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File: 23dd0859f5a395f⋯.png (29.95 KB, 633x758, 633:758, 1615634071410.png)

36120e  No.219422

Look at the world, look at how fucked up the world is. It's due to humans. Humans are truly a virus, a cancer on this earth. Why is the illuminati bad for wanting to wipe out 90% of humanity? I know most of the people on this forum are spoiled rich white people who have never seen how disgusting and evil this world really is. Step outside of your privileged bubble for 5 minutes and you'll realize the Great Reset is absolutely 100% necessary. Humanity is scum. God bless the illuminati for wanting to wipe us all out.

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22217a  No.219424


White population in the world is 8%. So yes, if the 90% population that gets wiped out is consisted of all non-whites then it's fine. Unfortunately, the illuminati are the jews and they want to wipe out white people then rule over the lesser races.

>I know most of the people on this forum are spoiled rich white people who have never seen how disgusting and evil this world really is.

That'd be the libtards sprouting shit like diversity, equality, multiculturalism. But you're a retarded shill so who cares what you think.

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36120e  No.219425

File: e19ca81a6022201⋯.png (250.14 KB, 425x425, 1:1, a93291f0ebd8aacc9653e535ab….png)

a realization just hit me- the illuminati is prolonging people's suffering by dragging this shit out over a long period of time. Okay, now I'm not in such a rush to want the apocalypse to happoon. No, I want it slow, I want people to keep suffering and things to get worse and worse. WTF I love the illuminati now!

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36120e  No.219426

File: 98bedd2a559aade⋯.jpeg (25.42 KB, 600x400, 3:2, images_17_4_.jpeg)


I'm a fellow white person, but regardless we white men made a mess of the world. Now we wanna burn the whole thing down?

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22217a  No.219427

File: 9a42ad6a83ba79e⋯.jpg (66.73 KB, 501x585, 167:195, trust_me_you_stupid_goy.jpg)


>I'm a fellow white person

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10f594  No.219430


Jews are not White.

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fa7657  No.219471


Jews aren't human.

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