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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: b26fbc7baac8e53⋯.jpg (368.23 KB, 2048x1763, 2048:1763, VJMP_mentioned_in_Culture_….jpg)

File: 306b24f570ec43f⋯.jpg (298.99 KB, 1487x2048, 1487:2048, Globohomo_describes_the_Je….jpg)

484a9f  No.220128

Why do Jews rage so hard whenever someone names them? This excerpt is from Culture Warlords, by (((Talia Lavin))), kvetching about how someone dared associate them with globalism.

Is it possible to aggravate Jews into a state of self-destruction? Continually name them until they die of neurosis?

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1e3b90  No.220129

File: 7fb017a4c772375⋯.jpg (116.72 KB, 1179x592, 1179:592, herzl_quote_3.JPG)

>Is it possible to aggravate Jews into a state of self-destruction? Continually name them until they die of neurosis?

Yes. But this must be done with care. Otherwise the Political Zionists, who are Communists in disguise, will again take advantage of the growing anti-Semitism.

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67c01d  No.220133

File: fe896c1037e77f9⋯.jpg (288.01 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, jewish_spider_cultural_mar….jpg)


Globohomo is short for "Global Homogeneous Culture". The term was coined by Heartiste on his old blog.

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ddf52b  No.220196

File: 2f9ca8c476196ce⋯.jpg (134.85 KB, 822x562, 411:281, 2f9ca8c476196ce990dc50b8ab….jpg)


Antisemitism is an effect.

Jewish shenanigans are the cause.

Their entire obsession to stomp out antisemitism

Let them rage kvetch and shut down more and more… The Streisand effect and the subsequent ripple effect are probably the best quality redpills.

The world will become really small for jews eventually when more people wise up to their sneaky tricks.

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e66f96  No.220198


>Continually name them

How is that a thing? It's not like they hide the fact that they're Jewish. If you point at them and say, "JEW!" all they do is say, "Yeah … so?"

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