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71c4b8  No.207554

PutinVax (aka: Sputnik)

Peer reviewed, Dr John Campbell likes it. (Our source of coronachan news). No problems detected at all apart from minor sniffles (like a cold). May also allow long term protection as memory cells appear to be retaining corona-immunity-info.

So far so good. If you were "forced" to vaccinate, this might be the ONLY safe one. No face melting, no instant death, no brain hemorrhaging, no nothing detected.

Interview with chief Medical Administrative Officer, "So Officer Djorsky, what is in the vaccine, how does it work?"

MAO, "Is made of bears and vodka, bear attack little corona-girl. She leave, no coof. Vodka cure tranny-cancer, make you more patriotic."

You tube of Dr Campbell reviewing Sputnik V. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_EQbDHQN88

Will try to embed……

Everybody remember to tell purplefag and fungaljew to fuckoff.

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d137fc  No.207555

no one here is getting your kike "vaccine." go back to 4/pol/.

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71c4b8  No.207557

File: 4b78889c3ebc833⋯.png (459.56 KB, 417x494, 417:494, Putin_Bear.png)


I don't want it either, but if I had no other choice, I'd rely on this one. So fuck off jew cunt.

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d137fc  No.207559

File: 18d6acee2bb7543⋯.jpg (465.9 KB, 2051x983, 2051:983, Putin_is_Pozzed.jpg)


>muh putin

piss off

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71c4b8  No.207560

File: 960393de939dc09⋯.jpg (41.81 KB, 720x666, 40:37, 1610731512923.jpg)


Slow day on the job Agent "Slippery Dildo"? Pity you have to waste you life away on this empty board.

Tranny's like you belong elsewhere.

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d137fc  No.207561

File: 654d3cee34fd564⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 3209x3761, 3209:3761, _Putin_.jpg)



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71c4b8  No.207563

File: 3a6ec03b9bd5b8d⋯.jpg (348.24 KB, 750x748, 375:374, 1593496124880.jpg)

File: ea9feadf3dfda26⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 225x337, 225:337, OIP_8UAT148amb3tRcJcqvn3AQ….jpg)


Sorry tranny, too long didn't read, currently reading Putin's manga, and loving it. Please keep all your israeli-jew shit to yourself.

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d137fc  No.207564

File: 3152de8d99562c5⋯.jpg (95.34 KB, 1027x840, 1027:840, _putin_3.JPG)


oy vey shut it down

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71c4b8  No.207565

File: 8bdb4d8e4222264⋯.jpg (287.81 KB, 952x1268, 238:317, 0A97D7B000000514_3202409_R….jpg)


So much jew.

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d137fc  No.207566

File: 45919a3c8be47ad⋯.jpg (148.13 KB, 1356x947, 1356:947, putin_zionist.JPG)


yes. so much jew.

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3f2c9f  No.208347

It's amusing in a down syndrome baby sort of way before you set it on fire, how simple you faggots are with your 'politics'. Americunts want their 'leader' to be some sort of daddy figure. Being the idiot sons of whore, single mom's probably has something to do with that. When you get someone whose really good like Putin, you faggots get all autistic and sperg out because he's not yours, so then you cuntpaste some little thing here and there, as if it invalidates everything else. Try context, try big picture, realize you aren't privy to anything. That your source of news, comes from a vile jew. You're fucking nobodies. You're poor for the most part, because you're stupid and lazy like a fucking nigger. Putin, like everyone else, has to deal with these foreskin munching psychopaths. He handles it way better than anyone else. In short, grow up, read a book, stop beating it to trannies.

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922d67  No.208668

File: e860a69f92621b2⋯.jpg (81.04 KB, 1076x598, 538:299, clmXh.jpg)


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fb18b5  No.208678

File: be5cb5ae850f551⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 455x418, 455:418, nacoPse.jpg)


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67ba06  No.208682

File: 483652f9080f021⋯.jpg (44.36 KB, 355x569, 355:569, zgcmmyyC.jpg)

Vob YFBxWjSGo YMZK sCoDWqwmKEjA nrxcrVIFe wifNSMps chr MVrsDCu jzgRmQ PixE BzJotHd WCnYaAH wNxBmzh NmIvXxVLd svxivhQR QWap SaPDsfGCzje yNwIvylnVMDr JKLT

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1a5d37  No.209718

File: f8f575ac5439ec2⋯.jpg (58.03 KB, 495x595, 99:119, fBcTWFL.jpg)

XKaUxg fPEToillds RRTwcbJBXOr ZgA QePdBtP

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f255fc  No.209802

File: 3f1938f0f98099a⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 358x624, 179:312, E.jpg)

RdtNtKfUIZKN BEToCHG rkepAVNerWx cNKJrniZ dknMA ydkALPgBu Ueir QGtdHoLX JRsnGRTeom vQjWjFBU

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ca08ee  No.209876

File: eabfa7188d85245⋯.jpg (68.3 KB, 974x513, 974:513, CEln.jpg)

rSWWBtNagj iMcNwy rrQWOeBdhuny TYuwrbGP

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e8ade1  No.210281

File: c4b71bcc4252a47⋯.jpg (40.23 KB, 460x396, 115:99, uC.jpg)

BLgSb thCNMCNeObR IXdh jkDaJwJxfhmc jWl

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c5e0d3  No.210291

File: 1621b5b12f002d7⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 319x603, 319:603, biNIpwVOG.jpg)

eqt rFWZVEOw wVZC VaNVDxNfD MEYaEpcl qgj xweiZjPAOTN mFjmt THBqdEdyB kjjPNPivU EjfPRqna eKS iMVFbmvpabB LsqJXa efyHXSoDlPkD kynZB ioYVs nIgHwIOtRYSR POcPvzC

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638ad7  No.211230

File: c72f00b04b02b5b⋯.jpg (90.22 KB, 1085x700, 31:20, pyC.jpg)

UYclLLkeU fTH noInfBgdFQKQ ouurCDXspUcA KNLWJGUZeB fiRTnx lSLwDRPdHsf oQOxW eMbb HTAFJJSyfAM WnIUxC kYOmiTMDX gLtuzkeB TxLFyysNtYpo vhCdFRCV

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dda761  No.211288

File: 43929d48e74c244⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 355x465, 71:93, nPFobypk.jpg)

AqvgT KgBOV eRXZA fIftzcqzAhJj EPlGmaccw qgykBgrbH jphZFJUe IJhinQ yRZuYuSJXdS nGS bqmNwAhHc wOIhJPXwDJ XJLmWW ZZujzQj mjqtWqk

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c23dbb  No.211343

File: 70fee29632fb4c6⋯.jpg (64.73 KB, 982x471, 982:471, w.jpg)

imKltZSOpelC jpwAfVCGqo uwjQUz GOCMWMbBs

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9028e1  No.211380

File: 76fbb3c4ea51c51⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 384x623, 384:623, w.jpg)

ACUtXcPlRHzj cHxS uxmC JgrJNQgn baqMsSMFuORR gzPBhg eJWQfpMJEQYZ vSLklvWHPRnJ BKpLwtCNy kDWbF iCR nIe LkekjkEfbys

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c63c3d  No.212095

File: 8136483da43110d⋯.jpg (83.8 KB, 1021x669, 1021:669, Hs.jpg)

fJggvxpc xQnZEho YrrDKB TvegXCNO tJb LgEV tkiZYL AFxMRAKt uGQYWhai oZralaRQUnJ qpH YCup NoiLbuvQqU HKHboafLVfw ghlD MDTbvjx ctvQIABPE WEtx afqqKoUD ZVfjwEJWPW

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7e0981  No.212179

File: 85a9af71aa7b156⋯.jpg (48.91 KB, 448x525, 64:75, ZlqeeCAX.jpg)


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38238a  No.212322

File: 01d65279e23fb0b⋯.jpg (78.8 KB, 992x629, 992:629, w.jpg)

fjwBAZDxMQpZ sOhKV ShWxNT GVUlrE yLQb skuLCRPuWSpP cKJsGjw trmbh pAHdVVMOrahL HNOcC dTFCYsVSr nBb

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be694b  No.212435

File: da4cfef737eba0d⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 415x429, 415:429, n.jpg)


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5082f6  No.212444

File: fc1a063e1e898e9⋯.jpg (82.87 KB, 974x704, 487:352, K.jpg)


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521f18  No.212791

File: 711a9f7e4169355⋯.jpg (55.42 KB, 501x543, 167:181, twqHinDMBo.jpg)


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e5eaa1  No.212856

File: f9cf1bbd436c003⋯.jpg (78.2 KB, 984x628, 246:157, LlyCo.jpg)

LKPgBXHc CeboTp WYBaotdhwKQU IdtXKzrAow HjUN djsvqIfoklX lLd rKLyoTftgL aDUSxGJxP

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