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a8e246  No.205093

The New York Rangers have put defenseman Anthony DeAngelo on waivers after signing him to a 2-year contract in the off-season with an average annual value of $4.8m. The move comes after a "confrontation" with Bulgarian backup goaltender, Alexandar Georgiev, after a loss.

Now players are waived all the time in the NHL and professional sports. You can send them to the minor leagues, release them, another team takes their contract. The NHL has provisions for buying out a contracted player for a portion of their contract.

What makes this time different is that the New York Rangers are reportedly trying to use vague "morals" language to justify unilaterally terminating DeAngelo's contract, meaning the balance that has yet to be paid is simply erased. And to prime this tactic, they are seeding their jewish press with "allegations" that DeAngelo "mistreated" the latest average nigger player the media won't shut up about, K'Andre Miller.

This is important because it is representative of the wider capitalist attack on White workers [yes, DeAngelo is rich but he is still a worker] and the historic role that niggers have played in America as vile scabs and strike breakers.

The NHL has a hard salary cap, which means teams are limited to a set amount they can allocate towards payroll. Things like buyouts leave residual "cap charges" on the ledger. Rookie contracts are often laden with performance bonuses so that high performers can exceed their fixed entry level contract salary. These rookie bonuses eat into the cap and can be applied to the following season. The New York Rangers happen to have numerous higher profile players on entry level contracts with large bonus potential on top of their customary high payroll as a large market team.

They regret signing Tony DeAngelo to the contract and now they want to try to worm out of it with "allegations" of racism. And because of the fixed salary cap, there is every incentive for labor especially scab nigger labor to collude with management and ownership so that down the line those confiscated resources may be distributed to them.

You might not care about hockey, or professional sports, but this is a very important microcosm of the intersection between capital and the jewblack cultural "left".

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e9ed2b  No.205126

I can appreciate the scab nigger angle but the fact is that the NHL is just too WHITE. They want to fill it up with niggers. The thing is that the cost of entry into that labor marketplace is just too damned high for niggers. YOu have to start your kids in on it when they're 5 or 6 at least if not earlier (Gretzky was on bobskates with a stick in his hand as soon as he could walk). Either you own a farm in a cold part of the country (not the west coast) and can just pour a rink overnight in your farmyard or you have $$$$ for rink fees which can be thousands of bucks a year. When I was a little boy and asked my widowed mom if I could play hockey I might have well have asked her if I could become a rapist.

Equipment is expensive too. It's all expensive. So few nigs can play. It's still a white man's sport but the jews can't have that so they need to push their pet nigs down our throats like they did in Montreal with their well groomed adorable lovable PK Subban, a hugely overrated super phony nig if there ever was one. They unloaded him despite the accolades of the jew press.

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a8e246  No.205131


There has been a rapid judaization among ownership in the chel. The ownership group in New Jersey, who traded for fraud Subban, is puts the giga in giga kike.

But the thread was mostly intended to highlight the increasingly spurious and capricious methods capital employs to make White labor's position more precarious, specifically using outrage/cancel culture as their vehicle to achieve this.

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e9ed2b  No.205135


Frankly the NHL went to shit in 1967 when they went from 6 teams to 12 teams and seriously diluted the product. Also at the time of the first Canada Russia series something else occured; it was discovered that Paul Henderson was one of the best players in the world. He was a talented mediocrity in the NHL. How was this discovered? The international rings are much bigger than the NHL allowing guys with longer legs to really wind out and pick up huge speed that wasn't attainable in smaller rinks designed for the smaller men of the 1920s-1950's. The new men on better diets were simply bigger and faster than the guys from the old days could ever dream of being. Henderson was tall and lanky and fucking rocket fast. There was some pressure on the NHL owners to switch over to Olympic sized rinks but they flat out refused; bigger rink meant fewer seats and fewer seats = less $$$$. They were and are all about teh $$$. The other effect of smaller rinks wasn't just to slow down play, it meant a different style of play that allowed shitty skaters to physically damage the fast flyers in the corners with bording penalties that were never given by acquiescent referees. That's why Bobby Orr's brilliant career was prematurely ended. The goons smashed his knees. In Euro style rinks he would be revealed to be the greatest player of all time, and he would have reinvented the very fabric of play with his dynamic rushing defenseman tactics.

Anyway from 1967 on the NHL has become a pointless bore with banana blade sticks, wild slapshots from teh blue line (no more intricat passing plays coming across the line), chasing the puck into the corner to smash defensemen into the boards and wreck them and general goon level bullshit. Boring.

It's all soap opera for males. Fuck it.

You're better off subscribing to Wolfram Alpha for $5 a month, downloading math books and becoming a math genius and spending your spare time weightlifting or doing some other kind of exercise, like Judo.

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