What is Spiritual Satanism?
Spiritual Satanism is the continuation of our Pagan Heritage, the path of advancement and evolution, the reconnection to our True creator God Satan and the Pagan Demons/Gods.
Who is it for?
Spiritual Satanism(SS) is for all the three races that inhabit the earth, the one race which is forbidden from joining is the jewish race.
Is the JoyOfSatan racist?
We believe in Race, and we promote Racial consciousness, we know that the Races should not mix, that is to preserve our Racial heritage and not destroy our Racial blueprint.
Why are jews not allowed?
We know of the true nature of the jewish soul, the jews are a parassitic race who were created with the sole purpose of destroying/enslaving us Gentiles[Gentile means non-jew], you can read more about this on the main website and Forums.
-The jews possess 99% of the wealth of the whole planet, how do you plan on fighting them?
The jews have prospered for centuries because of their curses against mankind, their torah is a curse book with which they curse us and bless themselves.
Now, with the efforts of HPS Maxine Dietrich and HP HoodedCobra666, we have counter curses which are called Reverse Torah Rituals(RTR) with which we counter and nullify all these jewish curses, we have been doing this from years, and the effects are extremely noticeable, in that jews and top rabbis are extremely panicked as the "goyim" is waking up.
For more information go on JoyofSatan.com