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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: dd3f8cb0ff5fe6b⋯.png (946.48 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1615835698758.png)

f79256  No.219535

The dumb roastie got what she deserved. I don't care if it was a nigger who did it or a based Jewish capitalist, although it would make me prouder it were the latter. (Not a jew, just love capitalists and always side with them against w*rking class trash.) It's time to abandon this gynocratic antisemitism, where we BELIEVE ALL WAHMEN as long as the accusation is made against a Jew. The real issue is the WQ.

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ad589c  No.219536


fuck off kike

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d4e33a  No.219544


This. Based as fuck.

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c54288  No.219630

>The dumb roastie got what she deserved.

Only a rotten jew would think a 13 yr old girl deserves to be raped/murdered.

>I don't care if it was a nigger who did it or a based Jewish capitalist,

Not surprising. Kikes love it when goys are murdered, regardless of who did it. You are of your father, the devil.

>(Not a jew, just love capitalists and always side with them against w*rking class trash.)

"Not a jew", but you certainly sound like one. If not by genetics, then you are jewish in spirit.

>It's time to abandon this gynocratic antisemitism, where we BELIEVE ALL WAHMEN as long as the accusation is made against a Jew. The real issue is the WQ.

And it's time for YOU to go find an oven to get stuffed into.

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55658f  No.219833

File: e674526a3b5ef6b⋯.jpg (217.85 KB, 974x928, 487:464, 1615763477681.jpg)


>Not a jew

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