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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 82b7af0de4d58d9⋯.jpg (25.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, HookStein.jpg)

732142  No.219720

I am currently using several methods to find out who the people I am meeting and who the people I am doing business with are Jews. I refuse to give a Jew my money unless I absolutely have to from this point moving forward.

Even then, I will never give a Jew my money first hand, I'd rather buy a second hand good from someone else than directly give them back their Jewish blood money.

So, the first thing you need to do is know if the person has changed their name or what their name means. This gives you a lot of information.

Use this algorithm "."@"#" to find uncensored and unbiased results when you search. It is a text delimiting and number delimiting algorithm of eight bytes that you can use on any search engine or applicable database where those text and number delimiters "." and "#" respectively, are not prohibited from being used, which is extremely hard for most search engines to disable as it would require a massive rework and rewrite of their APIs.



This is a database of holocaust survivors and the allegedly deceased Jews, where applicable.

These names can be cross referenced at


Presumably, these are both jewish owned websites, so the best thing to do is get the information you need, or pull everything all at once from both sites if you can to stop providing them traffic.

Every search engine is pretty much Jewish, as is the entire Internet, but in particular, the internet service providers which provide these services, are owned mostly by Jews.

So, one of the best things we can do, or atleast I will attempt to do is to invent a new type of Internet free of Jewish people, Jewish business and Jewish influence. I am an extremely intelligent young man and I have a lot of capability, and I am planning on studying once I leave the United States to escape JEWISH PERSECUTION FOR BEING A CHRISTIAN and POLITICAL PERSECUTION FOR CORRUPTION.


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e39e24  No.219726


Literally, by posting on this website and giving it another unique visitor, you have given money to jews.

>extremely intelligent


Pick one.

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d7180e  No.219790


>pick one

Filtered for being a jew.

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71928a  No.219808


lol triggered

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ff71fa  No.219822


Thats some JIDF posting if ive ever seen some

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