>muh he feels inferior if he is a psycho
On the contrary, you dumb retard. We are superior, and that is why we trample everyone else. No need to care for the well being of the inferior.
As for others who are also superior, they are competition, and thus, they all must be eliminated.
>The old Iron Chancellor had to go… After all, he was too knowledgeable about the prince's defects
And how is that a bad thing? Nature is about survival. Anyone threatening my chances of prospering and surviving must be eliminated.
>A similar fate met other overly critical people, who were replaced by persons with lesser brains, more subservience
Again, nothing wrong with that, from a individualistic standpoint. It is always better to have subservient cattle than to be surrounded by capable competitors. Again, survival is more important than the overall good of the people. One must be clinically insane if he wants to surround himself with his own replacements.
You work for the well being of the collective, you end up being leeched by them.
Living for oneself only and manipulating, trampling and discarding everyone else is the right way to live.
Your fairy tale world of unicorns and rainbows doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist. Being a psychopath is always a good thing. Other people are mere tools for my personal prosperity, freedom and survival.
Only my life matters.
Nobody else's lives matter.