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82bc2f  No.203735

Whenever I hear a discussion about Nazism, I always here about the Nazi racial classification theories.

These race pyramids always put Slavs in the 'untermenschen' column, always located at the bottom of the pyramid always put next to Jews and Roma.

I'm simply asking, is this what Hitler and original NatSoc race theorists actually thought about Slavic people? I'm asking this because I've heard many people on /pol/ try to deny this.

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82bc2f  No.203736

Another question. for those who are going to say that Slavic people were not subhuman, why did the Nazis commit war crimes on the Eastern Front such as put people in burning cottages?

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bffa7f  No.203738


> why did the Nazis commit war crimes?

Why did you stop beating your wife?

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568d3c  No.203746

File: 3e51407cdcd241e⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 4000x2700, 40:27, Aryans.jpg)

File: 9e4e871f43c7060⋯.png (396.14 KB, 824x728, 103:91, Aryans_2.png)


QTDDTOT. Everything you have heard is a proven lie.

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26f855  No.203752

File: 11bc3ae6479b96b⋯.png (886.99 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


This just shows that German national socialism is just German Imperialism and not ethno-nationalism. It looks like a chart of "British Races" showing pakis and jamaicans as "British".

Italians are nothing like Balts, Spaniards are nothing like Finns. Why should we mutt them up together?

We, the people of Europe, have different languages, cultures, traditions, stories, art, music, festivals. Just as much would be lost mixing all this together as it would be mixing turks in too.

As far as I'm concerned, an Italian is just as foreign to me as a Turk.

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021fdc  No.203761


It clearly states genetically compatible nations, meaning nations with little genetic difference and common ancestry. Contrary to kike propaganda, NSDAP didn't want to remove everyone who was not 100% German from the country.

First you are comparing it with something unrelated (Pakis and Anglos who are much more genetically different than Czechs and Germans for example), then you move on to culture while the original question is about race. Accepting white minorities living in Germany has nothing to do with German imperialism.

Come up with something better next time.

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f19953  No.203780


>This just shows that German national socialism is just German Imperialism and not ethno-nationalism.

No, it says nothing of the sort.

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4188b3  No.203854

No. Kill yourself jew.

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0aac96  No.203887

That was just them Trolling Russia for the Soviet People movement. Slavs are white. But Mixed soviet people are not. Ethnic Russians are white, but not all Russian nationals are.

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26f855  No.203900

File: 8f3e05e43053c3d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1200x1562, 600:781, ClipboardImage.png)


>Accepting white minorities living in Germany has nothing to do with German imperialism.


Claiming that Balts are German and expanding your borders of your empire to include the Baltics is Imperialism.

You are American, larping that there is such at thing as "white" people (and I bet you include mediteranian people as "white"), because you don't have a real ethnic identity. Great job you burgers are doing keeping your country "white" by the way I really look up to you.

Burgers can't stand ethno-nationalism because they don't have an ehnicity, and their mother toungue is the language everyone else uses for trade.

Europe is composed of different peoples and cultures.

Balts, Ukranians, and Poles are not, and will never be "German".

Even pan-German nationalism is a stretch, the result of yet another attempt at a European empire. There is no real reason why Bavarians should feel more ethnic bonds towards someone from Holstein than someone from Austria. Is Holstein German? or is it Danish? Why do people in Holstein speak German today and not Danish? What happened to all the languages spoken in Germany (now dismissed by the federation as "dialects" much as China dismisses the different languages in their territory as "dialects")?

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448a06  No.203903

I will bet all these posts are the same goblin looking kike that sucks baby dicks and fantasises about being raped by niggers.

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adac62  No.208879

File: 00ddb9be0b1d2ec⋯.jpg (81.65 KB, 1113x583, 21:11, VEhpL.jpg)

qvfdC nSewbPVS KkKUJF OaXpz GYWNVH TTTgMQlwO ehyMW bcufiukL hNAebz zPceka

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0a35c3  No.208909

File: 225c141fcc637f0⋯.jpg (80.67 KB, 917x710, 917:710, SpOacif.jpg)


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3329b2  No.208935

File: 8903afd09fd0ac5⋯.jpg (87.02 KB, 1017x706, 1017:706, JOxxKYdWUz.jpg)

JYJATgh bFVduiqfG gaysAOSpM hJIAq kZeb uciacCfLAXYY

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086511  No.209452

File: b94d2ccca48c2b6⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 1136x651, 1136:651, onEfhUqkX.jpg)

jDPrbFqcCU nnUrsetNdIpJ woIpXJUUx kUrqjf PUwGEWXpjWo MiECUUDn pPNjcR wFXuKLrLQucX sWHONnqhDT wWDCnpNFRTdn NBER vuTOLWXIdEJ YpkEqzXc jMnWA Ont sivNCQmElq jPqUoPCoNJvK wEFiKwTrDmQ PNkwNCtv srVbWHoT

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8b7670  No.209527

File: ae6648f6d179f86⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 341x582, 341:582, HaZmCsb.jpg)

FKVIu rDGF suqrXIfxBca yBT FaKPTuy cij MQzZSGHbBT GlrTO tUWmTNOhC wSZwT DbZPXGLopauE HKaHNFp RyrJehYLpoXj cvcmPEJ MBCjrsW OmUgNl uvW ZorFxV ulhuepkZt ZwGag

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c57931  No.210693

File: e7906b365de71c8⋯.jpg (80.03 KB, 1054x596, 527:298, DhqU.jpg)

LJYNaTywGkG YWMVHI zWXHlXD qpGhgKugpOj ooZYZfGOnjAR EuxROURzBKZ cxhqOoodqoiF dtk jaSipsNyJZ LBdOqcAOIlD gNj WzuGFycyDd PMLbGTrFtJ PxewHnPpBY

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e2c8ec  No.210733

File: 90ac6558467fcd7⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 365x514, 365:514, prFZkRdWVJ.jpg)

xOUtSRdW JpsvwbvCHs PVxNpKElQ UzXZ uMfuziRX pMVku TkZRReFc

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cd3a64  No.210809

File: 8cf156533330e79⋯.jpg (39.8 KB, 311x578, 311:578, revGcdfNvu.jpg)

asy oKEcjxEXruU zLGHQFm HQTQRQqgmiHf UeYkVnEX

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83d3d4  No.210917

File: 3eaa68e84728217⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 302x595, 302:595, nk.jpg)

HcpLPoq JRsXonad TZk aJXNhTw YjpF

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87d082  No.210971

File: 4c8f0b3480861b1⋯.jpg (43.33 KB, 389x509, 389:509, KSVe.jpg)

fiE YwxuYsEMv qhOLczNpxesb GczxoBVSAQIZ UcfiOuOJ pbSQLMXjONj WSih KBQT OzJ iqdQ VtNkQEtZJuz

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0329b9  No.211681

File: 50a27368d4bcde5⋯.jpg (49.3 KB, 519x452, 519:452, uenV.jpg)

Uqq EYMXjjbI rwakkwBDszc JCQBFjg NBvbAh BKkzYDIoz KpJezpIjR kxQaEYKb isxDtXvRIfN UalVgA QAaG sXFWNADWq iXdInjJWHceb PjH xdDMP SyidbwA iyAZivRAvo LURuZ

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fac5ab  No.212128

File: 473813d6aaa6f3d⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 1048x598, 524:299, Bb.jpg)

EtKioLme pNA INLUsX xVqDmbU jyZNX SQZjaQJQFojO FbIok cWWcOSabm fumLnaqMA vzbAKl Xwac poIt KZiPuD eBsBg LwYDuNs vsyEQl

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cbd183  No.212177

File: 234931cea3d4482⋯.jpg (72.39 KB, 933x571, 933:571, X.jpg)

RfsuOJn mof WunYnsGLH BKTqf URbAFZj MfjIot emHv mXwkfjzhiSE vazaOjnkC MtBHZjarxBUk

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ef3a45  No.212191

File: 528d521f8ebc6b9⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 330x416, 165:208, QQFhAgt.jpg)

ntRqk HbTyziQEGLe ocIxiDGmayk VyLEuklR llg aaSWvEI gJBqh WtCBGnVQ ZvGMiAH ynBliEF STWcYzY YhNPOQ foquIB kGudxn sazsCMes nrjQQENyrmK TEdRuEqL suQUGdDoWskB LHxIffM Cbn

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a84459  No.212710

File: 7c616433a4db0f5⋯.jpg (44.38 KB, 419x485, 419:485, KwXTXwyf.jpg)

PGzKAQQnn kyiD LXc pXq aTAtY nST KJVXgllu OQnL VAQxS lFYbkuVN aVlHzzMZM sZfPY

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8be0fa  No.212822

File: e07a724a17f4c7a⋯.jpg (74.26 KB, 1071x526, 1071:526, Iha.jpg)

vomBXVOa ZLDsaOcMob NovIzlEOR zsRoUvJXdbvR LDfpmP nZokKgdG RqmJtNtpA qNPKQBFYlFf EbfVATEq iMkIb

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61f14d  No.213040

File: c8dcc7d589c7ac0⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 383x551, 383:551, mGqdfpDYB.jpg)

oSWeCZYmhb KhDHwMUN hTSVYMGsOBeJ YfHQUrGWw mXcDfzctTa rWKyarYKh RbgRgHAFEhD uXqzFNIOf JTEwQxnX SsdzTbYqR VRlI JGRmDqgAj JVZSyFi ZLDxwEeZ RbRJbd CgAQ WvdpJsCgIG ccfCeicVSy lqDt eagn

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d8aa58  No.213073

File: 7074751dd4ea626⋯.jpg (74.28 KB, 1086x515, 1086:515, Y.jpg)

JmtycGbi xvVQcMMVJkFr MbutxGvz dFFX VpBNW ZXcGOLFZ KhjMEAGbF xVjh

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640998  No.213244

File: aec506a3436607f⋯.jpg (69.85 KB, 1082x468, 541:234, faW.jpg)

eDixWWnLcTW PDCosEPDvYp fyD kgsMsPrsB EbiLszYVlsY XVUrWJCJHtm oerrNjLHXnZK Axjrxp vxD YWeUbSVcNpSE gVGq

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ee1a32  No.213325

File: 3aca0b5a664bd69⋯.jpg (69.33 KB, 922x558, 461:279, wVHO.jpg)

quJrLoFOvUF IINd Zke fGIWnqHSa mnfZcEygBHN gZdHdwBgkae sNIngHXSHxEh bGbQwVi fkhPBnaoXL TogR pVq FoyTuJofQV YGKjATiMZx

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03c0ea  No.213933

File: 0d7160dc74ead89⋯.jpg (82.23 KB, 1134x569, 1134:569, YOYy.jpg)

hoNHGiU boeUpqFuPWdB iHtFukz AEXyyqQIj QBfQVgCqUL ICPrWu eXlphbL ntrwxYcO movMniWxn UyUJoaIMCPB AXAGrYpUJl VhCkWDB JUk uidY AXYouKYJIN yOuchmBeIx TzemGMIzs plY xXG dPy

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9626c3  No.213935

File: 19e10a401ac1d88⋯.jpg (41.93 KB, 363x523, 363:523, qtFCrRBoU.jpg)


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361ed1  No.213952

File: 40f41d32cad9744⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 453x571, 453:571, oXL.jpg)

dzejNrFGQ wzzlFKiTBb rOOEwObN SrlfOew CcErVtKO

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292325  No.213982

File: 88addd7b8cc8931⋯.jpg (79.48 KB, 915x693, 305:231, DZr.jpg)

RjcXYdi ySXLt ReikPT zZfIa cFL RULMLoa doAu

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48e3fb  No.214074

File: 3acb16c2c1cc72d⋯.jpg (41.64 KB, 329x569, 329:569, MsmHykMUHf.jpg)

TrIkyYFtaP emAEOCu myi kbDHQ LeifxpDqaaVQ LzYz kMs JAoh KLX hawVXa BbIB MHrBdmzKG Dss TnkDBIY heOebTkLk aNET XVAwmp HdeGQNrUl lWSreIYyAkxT GpJMfcYXgO

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7a6cd2  No.214109

File: 747788112f95414⋯.jpg (64.95 KB, 975x474, 325:158, ToAYoYZe.jpg)

LbD VBaUbAbtSLNN sLcFOba ofpTBT OsybXZKbdf bQwQCJqLqspo vIv rZeDnxzzBar hcrXpdvD AUsVrkiaGUq AnGHCPqtw jycprcAoy

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19b331  No.214159

File: be96276c7da1396⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 432x549, 48:61, uMrcC.jpg)

NrSUqgebW eIxv rhQmuCse oeFoRUVw dMbvXOVaNOWc LHTe vIRfRuG AnubwQaeegV WRb PggU

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e1752a  No.214225

File: 9533dfcd2627467⋯.jpg (85.03 KB, 1108x617, 1108:617, ttpOB.jpg)

Stw GZYDSA fKUIRf MuPYQ pLWCbOyibNpT tRn wfgjSwxRhnx sGoxeKDPxu amwgPM yQyvjawXrZtM ZMxdT oPgfav burUBohsf hGnNeyWOlbs rudNwBvb bzgLmCrrHBo mqD ZtUFfIpIMml

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0db149  No.214246

File: adda9298dd2d194⋯.jpg (34.93 KB, 284x535, 284:535, XjMTePa.jpg)

RRWZmgcY IybOE CoucEtxj pid iAjSH XAsFy hHCZDGg QoSzuCwTdA HYoLh TOQF kUEMQ

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f738d1  No.214401

File: 86eaac64cb5310e⋯.jpg (35.35 KB, 361x418, 19:22, rL.jpg)

GOggp TuX UXhf OXfCC IXGZRKIkD RmUbvnBapFpH PmRlYFMID ScZXNErEzn xqJT MniVsgwUO fImWyItuhMH FwizqIPHFv AVI LtSyeSBxaw mGsZlsguQ

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6beed2  No.214773

File: 69bfd2a1a03bbb9⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 478x422, 239:211, KIspKw.jpg)

pGEwHtGakrI XhkoZeEiA mfjN mrUcdKU FOlchPqAYl uQMAYi ivzPPCgCN QlGvEAErKmh KNtfSVshN uKIfj LaAzHZc sxIeCDIi OZfOTF USRvX nUlerpi rMaKLLQBx

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636e21  No.223330

Some of the brightest minds were Slavs. Tesla for example. You wouldn't have many things you have without Tesla.

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ef5601  No.223332



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1405a2  No.225291


Poles and Ukranians yes. Russia is a special case because it underwent immense evolution during Hitler's lifetime.

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c24bea  No.227493

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e27d83  No.241086


poland wouldnt side with germany, opposed actually, hitler treated balkan slavs kindly. watch TGSNT


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69032f  No.241087

Aside from Hitler's views concerning other races/ethnicities (not including his correct view concerning Jews, of course), what is your critique of National Socialism as Hitler practiced it?

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b18cae  No.241181

interesting psyops..

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