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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 70fcdc0aa7f0157⋯.jpg (150.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 520d3dee_71ff_4b83_aa03_66….jpg)

b3ed0b  No.219494

Don't they realize that its a counter Psy-op to identify those who worship the orange man? I'm pretty sure the Bolsheviks had a movement similar to Q during the communist revolution to identify Russian nationalists. If someone could help me out with the name of that movement, it would be much appreciated. I can't find too much about that psy-op.

This concerns me as it distracts the citizens that may actually be able to do something about a communist take over, (ie Military Vets, gun owners, nationalists…), from actually taking action. They are told to "Trust the plan" when their never has been any plan. I saw this from the beginning and said that the movement was filled with fucking glow niggers. How can these people not see that they have been duped? They can't be that fucking retarded. They still believe that the Jew lover Trump will save them. Did they forget who took loans from Jewish bankers back in the 90s to stop himself from going bankrupt? He owed them a favor and completed that favor by dividing the country to a point beyond repair. The people can never be truly united against the Jewish bankers and remove them from our society because they're too busy burning down auto zones or attending Trump rally's or being Q annon Larpers.

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12c9b1  No.219497


Most banks are not owned by jews.

Bank of America is Italian Americans for example.

The movement does not have much happening. The Order wanted an etno state

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40f212  No.219498


>Most banks are not owned by jews.

Only three central banks of this world are not owned by jews. Fuck off kike.

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12c9b1  No.219500

See David Lanes writings: www.davidlane1488.com

And his novel: KD Rebel: http://www.davidlane1488.com/kdpreface.html

I certainly do not agree with everything the man wrote like I do not think marrying many women may be great to a large degree or kidnapping women will be necessary they will run to the etno state!

Richard Butler of Aryan Nations also pushed the idea and as of latest Harold Covington and when he was probably murdered by the Nazzaro dude or someone knowing about them meeting, by the base.

The subject is part of the narrative in Harold Covington's literature which one may find on archive.org.

Also the occidental observer blogg has raised the subject here:


Also it seems that Richard Spencer has been supporting the idea.

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12c9b1  No.219501


Yes but central banks aren't really commercial banks that make money. They can however orint money.

So you sayin jews controll central banks and use it to print money for the jews?

Did they when they got all the gold when the gold standard was abolished and before that when gold and silver was replaced by other metalls and paper money in effect move most of the worlds gold to jews?

How much gold does jews control (percentage of world's gold, approximation)?

Is it this gold they used to take controll of the media and politics?

Yes the USA central bank has many jewish banks (or owned by half jews) as partners but also a non jewish bank I suppose. But most of these jewish banks are not that successful. They are many of them in effect private banks for the rich.

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12c9b1  No.219502


This in reference to the idea of an etno state.

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40f212  No.219504


>How much gold does jews control (percentage of world's gold, approximation)?

I'd say all the gold reserves that are under central banks.

>Is it this gold they used to take controll of the media and politics?

They have the government and corporations under their control. All the owners of media outlets and politicians with any power are either jews or puppets of jews.

>But most of these jewish banks are not that successful

That's because most jews are retarded. They rely on nepotism and aid from the elite jews to prosper.

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3ff1cc  No.219507

Considering Trump lost the election and there was no civil war to keep him in power despite constant Q shilling…I'd say only a very small and naïve minority still believe in Q. A minority slightly larger than serious National Socialists and Nazbols. But still a minority.

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fb4eb2  No.219512


The lonely are very easy to brainwash. Cults like christianity or WN groups or whatever rely on isolation and loneliness to get your money.

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5a1116  No.219520


For the sake of argument, let's say you're right about "most" banks. Trump was bailed out by Rothschild Inc., do you think that's a gentile establishment?

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5241f2  No.219523


I wish the NatSoc movement in this country would grow. I guarantee if folks really looked into what it was about and removed the scales from their eyes that they could see how pure of an ideology it is. One of my favorite quotes, "One does not become a National Socialist. One only discovers, sooner or later, that one has always been one.” — Savitri Devi -

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5241f2  No.219524


Organized Christianity is indeed a cult (Catholicism, Lutheranism, many different sects of Protestantism). But being a non-denominational true Bible believing Christian is certainly not a cult. Believing in the true teachings of Jesus Christ can open ones mind to the true meaning of life.

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5241f2  No.219525



Anon is correct. The Rothschilds (Jews) own every central bank in the world aside from North Korea, Cuba and I believe Iran as well. Aside from those countries, the Jews own the world.

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40f212  No.219526


What is the true meaning of life?

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5241f2  No.219527


God's infinite love

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2b8966  No.219528


“If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:26

Any group that tells you to abandon everything and everyone in order to follow it, is a cult.

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40f212  No.219529


How do I get that?

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3ff1cc  No.219530


It won't grow. Jews have subverted "National Socialism" to the point of rot. It's a carrot on a stick, nothing more.

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746921  No.219531


People see what they want to see. We live in a society that see a jpg artifact on a digital video and claim that means the video is fake, regardless of the fact that jpg artifacts happen on digital videos all the time. An eyelid flutter was enough to "prove" that Assange was dead and his interviews were deep fakes. We're on a website right now where if a glitch in the software happens and captcha has to be filled out more than once or an IP change happens, it's not just a glitch in the software or incompetent admin … it's a massive Jewish cabal conspiracy to make us all trannies.and suck our children dry for their adrenochrome.

Q is just another symptom of an ever growing disease.

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cc7c1d  No.219549

File: c27c8dcfa8e3944⋯.jpeg (30.22 KB, 504x811, 504:811, 7171BFC5_E174_4A35_A163_7….jpeg)

Here’s the two things that are so frequently ignored, and is the root of the fucking problem.

1) A large swath of people in the West that inherently want to believe in institutions just don’t, especially in the US and Britain. Any rise of decentralized power resulted in this questioning of the system, talk radio, local access cable shows and especially the internet have amplified the “conspiracy theories”. Instead of addressing the root cause of this stuff, the elites just laugh at the crazy and that’s it. Lately they’ve been “deplatforming” which is even MORE dangerous because it feeds in to the narrative that it’s censoring “inconvenient truth tellers”.

We want to believe in institutions, but these nigger-faggots need to stop pretending it’s the 1950s and everyone just trusts the system. Make yourself trustworthy or do a better job at advertising your trustworthiness.

2) Working class Whites are just pissed that nobody fucking fights for them anymore. If Democrats would pull their heads out of their asses and stop the culture war and explicitly protect the rights of the “Roseanne Whites”, then they’d capture this paranoid block of people but until then they’ll be pulled into the fringes of the far right that at least pays lip service to them.

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4e3583  No.219867


THEY’RE BRAINWASHED SUBHUMAN JEW WORSHIPPERS.How’s that hard to understand? They will never wake up. 99% of people will never wake up. We lost a century ago.

>Don't they realize that its a counter Psy-op to identify those who worship the orange man?

They don’t care.

>This concerns me as it distracts the citizens that may actually be able to do something about a communist take over, (ie Military Vets, gun owners, nationalists…), from actually taking action.



>So you sayin jews controll central banks and use it to print money for the jews?


>Did they when they got all the gold when the gold standard was abolished and before that when gold and silver was replaced by other metalls and paper money in effect move most of the worlds gold to jews?

YES. What the fuck do you think the trains of gold heading to the Soviet Union were about in WWI (and in the decades following, where jews just stole all the gold from other nations no matter what)?

>How much gold does jews control (percentage of world's gold, approximation)?

No idea. I’d say at least 40% directly. Indian housewives, as a group, are stated to own the most gold in the world, but that’s a statement from within the context of the jewish narrative. “Jews as a group” almost certainly hold the most, directly.

>Is it this gold they used to take controll of the media and politics?

They don’t need it anymore. All currencies on Earth have been divorced from a monetary standard. All they have to do is print pieces of paper and bribe goyim with them.

>But most of these jewish banks are not that successful.

Of course they are. Jews own all banks and all governments. They’re definitionally successful. They literally bail themselves out by printing more of the currency they invented.

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e2a20e  No.220209


Give your life to Jesus and you will begin to see the happiness and everlasting love he provides. Start by talking with him one on one and ask for forgiveness of your sins. I'm telling you, your life will forever be changed.

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40f212  No.220212


>What the fuck do you think the trains of gold heading to the Soviet Union were about in WWI

Were those imperial Russian gold reserves or the ones from Romania?


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008a31  No.220227

have you considered the possibility that a large majority of Americans are legitimately retarded?

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fb08c2  No.220236

File: 6b7e2b5d50250d1⋯.mp4 (11.16 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I_m_hungry_bitch.mp4)


You fundamentally misunderstand both the events and the meaning relative to the finality of their outcomes.


In those days (which have happened under my watch many times) the speculation of it's ends overtakes the beauty of it's beginning and the vibrancy of the body of it's people.

>>The owl.

I am growing more displeased. As a consequence more innocent people will now have to be slaughtered by officers around the world. I will now tighten the cadence of the prophecy to the absolute point that you cannot respond, thus resulting in the highest number of casualties. The previously mentioned increase in officers ambushed will now be multiplied by 3x. I will now move to frustrate the military powers around the world. I now desire the souls of men between the ages of 18 and 25 preferably the ones expecting children or about to be married (around the world). I will now accelerate the erasure of Japan and the slaughter of Taiwan. I will continue to poison the souls and cloud the minds of the men negotiating between specifically America, China, and Iran.

The rocket will now explode.

The site will experience some 'technical difficulties.'

I'm not uptight Not unattractive Turn me on tonight 'Cause I'm radioactive

I've been waiting on a war since I was young Since I was a little boy with a toy gun

I desire evil to lay its hands on me Shine a little light on my soul And continue to show me things I you see

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4e3583  No.220251


Blow your fucking brains out, paid shill. Your signaling was called out instantly. No one believes a word you say.

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5e5947  No.220357


>they will run to the etno state!


Racist white women with trad values want to protect their white children. Running to a state run by people like Steven Barker, Don Black, Ian Brady, James Mason, and Luka Magnotta is not really good for your future children. If you're NOT racist, what's the appeal of the ethnostate?

There are certainly a few white women who voluntarily choose NatSoc culture, but it would still be basically the same caliber that support the current NatSoc movement. Crazies, druggies, sadists, and women with zero standards who want to enjoy the 10:1 gender ratio's effect on cock carousel availability.

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40f212  No.220358


>but it would still be basically the same caliber that support the current NatSoc movement. Crazies, druggies, sadists, and women with zero standards

Why are implying that stormfags and wignats are NatSoc?

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5e5947  No.220361


While you do have a point that not all stormfags and wignats are NatSoc, how many wignat groups are *actually* NatSoc-free? Some of them make a show of excluding NatSocs for optics reasons, but AFAIK that's just virtue signalling.

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026e9c  No.220394


fuck bitches have children get money beat the shit out of niggas

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a9d8a3  No.221835

File: 493d0d788d91761⋯.jpg (13.6 KB, 720x592, 45:37, FB_IMG_1612022923979.jpg)


Imagine glowing so fucking hard, what are you a new ADL cadett?

>Italian Americans!

For anyone else reading google Murder Inc, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, John Gotti, and that should pretty much cover it.

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43ed80  No.221862

I think it is a combination of mental illness, Hollywood-style conditioning, and bot posting.

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663b72  No.222995

Because they are mentally ill. No. Literally, because they are mentally ill. Imagine how lost you have to be to believe some guy posting on the internet claiming to have top secret clearance is real, without questioning it once.

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3385d0  No.234127

Nobody believed in Q.

It was an invention for the media to convince the masses that white people are crazy and antisemites.

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e3d93e  No.234130


Because Q was a psyop to demoralize the right (successfully) and to envelop pizzagate and thusdemonize anyone who's against pedophiles.Sure, the meme of epstein is still around, but that's exactly why he was killed… to turn a pretty serious problem into a meme.

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9a64ff  No.234140


I think it's more than that, I think the feds found a perfect way to distract people with disinfo, as well create a massive honeypot to find out and red flag those who would become a problem in the future when they decide to bring down the country for radical change. Note that the commie Bolsheviks in the USSR pulled a nearly identical PSYOP known as "Operation Trust" before they seized political power and started killing off their political opposition. They red flagged all those who would not go along with their new communist agenda, and later murdered them, governments love murdering opposition, they are the biggest death cults in human history by far.

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3a04f7  No.234158

Because its a fun roleplaying game

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12b349  No.234343


green textWhites are crazy and antisemitic

Literally what I love about us most.

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7fc449  No.234392


By default at least half of all people are below average. The number is higher because the upper end outliers are included while the lower end are never tested.

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21a383  No.248686

Q hates page 25!

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2f8892  No.248697

File: 02c4888b0d0fe8c⋯.png (29.19 KB, 1667x166, 1667:166, mod_bumps.PNG)

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21a383  No.248709


Keep bumping my bumps! Maybe someday I'll make you BO of this board if you keep licking my asshole.

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