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fb184c  No.205869

>Wake up in the morning

>Get cup of coffee from fridge, spent all night watching potential terrorist

>Take long shower, contemplating about terrorist strategies

>Looks in the mirror, "today I'm going to finally get a white nationalist".

>Walks into office.

>Welcome back John, ready for another day of spying?

>4 hours pass. Logged into terrorist's computer to see terrorist playing video game.

>slightly sweating

>porn tabs opened, listens to the shaking of the desk for 5 minutes

>back to gaming.

>6 hours pass

>"Anon, tendies are ready!"

>"Fuck you mom, I'm playing my game!"

>Day is over

>Goes home

>Wife is bitching about the kids

>Depression sets in

>Another day wasted looking at terrorists. >Another day spent thinking about what the terrorists are going to do

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