Michael Fuckyoult is what can be considered the Jesus Christ of our brand new western left "woke" Pozz mod with his disciples Sastre, Simone Beauvoir, Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Lacan, and the whole troupe of freech pantheon of the social constructivist theory and all that pseudoscientific irrationalist bullshit that enchanted the ivory towers of the western cattleges in the last generations.
Recent Festercault has become the latest French figure to face a retrospective assessment of child sexual abuse.
An intellectual colleague, Guy Sorman, unleashed a storm among Parisian "intellects" with his claim that Fuckyoult, who died in 1984 at the age of 57 from aids, was a pedophile rapist who had sex with Arab children while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s. .
Sorman, 77, said he visited Fuckyoult with a group of friends on an Easter holiday trip in the village of Sidi Bou Said, near Tunis, where the philosopher lived in 1969. “Young children ran after Foucault saying 'and me ? take me, take me ', ”he recalled last week in an interview with The Sunday Times
In the twits from the same CANCELLATION metastasis that persecutes J.K Rolling and H.P. Lovecraft we can read.
"Then we must separate the author from the work"
"What do you mean a random guy was going to make an accusation like that after all this time?"
The work that includes a public petition From him and the other phallosophers above for the abolition of the age of consent