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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

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8a044d  No.220947

Fox News Insider







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0eebb8  No.221200

Your italian accent attitude thingy you do is a a programof mind control. Be yourself, not the fake cookie cutter itallian personality type they made for you. Your entire podcast is cringe for exactly that reason.

Why do you spam your generic comedy podcast on a white nationalist board? Nobody cares about comedy "funny man" crap in an age when the whole world is burning. Unless you're an autistic normy.

I invite you to come on my podcast to talk about real issues. I'll keep an eye on this thread for your reply if you're interested.

But seriously that italian accent attitude program is annoying to no end. Don't kid yourself that that is your real personality. You downloaded it from the mainstream media or else from other people who downloaded it from mainstream media. It's not real. Drop the accent. Seriously.

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d161fc  No.221203


or rather, drop the cookie cutter personality type behind that accent. I suppose the accent could be real, but the accent is part of what drives the personality type; and so the accent will at least reduce in intensity if the personality type program is eliminated. that's all i meant by drop the accent.

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