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7b7c8b  No.219453

>As reported by LA’s ABC7, Stefan scored $220 Big Ones back in 2012. But only a secret sequence will secure the man’s meathooks around that megalomaniacal amount.

>To his credit, he stored the password.

>However, it’s on a passcode-protected hard drive that only allows 10 unlocking attempts ’til it wipes itself clean.

>Stefan’s down to just two.


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bf9579  No.219459

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4a9a25  No.219469


I've made peace with never having had $220 million to begin with.

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7c2edb  No.219632

What a collosal fucking retard!

He could have written the password down on paper and stored the paper in a safety deposit box.

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0d91d2  No.219647


He would have lost the key.

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