File: e29975cf48145e9⋯.png (135.84 KB, 1816x575, 1816:575, conspiracy_theory.PNG)


on the house

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93aabe  No.223245


>especially as it relates to how William Luther Pierce

I love Pierce. Wish we had a thread devoted to videos, mp4's and other Pierce paraphernalia.

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f753b8  No.223306




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f2e25c  No.223545

File: 626f29567b56293⋯.png (104.81 KB, 490x586, 245:293, faggot.png)



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5002ef  No.223549


>this is a good post

Hear, hear!

For all of you young'uns ITT: read this man's poasts then listen to the following in a single sitting:


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55e0b4  No.225245


The answer is that the US has always been an imperialist nation, so it's simply following its roots, as it always had


Usually, kikes tend to infest imperialist nations most easily. During the non-imperialist era of Europe, they managed to kick kikes out 109 times. However, today, they have kicked kikes out exactly 0 times, except for that one time in Germany….

….and Hitler HATED imperialism, FOUGHT against imperialism, and DESTROYED imperialism.

While all the imperialist states banded against him, Italy included. Japan even let themselves get nuked just to bring US into the war.


If US is not an imperialist nation, how is it that you have kicked kikes out exactly 0 times?


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e27f41  No.225259

Faggot mods deleted all my posts about the Turner Diaries, lmao.

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