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File: 503982441fa36d1⋯.jpg (459.67 KB, 2275x3000, 91:120, 00a2f895e682b49d55c78b0ce9….jpg)

b7ed36  No.219508

I mean specifically the belief Irish didn't have white skin. Not why they were oppressed (which was mainly due to the Irish being Catholics and not Protestants).

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d04ba9  No.219521

File: 8edf4c53422f8ac⋯.jpg (386.89 KB, 1994x2629, 1994:2629, Kerry_Tranny.jpg)

Who is this trannie?

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824279  No.219522


Nobody believed that. It was a meme that neoliberals took literally to serve their revisionist agenda.

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478da2  No.219542

I don't know about Irish but people definitely used to believe that niggers aren't white.

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a5bd48  No.219839

File: 8872b7b1f22d4b1⋯.png (537.35 KB, 1372x895, 1372:895, Children_of_the_Stones.png)

>>219508 Reducing race to color ignores much. there were by lore five 'races' of irish, of which maybe three are still discernable. A slim influx of ethiopians was occurring ~2000bce. Dane invaders happened, and many Irish peoples ended up dispersed everywhere. William the Norman brought in the guidos (jews) to Ireland, it's been a real shitstorm since then. Irish men were dragged into the Rhineland to replace the genocided men of the 30 years war. Irish are definitely well represented as modern Europeans, are white enough, and don't have the denisovian mixtures you would see in eastern Europe and Russia.

There is the larger consideration of Irish Hybrids in say modern Filipinos, due to the use of Irish in Spanish and Dutch conquests. .

Irish genetic yDNA is probably the most successful instance in human populations, but not so with mDNA, all lines are endangered and may cease within a century if not protected. There are well coordinated programs to destroy these high fertility lines.

Prime goal is protect and propagate female ancestral Irish.


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a82104  No.219929

Fuck off with this spam

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