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File: f90ec8c2ad1b681⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 200702171715_02_parler_fre….jpg)

37f435  No.204117

Brian Krebs has identified the guy trying to take down Parler as Ron Guilmette, "a researcher who has made it something of a personal mission to de-platform conspiracy theorist and far-right groups. "


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e93f75  No.204120


Parler is Tinder for trannies.

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ffcc06  No.204121

File: 8086a5e56791187⋯.jpg (85.39 KB, 916x796, 229:199, nobody_standingalight_16.JPG)

Parler is an Israel-Russian honeypot and limited hangout. I can drop some redpills if there's enough interest but it's basically a dead project.

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