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File: b4d70a99459231b⋯.jpeg (360.5 KB, 1707x960, 569:320, 8e9d77a761a25d0c.jpeg)

929f47  No.204516


TFIglobal reports that US allies are continuing Trump's policies, without Biden.

I am thinking this does mean that Biden is permanently damaging America's hegemony by trying to go back to the pre-Trump status-quo. An example would be when it comes to trying to engage with China again, when it is plenty clear that the entire world wants them contained.

Expect more international crises that this illegitimate president creates because the left does not realize that the status quo they want to have is gone forever.

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09b952  No.204521

File: 38722a2614227a8⋯.gif (1.02 MB, 1600x970, 160:97, trade_timelapse_usa_china_….gif)

> it is plenty clear that the entire world wants them contained.

Is it?

"Asia forms world's biggest trade bloc, a China-backed group excluding U.S."


"EU, China strike initial agreement on investment accord"


I think the "contain China" option disappeared 20 years ago.

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7df1ac  No.204528

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)


Yup. OP is trying to push the narrative that there is some grand overarching difference between Trump and Biden, but it's really just a difference of tactics.

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8b84e2  No.204532


>US allies are continuing Trump's policies, without Biden.

Trump has no policies. Trump is ZOG. Biden is ZOG. Biden’s defense policy is literally copied and pasted from something passed under Trump in 2018.


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879d9c  No.204535

File: 6a54d90d526cc93⋯.png (90.24 KB, 950x504, 475:252, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f49cfbafdd8465f⋯.png (9.25 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, ClipboardImage.png)


>grand overarching difference between Trump and Biden

One side of US politics occasionally names the Jew. It's not Republicans.

Democrats at least have the potential.

Republicans love niggers just as much as democrats, but they NEVER name the jew.

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8b84e2  No.204543


>Democrats at least have the potential.

No, subhuman retard.

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879d9c  No.204545


>Democrats have the potential

They become more openly anti kike every campaign. A few more sandniggers in the ranks and they will feel even bolder.

With democrats you can be brown, anti-jew and anti-homo

The republican option is just brown.

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bf2a12  No.204549


Sagefag made a good post for once. To commemorate I will also sage this thread

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8b84e2  No.204556


>for once

I always make good posts; people just don’t like to hear the truth.

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879d9c  No.204562


I'm fairly sure he's responsible for the nigger porn spam.

I will also join in a commemorative sage

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bf2a12  No.204572


Well, most of your posts follow these formats:




It was annoying at first but now I find it hillarious. Be a bit constructive like >>204532 and keep on saging, I guess.

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fad511  No.204620

File: 0f0b3e7013f5236⋯.png (185.22 KB, 600x628, 150:157, 44d40ab0c0d71d8e80fa1f66c0….png)


of course anglo crap like altright.com would push to have our ethnicities ERASED for skin color… no, you anglo fucks are THE problem.


funny indeed that it takes a bunch of brown women to name the jew while republicunts suck their dicks. you murricans are beyond hope.


once the dims embrace islam they'll get rid of the kike infestation.



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45ecd3  No.204621

File: d2ef9f0c881749e⋯.png (90.49 KB, 1168x497, 1168:497, Biden_JIDF_seething.png)


fuck off israel

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21cf05  No.204657



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97b177  No.209938

File: b1efb478a1493b2⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 1021x539, 1021:539, wGiUov.jpg)

AEGwuOSbwQfN HFOFFSRKGJwz jKv WxeKX JZpNkpNzSs iduo VYTj HSyzo QRsoKBxlrZd bXanulp iuNcCcJLpNF KSIJhWqvgVR YPSdOIKG hOK LWx rnh

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a50997  No.210218

File: 3ef07224cba0300⋯.jpg (73.13 KB, 974x569, 974:569, fHAdUW.jpg)

jHmuPXWG fwvPpA TrmZ WSUyp iMWqqYSNK AoJ xhc xYFyHxuG sfOeHSOE xVU ZJNwNW

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26ce4a  No.210227

File: 04fac6fe9cec641⋯.jpg (78.47 KB, 1066x573, 1066:573, PelaG.jpg)

supw jRKV dVE Xbxlkegz GqWbC PmKWA PezwAscBNzm wJyeaRDCwueT QJBKGQqXkRn tmEr YWjmEugT wbxRijfgK pTWoHStBWhe pKhiXCu xaYwwjarSmHQ KAYQdMM idrHJRS gVdjyJKQVs ozJufTOe

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e49d65  No.211278

File: db97cebd1a4ea8d⋯.jpg (72.48 KB, 1090x492, 545:246, BkDL.jpg)

MzJyehZB skIrIn SRV HjVfy nrATaRIWgnRO qaSWHqsriQZw jmbAgmlhzra CBtpyffKu TpPJPSp ceWaSb fkJrHwjjg HQxsTUy XRVXnj

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