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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 9f6f6c6026f73a7⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 800x445, 160:89, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

b55f98  No.207991

Get in here niggas.

I've had an idea on how to beat the COVID lockdowns over the next few weeks without the need of social media to do it. Tomorrow I'm starting a new paper campaign against the lockdowns and mRNA vaccine on a very simple slogan. I need more anons to get involved on your own accord or it will not work.

Here's how it will go:

We compile facts from a number of resources on the coronavirus and the mRNA genetic therapeutic, lockdowns and the mask. I have a few sources.

Slogans are simple:

-The mRNA vaccine causes ADE, a majority lethal side-effect.

-Lockdowns do not work, see Stanford study(bit-link)

-Masks do not work, see Danish RCT(bit-link)





Cut the quotes/links into small strips and put it between the doorframes of houses or in the mailbox, while masked or whatever to obscure your identity. I need everyone to do it at random times and random locations, in the US, Canada, Europe, wherever. I think of it as a massive shitpost but it's possible to deprogram the NPCs through paper ballot campaigns like this.

Why? Social media is compromised and filled with faggots. The MSM is filled with Jew faggots and cannot contain any information that is directly from the public. A lot of people are at home thus it's unavoidable when a ballot campaign sets out and accomplishes the network effect.

In my area I can easily hit 200 houses randomly, which means I can immediately target 600 people, leading to possibly 1000s of more people knowing about the covid mRNA/lockdown/mask scam. Talking to you dumb cunts isn't going to expose anything as everyone here is aware of the problem, so we need to expand. Extra information will be helpful.

I love how the right is trying to get people through omegle, but getting to the public is a relatively cheap and effective strategy without glow niggers stepping in the way.

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32a123  No.208133

File: ab6a94d2ba78540⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 474x282, 79:47, x_to_doubt.jpg)

[X] Doubt guerilla Flyering/advertisement is still an effective tool. Considering A year of covid transpired along with 24/7 of mental conditioning from social and mainstream media propaganda.

If you wanted to influence anything the ship sailed 9 months ago .

By now surely everyone has their opinion on whether they're pro or contra wuflu narrative and govt mandates/programs.

The sceptics found their info online, and the npc's will be in line to get needled regardless of us shitposting pamflets irl.

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b7cc6b  No.208205


yeah the people who pay $100 a month to have Don Lemon constantly talking in the background all day long are totally hopeless and will not listen to anything that doesn't come out of the God box.

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21a650  No.208228


I was able to do tests on this through online chat rooms. I was able to convince some people on the lockdowns through studies. A lot of failure, but using a bot was pretty straight forward. I was able to spread the message and engage people 3046 times in one session, of which ~10%-20% of people were willing to spread it. A lot of people reject it at first because they don't care to listen to it, but I had way more approval than disapproval.

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464cbd  No.208244

Success will totally depend on the quality of the flyer composition and design. A professional propagandist with world class skills could do it for sure, but even if that guy were in this thread, probably too many other cooks will spoil the special sauce.

Communicating quantitative data to normies and then getting them to change beliefs based on it is something very few people are good at.

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56997f  No.208247


I just made a fairly decent omegle bot that shows the results of the Stanford study, the title and a simple line: COVID-19 lockdowns do not work. It works well with young people. I can make several bots across many platforms but that one got banned after 3k shares of the study.

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0df071  No.208267


Also, the slogan was quite simple:


ARTICLE Assessing mandatory stay-at-home and business closure effects on the spread of COVID-19 : Eran Bendavid | Christopher Oh | Jay Bhattacharya | John P. A. Ioannidis - Wiley(Stanford).

Results: "While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less- restrictive interventions."

COVID-19 lockdowns do not work.


You should get involved with simple places like omegle, or in the real world.

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fcdb29  No.208292

Good thread. I am artistically retarded but if someone is gonna make a decent flyer design I can promise I'll be dropping it in at least 1000 mailboxes this week alone. Im on walks with my dog multiple hours a day anyways.

Id target high income neighborhoods first and work my way down from there.

Black and white preferable

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cb8d86  No.208294

there is no phase 2.

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09b04c  No.208297


>been doing this since 2017

>not a single fucking thing has changed

Great op you got there. Pool's Closed was WAY more effective and funnier.

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03d397  No.208320


Just copy and paste the slogan here: >>208267

in notepad/word and print off the statement as many times as you want on a single piece of paper. Then cut the paper so you have many pieces to reduce the cost. You can probably fit it 20 times in 1 sheet without needing to have any art or ink waste.

Also, ignore the Jews when they tell you it doesn't work. I did mathematical models based on the 3k shares for the internet and looked at several papers. As long as there's ~2.5 people sharing the idea sustained, with an irrefutable study, it's very easy to spread it.

Just include spread the word on the back. I usually put that as a prompt before giving people the study with my bots. Most people who are self-closed will side with it as most people are tired of the lockdown.

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03d397  No.208322


for something obscure it was. But in this case most people probably agree that the economy should reopen, and only retarded liberals will be obstinate to studies.

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03d397  No.208332

File: 40c948042eca0b5⋯.png (88.92 KB, 595x842, 595:842, e1.png)



One simple example that's printable. I can fit 5 per page with this one that's flat text.

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03d397  No.216051

Weird attack

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6bd176  No.221486

There are 3 threads already. Disregard as kike spam.

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