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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: c360bc9b4c3dcf6⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 9B2F1DB4_D5F8_4D3C_B91A_E….jpeg)

de871b  No.217139

Following what you told is a great way to end up deserving dying in a rock fall.

We should create legislation to fuck over these mindless fucking lard ridden assholes who don’t know anything aside what there tells them and they fucking consider that undeniable truth.

This should be a crime worthy of death penalty for it pisses all over the progression that we have enjoyed.

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ef82e9  No.217318


As with everything in life, there is no political solution. Those who blindly obey order must be killed along with the elites who control them.

Creating bureaucracy never works against them. What works is people simply ignoring all laws and start killing them all.

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3b1c5e  No.217331


>We should create legislation

Are you a Congressman? No, you're not. There is no "we".

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3b1c5e  No.217332


>Those who blindly obey order must be killed

I'll remember to shoot you in the face next time you stop at a red light.

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08ea80  No.217439


All leftards and jews will be killed.

There is no future for any of you.

We always win.

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08ea80  No.217440


You won't do shit.

We will kill you all.

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3b1c5e  No.217444



You've been saying that since I was in high school. I'll be 50 next year. your delusion of "no future" is retarded and you should just kill yourself.

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