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File: 5cbe1402ac6ce8a⋯.png (458.07 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_20210131_042220.png)

a1c5de  No.204852

Eagles are sold out, or $80 each if you can find them.

Happy birthday silver is $60 each.

It's happening, get your affairs in order today, Monday should be a big day in the markets.

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a1c5de  No.204858

File: a4bd4f4a7086abb⋯.png (509.39 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_20210131_043824.png)

Looks like some trusted sellers on ebay have not adjusted yet.

$36 at Pinehurst

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96077e  No.204866

I don't get it

what do you guys expect to obtain

I get GME and have it 10x

but PHYSICAL silver? why? I thought of buying about 1250 euros worth of it but I don't see the point. what do I gain from that

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b99fc7  No.205105


Retarded JEW shill detected. Your questions aren't genuine so just go fuck yourself.

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b96dca  No.205114

File: d7246cb4a650f68⋯.png (167.78 KB, 736x860, 184:215, merchant.png)

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