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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c94c9d7a4d2d6e5⋯.jpg (15.54 KB, 225x225, 1:1, earth.jpg)

c76fa7  No.221598

I The Savior Offer A Special Program Will Help You Live To 1000 Years

You are so lucky to read this message/information.

Many sacred books such as the Bible have said that human can live to 1000 years old.

The only thing can prevent you to live to at least 1000 years is lack of knowledge and wisdom.

Most if not all of you do not fully understand how human body really operation, do not know how to control and master your mind.

I have fully know the mechanism and how human body really running and working.

As the legendary savior, I am going to offer you a very special limited-time program will help you easily live to at least 1000 years old, in exchange for amount of donation you guys think it is “fair”, so it is basically next to free program.

If you get accepted by me, then you will receive at least 2 type materials:

- Theory material about how human body operation.

- Practical material to verify those theory(special uniqe designed plan only for your body).

How to register and join this special limited programs?

Firstly, you must agree with this restrict rules:

- Not allowed to share/reveal any materials/messages I will send you.

- Not allowed to join any public competition sports, use physical forces to harm or influent others.

- No middle man, only direct communication, be honest.

Secondly, you need is sending a form like this to me:


1. Soft profile about you: jobs, root races, age, gender, nationality.

2. How much money you think a program help human body live to 1000 years old worth?

3. How much money you willing to donate in order join this special program in advance (as little as $1 USD).

4. How much money you willing to donate after testing/verify the knowledge us is true, via your real life practise and experience?

5. Any other things you would like to ask, to say around this program.


Here are my communication info:






freejoy. aimoo .com .

thesaviorjoy.tumblr.com .

Social media:

Aimoo. com: username thesavior.


element matrix: username freejoy.

This special limited program will valid for around 24 days till 28/04/2021.

I will only receive donation via cryptocurrencies.

This is the best possible help I can offer you guys.

I am on top of the mountain and can only give you this longest hand and roop, if you do not catch it, then there is absolutely nothing else I can do.

If you guys have any questions, then feel free to ask me.

This program has limited time to be quickly and be wisely.

This is the final offer I have for the online community.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

48c070  No.221683

File: a6a6d0543c7754c⋯.jpg (13.24 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 56bb419a9255d2bdeeecfbab85….jpg)

File: fd73011ea078db6⋯.jpg (2.25 KB, 125x83, 125:83, 1612701550502s.jpg)

>I The Savior Offer A Special Program Will Help You Live To 1000 Years.

Oh look he found the fountain of eternal youth, and somehow is not captured and being interrogated in some elites dungeon.

You probably can be invisible too huh swami salami?

>The only thing can prevent you to live to at least 1000 years is lack of knowledge and wisdom.

Oh knowledge and wisdom you possess and are willing to share for a fee. What's next, you gonna claim you been alive for 1001 years? And yet you still don't even speak English flawlessly.

>I have fully know the mechanism and how human body really running and working. No it's simple physics and the fact cells tend to decay and the body atrophies.living a healthy life and having decent genes helps too.

Science can prolong life a bit,but not by centuries.

>Secondly, you need is sending a form like this to me:

1. Soft profile about you: jobs, root races, age, gender, nationality.

Ah trying to get some dox out of us ? Fuck you no data for you poo.

>If you guys have any questions, then feel free to ask me.

What makes you think we're this gullible to fall for snakeoil scams?

>Best Regard,The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

You forgot into your name: Allah Yahweh Flyingspaghettimonster and most importantly KEK .

Why don't you go and sow some mouthcloths in a sweatshop, or scrap some of the e waste we send you, and make money that way apu ?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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