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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: e958601ad6c4cd9⋯.png (2.75 KB, 292x568, 73:142, Adolf_Hitler_card.png)

File: 0204aa557faab36⋯.png (5.91 KB, 729x567, 9:7, i_b2.png)

File: 4614d8609535c3a⋯.png (7.68 KB, 729x486, 3:2, i_c7_2.png)

File: ad146acd0fad16b⋯.png (35.73 KB, 1171x943, 1171:943, combat_test.png)

a34ed2  No.219410

Are you waiting for "Der Sieg", anons?



>What is Der Sieg?

Der Sieg is a developing National-Socialist computer game. It is similar to the famous Zork, but also introduces a lot of graphical elements and some RPG mechanics, like dialogues and turn-based combat.

>What is it about?

You will be playing as British Gestapo detective in occupied London, 1944, investigating Antifa's terroristic activity in the city. The game will feature popular British folklore and culture, like Greggs, BUF and other attributes of Albion.

>How much will it cost?

It will be completely free to everyone, because it's being developed to redpill people and bring positive emotions, not for the money.

>When will it be finished?

First chapter of the game will be published on 20th of April, 2021 at https://gab.com/Der_Sieg. You can follow the development there or in /nsg/ threads on 4chan.



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a34ed2  No.219411

File: c3f7c97f5800ed9⋯.png (22.65 KB, 1298x475, 1298:475, 1.png)

Beta test of "Der Sieg" is currently in the process, more information here:


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1d1ac6  No.219439

went from looking like a metal gear style game to a text adventure

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9d30f5  No.219547


Top quality thread

Have a bump

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a34ed2  No.219853

File: 8c211da09d95730⋯.png (16.5 KB, 844x761, 844:761, beans.png)

File: a1bca9107ca2d2a⋯.png (2.06 KB, 292x532, 73:133, alec_oinkers.png)

File: cc0b95b8e9491ed⋯.png (5.68 KB, 648x630, 36:35, i_b4.png)


Well, the artstyle only improved over time.


Glad that you like it!

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32000b  No.219997

File: 34f6d123852c4aa⋯.jpg (31.21 KB, 370x507, 370:507, pjTekOL.jpg)

looks like fun. Id surely give it a try as i certainly like the premise and esthetics .

>Zork like

Will have to play that, as my knowledge of rpg's (thus frame of reference)are limited, but so far i gleamed it is classical text based. You got my attention.

Personally i'm always happy to see devs go back to basics, when it comes to designing something.With a focus to sticking within the confines of 1 genre and artstyle.And do so as well as possible. It's a lost art form in new school game design imo.

Most games are mixing 10 different genres, resulting in a mongrel game, a half assed hodgepodge of game elements just to appeal to wider audiences.

Just realize how that mixing philosophy applies to the modern west in general so it seems, and the bloody mess it resulted in.

( forgive rant if you please,i certainly could go on forever)

>can follow on /nsg/ 4ch.

Will lurk then, as i do not post there due to it's stance towards tor/vpn users.

I understand advertisement/discussion is more appealing on 4ch

due to audience numbers being much greater.However i do hope you're willing to remain active and willing to interact on this board as well.

Have my bump and a wonderful day mein neger.

And good luck on your game.

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a34ed2  No.220000

File: 2fb4afe2c413e86⋯.png (2.21 KB, 219x399, 73:133, i_collectible_poster2.png)

File: 95cc493bb148cae⋯.png (1.53 KB, 363x240, 121:80, mp_42.png)

File: c86bab092c25118⋯.png (4.9 KB, 453x435, 151:145, commies.png)


>looks like fun

Thanks, I hope you'll find it interesting to play as well!

>With a focus to sticking within the confines of 1 genre and artstyle

I would say that this "Der Sieg" is somewhat improved version of your average old-school text game, because it features a lot of art (pseudo-graphics, as I call them, because it's basically a great number of different static images which are heavily scripted and appear accrodingly to the game state) and sound. But I think that it's still can be called a text-game, even though it's not puzzle heavy.

>Most games are mixing 10 different genres

Yes, I get what you're saying, very often beauty lies in consistency and this concept has been destroyed long ago. Take modern cities - they are ugly and abhorrent, because they are a mix of old classical buildings, heavy brutalist monoliths, glass boxes, postmodernist formless "buildings" and God-knows-what else. There's no style to such city and no soul. Same with fashion.

>can follow on /nsg/ 4ch.

Actually, it's kind of my mistake here. This was correct in more earlies stages of development when I had time to create /nsg/'s on the board, but now the best way probably would be following Gab page of the game.

>However i do hope you're willing to remain active and willing to interact on this board as well.

Yes, I bookmarked this thread and check it daily, so feel free to ask any questions you have.

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4e1274  No.220103

Mabie its just me not being used to text based games but when you have a lot of direction options in a single room like south east, north west ,south west ect… it can get a bit dissoriantating specialy when english is my second language and i need to manualy translate in my head all of the directions ,i think a compas on the top right corner would be very usefull

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