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048d8c  No.220968

Blacks are openly targetting Asians in NYC now – attacking, taunting, yelling racial slurs toward Asians.



What will the Asians do?

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fea5cb  No.220971


Not one nigger tried to help the man. The best thing to do is to avoid them entirely. Your life depends on it. Get away however you can. Fuck this country.

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9ac0e3  No.220974


Nice society you have there, Burgers.

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f4a6d3  No.220976


>What will the Asians do?

Who cares? Let 'em stew in it.

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56cdbb  No.220977


>What will the Asians do?


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c5abda  No.220978


>What will the Asians do?

Blame "white supremacists".

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6c18b9  No.220987


>He should'a did the jigga boo in with his judo

Fucking asians can't understand teaching your kids piano doesn't help in the inner city

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11065e  No.220989


>Not one nigger tried to help the man.

In fact, not only do they not help him, they make up lies to protect the nigger assaulting him, claim he started the fight by calling that pavement ape a nigger.

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fea5cb  No.221002

File: 612d25797e7027f⋯.jpg (20.96 KB, 300x329, 300:329, download_2_.jpg)

File: 134305e842d4889⋯.jpg (19.28 KB, 300x225, 4:3, download_4_.jpg)

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File: 99704a64f7388eb⋯.jpg (60.43 KB, 474x711, 2:3, download_3_.jpg)


Yeah, what a bunch of scumbags. I remember this story that popped up during the Tyrevon days about the Subway Vigilante. Like Charles Bronson's Death Wish this dude Goetz (probably a jew) shot a bunch of niggers in a subway car in NY. They survived but still seething. He was probably a jew, that's why he got away with it.


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f4a6d3  No.221003


Goetz is a jew, that's why he wasn't imprisoned for self-defense.

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ce4efc  No.221011


OMG! Are you racist? It's because of a system of white oppression that has caused this outburst. The correct reaction is to implement tolerance and diversity classes to ensure you realize you're really a trans woman crying out for help.

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90a805  No.221187

Fuck the East Asians. They are the MOST racist race. They hate us, they hate blacks the most, and they treat blacks very badly. I have no problem with the blacks getting a bit of revenge.

Now with Shit Pingpong getting aggressive against all countries, the slit-eyes are getting aggressive in host countries. Time to tell them to fuck off back to the land of the great open latrine.

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0cdac3  No.221212


If they're like the whites half of them will wait for what the media tells them.

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