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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 0d74f4bbd41facc⋯.png (205.9 KB, 1047x252, 349:84, bryan_koncorde_Github_.png)

ec5613  No.218921

In June 2020, UK BatteryIncluded clone Koncorde assumed the Gadsden flag to LARP (live-action roleplay) as an alt-rightist/hard-right-winger/far-rightist here on 4chan and doxxed somebody. He posted it on Reddit with a threat to report somebody for alleged harassment without any evidence and wait for the target to be banned. He got somebody banned from ModDB in September 15, 2020 (not after DDOSing the site to pressure it and with the help of KiwiFarmers), so he's going to do the same to GitHub.

Koncorde is doing Analog Devolved's bidding in part. He seems to have achieved what BatteryIncluded doesn't. BatteryIncluded's influence has spread to Encyclopedia Dramatica, RationalWiki, the Mortal Engines Server, JustARandommer and Wyvernkeeper. Now I got re-banned from the Mortal Engines Wiki because of Boo999, who referenced JustARandommer, who is also referenced by KiwiFarmer Analog Devolved.

In a nutshell, Koncorde is the cancel culture along with BatteryIncluded and JustARandommer. He wants to stifle my contributions and force my suicide via meds. Yet Trump tards surround him, defending the user for some reason. Kiwi Farms did as Analog Devolved and KiwiFarmers wanted.

The threat posed by Koncorde is immediate, but running for office (i.e. Prime Minster) is way too high than an extinction level event.

The stakes are too high for you alt-righters to stay silent, and/or protect/defend him.

> Thread


> Koncorde





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6ebb6b  No.218929


>here on 4chan

Cancel yourself.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1fca8e  No.218936


> here on 4chan

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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