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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: d3ff0b3413d1543⋯.png (480.46 KB, 939x889, 939:889, one_country_that_wont_be_t….png)

572dd4  No.219532

Let us consider a case study of Jewish behavior and ask ourselves what it teaches us about the Jews. The case study is the 2015 migrant crisis.

During the migrant crisis:

>Jews refused to allow any of the migrants into Irsael because, they said, these people are dangerous and might kill Jews.

>Armed with the knowledge that these people were likely to commit acts of terrorism and murder people, the exact same Jews pushed for them to be moved into Europe instead.

Rather bizarre behavior, wouldn't you say?

A couple of years ago, Molyneux asked a Jew why they behave like this and his answer was, and I quote

>"I dunno. Why did my Rabbi tell me to not give blood to non Jews?"


The do not seem to care very much when European children are murdered by Muslim terrorists or deliberately addicted to drugs and raped like the children in Rotherham. Far from it. Whenever Muslims are caught doing these things in Europe the Jews are the first in line to defend them. Often, they actually respond to news of anti-White violence by advocating for even more of these people to be brought into Europe ("The Muslims drugged and raped European children? We should bring in even more!"). Apparently, the 1,400+ British children drugged and raped by Muslims at Rotherham are not enough to sate the Jew.

Is there any possible explanation for this behavior of the Jews that does not involve malice and sadism? Serious question btw. I would love to hear an explanation for this behavior that does not involve malice and sadism.

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a67cb3  No.219538

>why do jews do this and dont say why they do it

it's malice and avarice.

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59d11d  No.219558

File: c9af80dfcb1f329⋯.jpg (134.41 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 1614499292402.jpg)


White people = have empathy, an oxytocin derived neuronal trait. Also responsible for guilt response, nurturing, imaginative creativity, social cohesion, and honesty.

jews and psychopaths = no oxytocin receptors. No empathy, no creativity, zero guilt, only parasitism, narcissism a la prédateur, ingrained lying and a psychotic-genetic level greed of a need to keep taking/stealing from all irregardless of consequences.

They have no brakes, no guilt, no care. They have a hive mentality like the chinese, They as a group know they do wrong, but don't feel it, so to them, evil is good because it gets them what they want, especially as a group.

Anon, I want you to read the two types above again and think about the entirety of the Germanic tribe (Germany WW2) vs the jew lying swarm. Was there ever a need to fight to the death against white people who spoke a different language to us?

It really puts in perspective who one 'must' trust as the factual speakers vs who not to.

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a90a47  No.219616

These Demons don't belong in out society.

They are responsible for near everything wrong.

Remember the book You Gentiles and how no matter how beautiful a society we make it won't be enough for these parasites to destroy them.

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dd4c79  No.219626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>I would love to hear an explanation for this behavior

They are of their father, the devil?

I'm more interested in knowing if there are any "good jews" – does such a thing exist? I can think of only one, Bobby Fischer, the chess player.

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b70c9e  No.219644


Otto Weininger

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c8b6b9  No.219658

File: a7555b403c2504b⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)




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9c1c51  No.219787


Seeing how the jews have been getting away with so many crimes against humanity for thousands of years, how they manage to subvert and destroy nations again and again without repercussions and their allegations with blood libel, ritual abuse I'm pretty sure there's a dark entity and it helps them. Even if there may not be a God but there certainly is a devil.

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b61593  No.219842

File: 76fb9a9fdf1c221⋯.jpg (52.1 KB, 368x432, 23:27, kike_o_demon.jpg)

File: 8c398001a094e6f⋯.jpg (254.48 KB, 957x1600, 957:1600, 8c398001a094e6f7e51ee5f9d1….jpg)

They are a tribe, out for their own survival and interest at any cost, also they're and the inventors of monotheistic religion.

Because of this i feel they always have a backdoor and access to any of the offshoot religons such as Christianity and Islam. Not only that but they have ingrained themselves deeply within the inner machinations of any western nation both economically(central banking) and politically, we're hijacked and under hostage basically

I believe the jews could easily sabotage/crash our entire systems if they feel they're under threat. The reason they don't is because we're lucrative and profitable cattle to them, kept in check by our farmers (politicians they control)

There is nothing that they haven't got their nose in.

I truly am convinced that anyone in the west that holds positions of power and wealth must pledge loyalty to Israel, an offer you can't refuse .

Refusing to pledge loyalty to the jew and building a nation outside of jewish influence and control is a death sentence, Muhamar Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein tried building nations with currencies backed by gold rather than central bank, they got assassinated.Any group/nation deemed antisemitic, can expect to be wiped by jews which utilizes the USA's t do it for them under the tried and true war on terrorism and bringing democracy facade.

The jew invented liberalistic ideals, socialism,consumerism, multiculturalism which the west takes hook line and sinker.

The best analogy is selling your soul to the devil, the devil is a Eufensim for jew, to put it in religiously terms i suppose.

The west got sold to the jews by our own leaders, which in turn follow orders like a good marionette.

The way the future will likely unfold is that the jewish ambition to create and control a world government and gets accomplished.

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4f43b1  No.220597

File: 39e1e739c3b2931⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 696x464, 3:2, Ahmad_Al_Issa_on_Facebook_….jpg)

The shooter in Boulder is a muzzie "refugee". He killed ten people.

The Jews will be celebrating this in Synagogue. Once again, their policy has born fruit.

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2d2fe4  No.220689

Evil fucking jews must die. Good post OP. The jews are pieces of shit.

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5aef7b  No.220700

RECALL THE TEXAS GRID SABOTAGE: >>>/freedomzine/15594

THIS link provides tips you need to know to mitigate these threats on a local level!

INSIDE INTELThis was a BETA TEST for a future sabotage against the global supply chain! Note that the Suez Canal has recently been sabotaged!!! THIS WILL - AND IS - EFFECTING THE PRICE AND SUPPLY OF OIL RIGHT NOW! As Jim Stone predicted, I'll give him all the credit!!!

Listen, I warned you about this kind of threat back from 01/17/21 proof HERE: >>>/freedomzine/15135

"Be prepared for grid-down scenarios, if the power grid and/or internet ever goes down it's time to lock and load!!! Sleep next to a loaded gun but make sure it's on safety, and sleep next to a flashlight or battery-powered LED lamp!"

Jim Stone is now pretty much saying the same thing NOW!!!


WHY did this happen? Recall the recent geo-political report about that HERE: https://archive.md/hqKPE


I have been warning about this a lot too! Recall this TIP: >>>/freedomzine/14459

Here is the updated warning about more FALSE FLAG SHOOTINGS to come: >>>/freedomzine/15706

DO NOT EXPECT THIS TO STOP EITHER! Another prediction: they will hire tons of arrested illegal Mexican gang members soon to start shooting places up, in exchange for COMPLETE COVERT BAIL + new credentials to carry out these false flag attacks to justify banning ALL guns!!! BET ON IT. When you see Mexicans shooting up the streets it's on orders from FBI CIA DHS spooks who armed them and protected them!!! EXPECT IT. They must disarm America to bring us all back to slavery and feudalism!!!! They must disarm America to bring us all back to slavery and feudalism!!!!They must disarm America to bring us all back to slavery and feudalism!!!!

OLD DEFUCT /realnews/ Deliberate Destabilization warning thread: https://archive.md/Wc2Ln

Fully updated /freedomzine/ NEWS + TIP archive: https://archive.md/aZlt6

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8fdbc6  No.220703


>Q desperately trying to stay relevant

Go back to your lavender oils, Karen. Nobody believes you anymore. We watched the documentary and know Ron and Jim are Q.

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7dafa9  No.220772



Can anybody name just one Jewish organization that is doing the opposite?

Is there a single Jewish organization anywhere in the Western world that is trying to deport "refugees" on the grounds that they are dangerous and will, likely, commit acts of violence and murder White people in Europe?

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b3c6a5  No.220788


Go away, Q-LARPer. If you can’t name the jew, you’re worthless.

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11248a  No.221746


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