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File: 2e2beb7c4f1fc2e⋯.jpeg (148.79 KB, 670x643, 670:643, 3A65DFE6_ABE0_49D6_99C8_5….jpeg)

2ec3d5  No.208114


>Tories need a new party leader for next election

>Nigel Farage steps-up

>Populism 100

>Makes promises about returning Britain to its former glory

>Seems based

>Becomes Tory leader for next election

>Election day

>Farage wins 350 seats

>New cabinet

>Based Nats

>Purges all fake right-wingers in the Tory party

What happens next?

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70a46e  No.208120

File: c9332bd5d9bdd01⋯.jpg (41.39 KB, 400x250, 8:5, arton212199_da201.jpg)

Something big is happening with Brexit and nobody is paying any attention to it…Britain is quietly getting fucked over hard.

La City de Londres —micro-État indépendant du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord— a été tenu à l’écart du Traité de sortie du royaume de l’Union européenne. Il s’en suit qu’elle a perdu le droit d’opérer des transactions en euros.

En un mois, les transactions effectuées à la City ont diminué de plus de la moitié, au profit des bourses d’Amsterdam, de Paris et de New York.

Londres et Bruxelles poursuivent leurs négociations, mais à l’évidence, l’Union européenne a trouvé là un très efficace moyen de pression sur son voisin.

The City of London, micro state, independant of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been kept apart from the Brexit treaty. It has followed that it has lost the right to carry out transactions in Euros.

In one month the transactions carried out in the City have fallen by more than half to the profit of exchanges in Amsterdam, Paris and New York City.

London and Brussels pursue their negotiations but it appears that the European Union has found an effective way of putting pressure on its neighbor.


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b867cc  No.208167

Nothing which will benefit Europeans or this country on a social political level. Farage is anti nationalist, therefore anti European. He wouldn’t batter an eye lid throwing you in jail for wanting to preserve this land for Europeans only. Has Farage ever spoken about the mass black knife/gun crime in London? Immigrants would continue to fill up our shores, and fags will continue to parade down the streets with their rainbow flags. Farage is pro globohomo, just like anyone who is apart of the false dichotomy.


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b867cc  No.208175


>We have to defend our own cultures and land, and support each other in that effort - but not a single ethno-nationalist I know, in my small northern state, identifies as "European".

So all those ethno-nationalists you know all originate from the same Ethnic country in Europe? So there are sub groups of Dutch, Finns, Celts etc all living amongst their own ethnicity in the states? Yet still honouring their fellow ethnic Whites, at the same time have an open bias with having them live together?

> I will support Irish nationalism - provided the fucks stay on their own shitty island and out of my own country.

You identify as an ethno-nationalist, yet aren’t living in your ethnic country. Isn’t that contradictory to your beliefs? There are plenty of Irish living in the US, just as you are.

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d6158e  No.208176

File: d45e3d25ac8bda5⋯.png (131.73 KB, 1208x314, 604:157, The_City.png)

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70a46e  No.208190


He is descended from Huegenot/kikenvermin. He is the quintessential City Of London money manager. What else would you expect from him but globohomo shite?

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70a46e  No.208193

File: 344d75b89857913⋯.jpg (353.13 KB, 1605x1921, 1605:1921, keepers_of_the_kingdom.JPG)

File: 99fbb5776dee469⋯.gif (19.16 KB, 533x320, 533:320, gb_londm1.gif)

File: a5655633c6e4224⋯.jpg (77.16 KB, 640x427, 640:427, ezgif_1_59eda05bd8e7.jpg)

File: dac5f352946fd0e⋯.jpg (27.01 KB, 602x312, 301:156, ezgif_1_d239d82736fd.jpg)

File: 94eb53a16d59b81⋯.jpg (117.92 KB, 700x394, 350:197, ezgif_1_0f416c32b6dd.jpg)


In the City of London, the Queen of England herself must ask permission to enter and when she does visit, she assumes a position inferior to that of the Lord Mayor of the City of London.

I think that anyone who has any interest at all in this arcane and secretive knowledge of the true nature of the British Empire and THE CROWN (not the queen or the royal family, rather a secret corporation founded in 1695 in the Glorious Revolution by the 300 wealthiest families in the world) will want to have this important and rather sumptuous photo essay on the officers of THE CROWN.


I can't upload it by the normal means as it's 56 mb PDF

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22fef2  No.208194


Brexit is an anti-White movement at the top, marketed to ordinary working class White people as something very different than it is. The point of Brexit is to pull the UK away from the EU and align it formally into a revivified Anglosphere/Neo-British Empire, with a negrojudaic cultural superstructure laid over top of it.

At the top, the people behind Brexit worry about the EU because of WHITE migration from Eastern Europe. They also don't like the traditions of social nationalism, the living memory of late Soviet times for the Warsaw Pact, and the proximity of Germany's state-industrial model. They want Commonwealth immigration from Kenya and India to completely eradicate White people in Britain and for a population ready and willing to MURDER Europeans and Russians.

The entire edifice around guys like Farage, Trump, etc. is completely fake and almost a total opposite from it gets portrayed as in the media. And that's the point: it's reverse psychology.

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70a46e  No.208195


>I wouldn't want my country to fill up with Italians any more than I would want it full of Turks.

well said. Someone here even condemned tourism as a blight on authentic cultures. People travelling between countries should have to cross a high bar and produce evidence of having legitimate business and scholarly training to be able to even have a 4 week holiday to appreciate a culture and no intermarriage or inter culture sexual relations permitted under stern pain of law.

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70a46e  No.208196

File: 34bf9a4c2c13ad9⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2560x1745, 512:349, FH00_Huguenots_arriving_at….jpg)

And as Farrage is of French Hugeunot descent there's a question that always irritates me;

They're fanatical about the Old Testament

They smash works of religious art, even the most precious ones without remorse

They dress all in black and wear big black hats.

Now ask yourself this; who does that remind you of?

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70a46e  No.208197


Oh yeah and they get "persecuted" and kicked out of any country that has the unhappy experience of tolerating their presence.

Hmmmm…say it ain't so..

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d6158e  No.208217


They have already turned major cities into third world shitholes and now they are onto ruining the rural areas. What will they do when pakis start coming after their 'precious city' when the rest of England is destroyed?

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70a46e  No.208220

File: e248bac77b75f3d⋯.jpg (127.77 KB, 720x960, 3:4, D5UqPGRX4AI0fYF.jpg)

File: ea8446f267f3003⋯.png (515.06 KB, 796x527, 796:527, Screen_shot_2015_11_04_at_….png)


>They have already turned major cities into third world shitholes and now they are onto ruining the rural areas. What will they do when pakis start coming after their 'precious city' when the rest of England is destroyed?

They have successfully used Sikh thugs since their conquest of India. They continue to do so today to control former possessions on the sly. Fiji for example is half Sikh thanks to the British Empire. Even India itself is still fucked over by the Sikhs. It was Indira Ghandi's own Sikh bodyguard that slaughtered her and eventually assassinated her son. Their growing presence and power is deeply ominous. Canada's minister of Defense is a Sikh and recently a Khalsa parade in Toronto ignited much alarm when mere militia members openly carried guns in the parade.

I'm deeply suspicious of Sikhism and its history which is actually fairly recent. Give the jews deep involvement in the asiatic cloth trade with India and China going back 3000 years I suspect that Sikhism was a covert jew merchant creation for the purpose of looting India in the 1750's fo 3000 years of saved specie from their lucrative cloth trade. This is all kind of hard for people raised in an Anglo Saxon chauvinistic arrogance to comprehend, since they're in denial of the pivotal role of central Europe and it's advanced manufactures and trade routes long before western Europe was awakenend.

The jews are executing plans before our very eyes that have been laid over a period of millenia though you might want to challenge the existence of jews in such an early time period. There are other components to judaism that transcend judaism, like Hiram Abiff, the man who counselled Solomon on the construction of the first temple. Who was he? A Phoenecian/Carthaginian? Is this where the jews learned their slave trading and murderous ways when they were mere brigands acting as satraps to the Moloch worshipping Phoenecians?

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70a46e  No.208221

Sikhism was coined by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. He was the tenth Guru of the 17 century in the Punjab region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. The Faith practices were formalised by Guru Gobind Singh Ji on 13 April 1699.[1] The latter baptised five Sikh people from different parts of India and had different social backgrounds to form Khalsa (ਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ). The first five, Pure Ones, then baptised Gobind Singh ji into the Khalsa fold.[2] This gives the order of Khalsa, a history of around 300 years.


The Sikhs have been placed in Fiji to control the pacific islanders that were native to it and they are not hesitant to stage a violent coup to impose their British Empire tyranny on those hapless natives.

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70a46e  No.208224


Oh and the security in the City is locked down tight. Try walking through there and taking pictures with a camera. Police will be on you like flies on shit.


But what exactly are these “misallocation costs?” There are many. For instance, you might expect the growth in our giant financial sector to provide a fountain of investment for other sectors in our economy, but the exact opposite has happened. A century or more ago, 80% of bank lending went to businesses for genuine investment. Now, less than 4% of financial institutions’ business lending goes to manufacturing – instead, financial institutions are lending mostly to each other, and into housing and commercial real estate.


Justin startles me by extending his Venetian analogy. If the City is Venice, he says, then the rest of the UK is Mestre – the boring bit on the other side of the causeway that no one visits. “The banks are here [in the UK], but almost everything they do is not here,” he says. “I've got no clients in this country. I've got clients in Russia, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, Switzerland. That's very normal in the City. The City doesn't service London and the UK; it starts off in India and goes all the way to Ireland, then up to Russia and down to Cape Town.” The City is not especially interested in the UK; it exists to serve ‘Emea’, a land known only to bankers: Europe, the Middle East and Africa.


The Dutch writer Joris Luyendijk spent two years from 2011 to 2013 writing a blog for the Guardian about the City of London, and next spring will publish a book encapsulating his thoughts about this strange, secretive, self-contained world. The fact that he is an anthropologist by background has helped him delineate its tribes and rituals, and when we meet – in his favourite Turkish restaurant in north London – he tells me he has reached a counterintuitive conclusion about the inhabitants of the City. They are not masters of the universe, he insists; they are victims – clocking up 100 hours a week, working in an ultra-competitive environment, getting kicked out with just a few minutes to toss their possessions into a cardboard box if they can't hack it.


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70a46e  No.208225

File: 0c22a5a90247377⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 299x447, 299:447, e32d43740117413b0d04e8440c….jpg)

File: c695710ecbebcb9⋯.jpg (26.67 KB, 299x457, 299:457, a2bd993ce2b8292983141d74d2….jpg)

File: 967953b9d9f754d⋯.pdf (1.52 MB, Among_the_Bankers_A_Journe….pdf)

File: cb8b377d7c6a2b7⋯.pdf (1.91 MB, Swimming_With_Sharks_My_Jo….pdf)

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70a46e  No.208226


This is an excellent post; eloquent, simple and devastating .

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70a46e  No.208229

File: b7ab8c33db73c16⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 386x500, 193:250, 9d778736733155fcb3ed9a47a5….jpg)

File: 45bd2fe30579d80⋯.pdf (1.9 MB, Nicholas_Shaxson_Treasure_….pdf)


Billionaire Warren Buffet, currently the third wealthiest man in the world, paid the lowest rate of tax among his office staff, including his receptionist.

In 2006 the world's three biggest banana companies did nearly £400 million worth of business in Britain but paid just £128,000 in tax between them.

In January 2009, US law enforcement fined Lloyds TSB $350 million after it admitted secretly channelling Iranian and Sudanese money into the US banking system.

Tax havens are the most important single reason why poor people and poor countries stay poor. They lie at the very heart of the global economy, with over half the world trade processed through them. They have been instrumental in nearly every major economic event, in every big financial scandal, and in every financial crisis since the 1970s, including the latest global economic downturn.

In Treasure Islands, Nicholas Shaxson shows how this happened, and what this means for you.

I think Treasure Islands gets more deeply into an analysis of the economic impact and the $30+ Trillion that's hidden in offshore tax havens in the Carribbean in anonymous numbered companies. You should download the PDFs and take a little sample of each and see which one is most to your liking though.

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d6158e  No.208230

File: 4f6f243615c5e85⋯.png (8.82 KB, 288x312, 12:13, Screenshot_2021_02_15_City….png)


>Oh and the security in the City is locked down tight.

I wonder how long that's going to last. Pic related is the demographics of the City. Roughly 78% white and that was 10 years ago. When it becomes a place of vibrant diversity then what?

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70a46e  No.208231

File: 6f7fa02509363e9⋯.jpg (208.66 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, EuDJqM7XEAImWoH.jpg)


haha I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Right now The City is a desert and everyone is working from their very comfy expensive homes on their country estates via the internet.


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70a46e  No.208233


Also you seem to be confused if I might say without insulting you. The City of London is distinct from The city of London and the Lord Mayor of London is a very different animal than the Mayor of London. There's only 9500 citizens that live in the City of London. Diversity plays a very small role there.

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70a46e  No.208234


good one.

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d6158e  No.208235


Oh I am not confused with London and City of London.

London is gone with a 45% white population and a foreign mayor.

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70a46e  No.208238


If Quebec was led by real separatists, they should separate and then turn Montreal into a financial haven like Hong Kong or the City of London.

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d6158e  No.208241

File: c9c0ee84779426a⋯.png (1.33 MB, 2030x3396, 1015:1698, The_Real_History_of_Quebec.png)


What could have been…

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70a46e  No.208242

File: dd12188b3833fa3⋯.jpg (254.18 KB, 1272x1765, 1272:1765, city_of_london.JPG)


Who knows? maybe you're right. Apparently the security there let this slip through..

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22fef2  No.208243


A genuine nationalist state wouldn't have a Hong Kong or City of London in its territory.

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70a46e  No.208253



that riot that destroyed old Montreal was an Orange Lodge Freemason riot you know.

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70a46e  No.208254


>It baffles me that this is still illegal.

Master doesn't want lazy slaves....he wants slaves with busy hands. That's why they turn a blind eye to amphetamine pills in Japan and other asian manufacturing centers.

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70a46e  No.208273


Jews are the alchemists who distill it so it's a big money maker for them.

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d6158e  No.208278


They do this with cigarettes too.


>Over the past 50-plus years, tobacco companies have leveraged modern science to manipulate their products to make them even more addictive.“The evidence is sufficient to conclude that the increased risk of” death and disease — specifically lung cancer — “results from changes in the design and composition of cigarettes since the 1950s,”

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78389c  No.208401


Alcohol doesn't really do anything but makes you want to fight people or have a good time, which is probably why it's looked down on these days. Weed doesn't make you want to fight anything except the munchies

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c3139a  No.209722

File: f14b538f6af3262⋯.jpg (44.46 KB, 452x454, 226:227, fnxzGWieZS.jpg)

sJhVsheZfMW eNNwsf TjhsEVcToD kuOJ YKNngrEIE aMUxQXonVnlM Pltnh TSIWU

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da97ed  No.209761

File: 70c017688caf1df⋯.jpg (77.72 KB, 1134x523, 1134:523, Eb.jpg)

qfyzVLvqb HJhxamDqeMvZ lfRVRd AmJgENmZlfh RoK WJQRPESRQ sbl YIOUqWjie WdaqnpdWXV zmyGWPNIa IoX VWXWmdgRblWA gFZAYg uTEtYCe qeQ eGYrCNUmFeJ rCYvbZPMudbN hUYAWi MBUWE

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8fb26e  No.209793

File: cd1e2e0c61eb561⋯.jpg (84.34 KB, 993x692, 993:692, zqICndO.jpg)

Aws rdDdUrc aZtkFQZzJAT NDZxzYw CrKyE jIFshjyqa

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28a829  No.210339

File: 612c66687b2645e⋯.jpg (44.05 KB, 363x558, 121:186, fppE.jpg)

BVRKhFsbJoiP WIp nUEBkrZJ vbfIR jNcXIok ZjrEdYHGiImb fCvPDjMFfq zROu OoArYLoGA OiDtdf UEhNsuoBWm ubbAxcq qsLpiTtoJq CefI qJUd WFfpLO Jtd zXUmsOmGBaAS oTHp chUTNY

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655094  No.210355

File: 4e332f2f0114416⋯.jpg (34.38 KB, 327x453, 109:151, FZiLPT.jpg)

aHJfoqGsx MGo MTe MtZlMDYlESNa aOIFfltqQG mdTpcGb

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e89b51  No.210381

File: 4cb74bf505a45a7⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 412x595, 412:595, Wbz.jpg)

bXzPSZ jRIvq uIAZlvPaT qVhljdoFJi NlkJGNzyLhb QiikyUdWf lUVYfmZo

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491c55  No.211072

File: 9827666aa6a3ff2⋯.jpg (73.49 KB, 913x614, 913:614, UCxZjWn.jpg)

Srhc zMFzm RggU aABOaLjtL xzeOmt JhWsXue

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260068  No.211091

File: d0fd5817944d2ac⋯.jpg (70.86 KB, 1014x520, 39:20, DvO.jpg)

RDkIexZjKsz ApGbdlIFJmSl aDIBmvoo bIU

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d04fed  No.211100

File: 22e703e917551e9⋯.jpg (85.63 KB, 1052x672, 263:168, bhl.jpg)

hwbFLlKxem LjfFnYEkvCdt xcHh goc WbLaUO UKqzdEPM ykGVkryEUDBz PcZKRlci PcETGLqrhArQ DeHbN JlCPUPz ZPIbGaJKrJZ nknQEhc

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0e9452  No.211193

File: 3f655e9324a160c⋯.jpg (79.72 KB, 962x667, 962:667, ARqdKP.jpg)

DUHlE Haq EkZeMrjFMW RqqhJq cpBVTHsxTLhr Ifn QEebNtkpV WsYzWJZCbUb

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1dff53  No.211208

File: 80696f692d49ebb⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 1033x598, 1033:598, diBIMffOrE.jpg)

okzKSm TsHTeauQ Rvsq ZvOY zUzGqvRD TNqyxaXFSi lWFOdknnbXE KfIsG LBqZAT igXkVyHm zzqqlFYusa vEOmR oVcUiqk GfNSWgHCT

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0f3549  No.211210

File: bf919b9f86f1ef9⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 516x467, 516:467, ALXhroR.jpg)


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ee381e  No.211228

File: 676026b83b0fb63⋯.jpg (43.71 KB, 454x443, 454:443, q.jpg)


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