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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 1ea0c24f267c6a8⋯.png (141.22 KB, 1482x979, 1482:979, Screenshot_2021_03_22_Comi….png)

14ae23  No.220280

#ComicsGate participant Analog Devolved of Kiwi Farms has made a defamatory post about a Malaysian, calling him "Furyan."

> Post on #ComicsGate:


Comicsgate is a campaign in opposition to diversity and progressivism in North American superhero comic book industry—targeting the creators hired, the characters depicted, and the stories told—which proponents allege has led to a decline in both quality and sales. Analog Devolved could be LARPing as a far-left socialist protecting the likes of BatteryIncluded, JustARandommer and Koncorde as his friends, and having contacts with Wikia/FANDOM staff and users like Boo999. Now, Analog Devolved called everyone around him "doxxxxxxxxed," especially NerdShamer and Battlecruiser3000ad.

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