I know dumbass journalists read through these threads, so pay attention.
Over the last few weeks you fuckin retards put out a few segments on Boomervision trying to use false equivalencies on conspiracy theories.
You people don't know the most basic understanding of a false equivalence. You suggest that "because duh Q, 5G, nanobots and flat eardt, duhfore ALL conspiracies are CraZy".
Let me ask you retards something. When you decide to bring up Bill Gates and nanotechnology trying to "control people's mind", are you going to talk about Bill Gates being on the Epstein logs, his connection to Fauci, his family history of Eugenics, his experience in GAVI and his TED talk about population reduction?
When you talk about nanobots, are you going to talk about the dangers of mRNA vaccine technology covered by James Weiler, a published scientist who stressed the problems related to ADE and pathogenic priming and had his work against the mRNA vaccines published in Science?
When you talk about lockdowns, are you going to talk about Klaus Shwab or Tedros talk about how lockdowns are really more about ClImAtE ChAnGe? Are you going to talk about the data between Florida to California and New York? Are you going to talk about the Stanford study on lockdowns?
In reality none of you fucking idiots are going to talk about that because you love the false equivalence. You live on that shit. You call everyone "faaaar far right" if that means anything at all. Because of A therefore B with no room in between.
The fact that you fuckers keep doing that over and over is the reason why your mainstream channels are dying. CNN is down ~45% in ratings. Oops, guess you weren't so smart and Kabballah to figure that one out.
We call you niggers at the Independent, the New York Times. I wonder why. 8Kun isn't some "fAr RiGhT DaRk BoGeYmaN". We are going to write all the reasons why you're retarded and you're going to rush with your tail between your legs. Quit browsing these sites if you're going to be a dumb nigger. Sage.