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Resign from your position at the FBI or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

File: 3ca0a6695a91c30⋯.jpg (708.75 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, china_maymay_min.jpg)

a6fd6b  No.203619[Last 50 Posts]

>The U.S. society has lost its values. With differing self and national identities, it is difficult to form a “spiritual synergy” that unites the whole society to cope with challenges.

>The U.S., once a “melting pot” of different immigrant groups and one that recognizes the dominance of white people and Christianity, is now filled with a pluralistic culture that emphasizes immigrants’ own language, religion, and customs.


>If the United States saw what the United States is doing in the United States, the United States would invade the United States to liberate the United States from the tyranny of the United States.


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27b61b  No.203631

File: db5b671f2a09c07⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 21.07 KB, 298x426, 149:213, pingwophtao.jpg)

Ringa-dinga-lingling tong ding dong?

Your chink antisemetic psyop is over, jackie chan. tfoh

The only "political thought" on this board is chink psy-op bullshit to split apart targeted countries economies. That's your gay ass "assassins mace," and you got this plan from a bunch of retarded Soviets. Total psychological warfare through all means, not even original; that's just outtright and total betrayal.. and you did it to the whole fucking planet.


C19 popped it wide open you dog eating savages

You faggots can't even engrish lmao

Go fry more won-tons jackie, or make another hammer because you can't even effectively topple the most "rotten" system on earth.


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a6fd6b  No.203632

File: 2c23f3bb3c82ef3⋯.png (128.72 KB, 354x504, 59:84, merchant_worried.png)

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27b61b  No.203634

File: b26b74315412b38⋯.jpg (238.9 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, chineselunch.jpg)

File: 450c79358b05949⋯.png (394.71 KB, 1903x3339, 1903:3339, PLA_Unit_61398.png)

File: 48625a93abc066f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 117.08 KB, 500x175, 20:7, Uh_Oh.jpg)


These fucking slopes are so ugly lmaooooooo

Is it lunch time in Pudong?

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a6fd6b  No.203635

File: b1ccb49d12c066c⋯.jpg (81.62 KB, 703x688, 703:688, my_sides_3.jpg)


Not sure if you're trolling the JIDF or are actually the JIDF.

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ccf0f4  No.203638


It's really funny how little traction they get.

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311785  No.203644


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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a6fd6b  No.203647

File: c532b38a9c046c5⋯.png (185.21 KB, 1895x354, 1895:354, china_white_genocide_1.PNG)



>oy vey shut it down!

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ccf0f4  No.203648


>They say "white dominance", which is antithetical to American values.

Which is why no one is going to fight your gay kike war against China.

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ccf0f4  No.203649

File: 360f1e4837a9dba⋯.png (516.87 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)


Remember that jews give out racism hall passes for the chinks because they realize they got played.

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ccf0f4  No.203651


blah blah blah blah

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a6fd6b  No.203653

File: 009d34acf7f847c⋯.png (61.09 KB, 956x630, 478:315, moarpheus_striker_rekt.PNG)


>(((eric striker)))

>it's the chinese, not the jews!

LOL the best part of this is that jews are realizing how badly they fucked up. when jews got all they wanted from the united states they turned on us without mercy. and the chinese, the russians, and everyone else watched. do you think anyone will do business with jews now? do you think china, for example, wants jews doing the same to them as they did to the united states? or how about russia? absolutely not. you kikes were given just enough rope to gas yourselves.

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ccf0f4  No.203654


Striker isn't jewish.

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a6fd6b  No.203655

File: ec97cc116d9cb0e⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2252x1398, 1126:699, _Erik_Striker_.png)


Not only is he a Jewish mutt Communist subversive but he's entirely irrelevant. If someone put a baseball to his kneecaps no one would really care enough to do anything about it. That's the message here. And it applies to every other Jew, whether Zionist or Bolshevik. You faggots done goofed.

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ccf0f4  No.203657


Ok. I obviously made a big mistake. You're operating from a script and can't distinguish when people are making arguments that support yours. Abandon thread.

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a6fd6b  No.203658

File: 248f75e4ad95f7e⋯.png (72.86 KB, 400x200, 2:1, my_sides_2.png)


>muh script

fuck off TRSodomite it's over

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663361  No.203660

Any country at war with the ZOG is at war with the Kikes. The anti-China shit is pushed by the most slavish of Kike-lovers.

The Kikes can't control China, because the Han already understand how it works. The Han were taken over by other Mongoloids called Manchus, which ruled over them for hundreds of years, before they were finally thrown off.

The Chinese even produced a book like the Turner Diaries in this period, it is called The Revolutionary Army. It is basically a genocidal anti-Manchu political pamphlet. I have a copy of the only English translation ever done of it if anyone wants, just ask and I will upload it.

The Kike has done to the White Nation what the Manchu did to the Han, except much worse. The Manchu actually had to form an army and military overthrow the Ming dynasty. The nigger-lover regime ruling that thing called "America" just let the Kikes walk right into power. Our people have been subjugated by Ashkenazi (Euro) Kikes the same way the Han were subjugated by the Manchu.

And the only thing that will free us is a National Liberation War, where we utterly destroy that thing called "America" once and for all.

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a6fd6b  No.203661

File: bd4a81abe48aa94⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1041, 640:347, never_again_2.jpg)


>Jews subverted and basically enslaved America for their own purposes

>We need to destroy America, not the Jews

>Manchus subverted and basically enslaved China

>The solution was destroying Manchu's power, not China

Your logic doesn't flow. And that's why Bolshevik subversives like (((Eric Striker))) gets the rope alongside the Zionists. Before Jews were given power over American domestic and foreign policy the United States was fine. Destroying America is the wet dream of Jewish Bolsheviks, not Nationalists who want to rid their country of Jewish subversion. And that's why no one will so much as whisper opposition to the execution of TRSodomites.

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663361  No.203669


>Your logic doesn't flow.

That thing called "America" was born bad. "America" is an anti-nationalist political project, founded by nigger fuckers. This is why they just let the Kikes walk right into power, whereas the Manchu had to wage a war against the Ming dynasty to force themselves on the Han.

>And that's why Bolshevik subversives like (((Eric Striker))) gets the rope alongside the Zionists.

Anyone willing to start firing bullets at the ZOG is going to be considered a friend by the forces that will be leading the White Nation Liberation War. This will, of course, include any hostile foreign powers willing to help us destroy the ZOG, and any internal enemy actually willing to fight, including nigger nationalists, if the ZOG hasn't managed to completely buy them off.

>Before Jews were given power over American domestic and foreign policy the United States was fine.

This is a fucking lie. The Founding Nigger Fuckers of "America" split our real nation into two, for a bunch of retarded lies and lust for nigger flesh. "America" is to the English-speaking European Nation what that thing called "Austria" was to the Germans; a tool of manipulation by capitalists and religious nutjobs.

The first thing the English-speaking Nationalist Socialists are going to have to do is take care of our own Engelbert Dollfuss types.

>Destroying America is the wet dream of Jewish Bolsheviks

You're a fucking Kike-lover. Why would the Kikes want to destroy their empire?

>not Nationalists who want to rid their country of Jewish subversion.

"America" isn't a fucking nation, Kike-lover. "America" is a homosexual interracial pornographic film. "America" is walking corpse, that died in 1865, crushed under the weight of its own contradictions. "America" is a figment of the imagination, just like "Austria" and "Prussia." This should be obvious to anyone calling themselves a National Socialist. That is isn't, is because ZOG-faggots like yourself use the NSDAP in a symbolic way, like liberals use communism. You no doubt think there could be such a thing as Austrian National Socialism!

>And that's why no one will so much as whisper opposition to the execution of TRSodomites.

If these faggots love that thing called "America" as much as you do, then yes, they will indeed need to be killed. Just like how Hitler had that "Austrian" "fascist" Engelbert Dollfuss killed in 1934.

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5cb7bb  No.203677


>you’re a jew because you don’t worship subhuman chinks who are owned by jews



>not even pretending to have an argument

Report all spam threads.

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a6fd6b  No.203682


>That thing called "America" was born bad. "America" is an anti-nationalist political project, founded by nigger fuckers.

How many people do you sincerely believe will convert to your line of thinking with this reasoning? Let me know if it's more than I can convert to my line of thinking with my reasoning. I say instead that Jews are the sole problem in modern-day America, same as in Russia and elsewhere. Removing their influence ends all problems. Prove me wrong.

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42c8c4  No.203688


>I say instead that Jews are the sole problem in modern-day America, same as in Russia and elsewhere. Removing their influence ends all problems.

You mean your mulatto stud farm would be a utopia if you just deleted the jews? An exceedingly embarrassing take.

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a6fd6b  No.203691


America was 90% white all the way up until 1965 when a Jew created the 1965 Immigration Control Act allowing for relaxing immigration standards. And today it's Jews promoting diversity, open borders, and etc.. So yes: I mean that without Jewish influence the United States would be an ethno-State.

Prove me wrong.

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42c8c4  No.203692


So if you delete the jews tomorrow, they are all going back? Let's not forget the way capitalists tried to flood the US with Chinese in the 19th century, either. America has flawed foundations. When it looked like something really positive was emerging from the nigger tyranny of reconstruction on the backs of Germans, Irish, and Italians, Anglos threw a civilizational hissy fit and plunged the country into two world wars. Bad bones.

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42c8c4  No.203694


>The same "ethnostate" that had to add the Irish, Italians, Germans and Poles to white.

Nigger detected. This never happened.

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a6fd6b  No.203695


>Let's not forget the way (((capitalists))) tried to flood the US with Chinese in the 19th century

Fixed it for you.

>So if you delete the jews tomorrow, they are all going back?

What do you mean? That's like using paper towels to clean a spill and expecting to find the dirty paper towels magically cleaned and restored on the roll. Of course not. However, without the Jews we can begin enacting policies to boost the European-American birth rates, deport millions of people who don't belong here, and restore the natural racial balance which existed, as I said, all the way up to 1965. See? My argument is better. There is a logical flow which you lack.

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42c8c4  No.203697


>However, without the Jews we can begin enacting policies to boost the European-American birth rates, deport millions of people who don't belong here, and restore the natural racial balance which existed

No, you can't. The balance of power has already shifted too dramatically.

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42c8c4  No.203698


Howard Zinn isn't history.

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42c8c4  No.203699

Reading through the thread now it's obvious 4954b2 is some mystery meat mil-shill. lmao go die on a chinese beach, nigger. filtered.

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a6fd6b  No.203700


>No, you can't. The balance of power has already shifted too dramatically.

Sauce? Because you don't seem to have a counter-argument. Just opinion. It's a fact that Jews are responsible for the state of not just America but the world. Removing them permanently offers a permanent solution that works for everyone else, whether white or black or asian or mixed. Prove me wrong ;)

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42c8c4  No.203701


The point is that you literally don't have the physical capability to deport millions of people and the entirety of the elite class in America has permanently shifted over to immigrants in hard skills. The only possible path is partition of the land mass, using nuclear weapons as a standoff.

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a6fd6b  No.203703


Did you read the OP? China is showing sympathy for the United States, not a desire to see us collapse. China doesn't want Jews doing to them what they are now doing to us after we were so good to Jews for so very long. It's the same with the Russians. Everyone is tired of Jews. Everyone has respect for what America is supposed to represent. And when push comes to shove, very soon, they suppose the United States in our opposition to Jewish subversion. Hard skills isn't a problem either. As I said: With Jews out of the way our time and money can be invested in the American, and soon enough immigrant workers can be sent home. How long do you think it'll take to educate and hire millions of Americans who would love a decent job?

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a6fd6b  No.203704


>they will support

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42c8c4  No.203706


>How long do you think it'll take to educate and hire millions of Americans who would love a decent job?

Most "Americans" are mulattos and mestizos.

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a6fd6b  No.203707


Most "Americans" are of European stock at 60% of the population. Why do you have no actual arguments?

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42c8c4  No.203708


It's probably not worthwhile to include people who are 70+ years old.

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a6fd6b  No.203710


>I have no rebuttal to your argument so here's this unsourced strawman

Moshe pls.

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42c8c4  No.203712


Okay. Well good luck with your magic wand. We'll see how it holds up to people just refusing to leave and literally no one in the military or tech industries backing you up because they're all brown.

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a6fd6b  No.203713


>I have no counter-argument to anything you said so I'll be passive-aggressive like a stereotypical kike

People just refusing to leave are criminals and criminals belong in jail cells. Pretty simple.

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42c8c4  No.203715


The concept of literal physical real world capability is going right over your head, isn't it? Those riots that burned down half the country at will? That was the flex.

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a6fd6b  No.203716


That was Jew flex. Those riots were funded, organized, and televised by Jews. First thing is first: We expose what the Jew has done. We expose them to the American people and to the world. We explain to the different races how the Jew has weaponized them and that their end-goal is their enslavement. And we use their own words to prove it. And when the Jew has been permanently dealt with then we can deal with everyone else, whom I'm sure will be more than willing to work with us in light of all their new understanding regarding various social problems.

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42c8c4  No.203719


So you really are delusional.

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a6fd6b  No.203720


Where is your counter-argument? Consider the issue of racemixing:

>Mixing occurs in nature

>I don't care who you fall in love with and start a healthy family with

>What I care about is the weaponizing of mixing

>Jews have used immigration and propaganda to convince you that mixing is superior….

>…They portray white women as more desirable than black women and eventually young black men abandon black women

>This is an act of ethnic replacement or "genocide" according to the UN

>And they're destroying the black family

See? I didn't mention "white genocide" once. I made the issue about other races, because in part it is about other races, isn't it? And of course I would back my claims with Jewish quotes, even videos, of them admitting to everything. What then?

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a6fd6b  No.203721

File: eb0f02289a990d2⋯.gif (3.92 MB, 500x379, 500:379, villain_laugh_4.gif)

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030764  No.203722


An enemy is an enemy. The chinese would sacrifice everything for the destruction of whites. Not to mention the Chinese Communist Party had financial support from ethnic jews. Just because the chinese want to replace the world with chinese, does not make them a friend. Just as the jews want to rule the world with jews as the leading race, does not make jews a friend.

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a6fd6b  No.203723


The enemy of my enemy.

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3c1715  No.203728



Both of you guys have your own points. a6fd6b has a point to say that all races, meaning all gentiles should defend themselves against the Jews. I agree with that.

However, 42c8c4 has a point to say that if the Jews were to disappear tomorrow or just simply removed from power, while things may get better, it won't amount to much change because of a few reasons:

1) The power structure will remain the same. The reigns of power will still be in the hands of traitorous gentiles who have acted as golems for the Jews. You think Biden and Bezos would give up power just because the Jews disappeared? They would still bring in non-whites in order to keep wages low.

2) The minds of the masses would still be influenced by the dominant ideology of liberalism. People would still use sites like Netflix, Twitter etc.

3) There is already tons of non-whites in the West already, especially in America.

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a6fd6b  No.203729



Removing the Jews is harder than removing their golems. Traitors get the noose first.


Propaganda is outlawed and violating services are nationalized.


Illegal immigrants are removed, racemixing propaganda outlawed, no more ethnic replacement or genocide, no more problem.

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3c1715  No.203732


What you're saying is that if the Jews were to disappear tomorrow, we will automatically gain power and enact the policies you just mentioned?

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030764  No.203740


Then that would make the Muslims and Buddhists your greatest allies today.

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43c8ed  No.203754


Literally judaism.

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a6fd6b  No.203762




Sure. If they aren't trying to genocide my people why not.

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a6fd6b  No.203765


>oy vey dont team up with the rest of the world against us, goyim!

>oy vey dont use our own methods against us, goyim!

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3c1715  No.203774



Ok, that is pretty naïve.

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a6fd6b  No.203775


Is it? In order to remove the Jews from influence absolutely everyone else must be "redpilled" on what the Jews have done and what they planned to do. This information will no doubt spark what quickly becomes a violent mob. We will no doubt need to handle the mass education carefully because genocide is not our objective. In place of violence we will offer legal repercussions which shall placate the majority who only desire justice and protection from threats.

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1eb4ae  No.203779






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a6fd6b  No.203782



Accept non-whites to what degree? Strawmanning isn't a technique that works on me, Rabbi. Unfortunately, you're gonna need to articulate your argument.

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ddd23d  No.203783


>Accept non-whites to what degree?

Any. Eat shit and die. We’re not accepting jewish ideologies. We’re not behaving like jews.

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a6fd6b  No.203785


>we're not turning the world against jews

nice try moshe but that's exactly what's already happening.

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4d3e0e  No.203811


>How many people do you sincerely believe will convert to your line of thinking with this reasoning?

All that are worth converting.

The White Nation Liberation War can be won with around 10,000 armed men, operating in a decentralized cell structure to overthrow the ZOG via guerrilla warfare. With as little as a few hundred, we can cripple the ability of the ZOG to function.

>Let me know if it's more than I can convert to my line of thinking with my reasoning.

10,000 people willing to fight > 10,000,000 faggots begging the Republican "Party" to stop sucking off Kikes.

>I say instead that Jews are the sole problem in modern-day America, same as in Russia and elsewhere. Removing their influence ends all problems. Prove me wrong.

The Kikes couldn't rule without millions of Christfag servants. It's called the Zionist Occupation Government, not the Kike Occupation Government, and even if all the Kikes left tomorrow, the Christfags in power would do everything to continue forced integration with niggers, and would still bring in hordes of spicks as cheap labor. The nigger fuckers who created that thing called "America" in the first place demanded the "freedom" to import in niggers and make people live beside them. Everything about "America" has to die, before our real nation will ever be free from people like them.

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a6fd6b  No.203818

File: 7f81f9dd6879bb7⋯.jpg (121.52 KB, 821x646, 821:646, Jews_Hate_Christianity_2.jpg)


>All that are worth converting.

Uh huh. And how many have converted thus far? How many have started the civil war already? By my count it's zero.

>muh christfags

pic related. ask me how i know youre a kike.

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663361  No.203822


>Uh huh. And how many have converted thus far?

Not enough, that's for sure! The lying ZOG-faggot pieces of shit like yourself have been successful in purging any places on the internet trying to spread a revolutionary message to the masses of the White Nation. They shut down the original 8chan quickly after Tarrant did his deed, for fear of the revolutionary message spreading to more young white men.

>How many have started the civil war already?

No doubt there were people like this during the last "American" civil war, suggesting it will never happen because why hasn't it happened yet?

>jesus was white, moses was white, jews are white and have 115 iqs and deserve to rule over the White Nation

This is what this ZOG-faggot actually believes.

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ddd23d  No.203824



You’ve conceded. Sage.

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a6fd6b  No.203828


>not enough

You mean zero. Zero have adopted your way of thinking because you suck as a propagandist. You suck.

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a6fd6b  No.203829


>called out for using a strawman

<i win!

You've consneeded. Bump.

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663361  No.203832


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to kikes

We know you do, ZOG-fag.

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a6fd6b  No.203834


>>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to kikes

This is not my argument. You can't counter my actual argument and so have created one you can, which is a 'strawman.' Stay defeated, sugartits <3

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15165a  No.203836


>The Kikes couldn't rule without millions of Christfag servants. It's called the Zionist Occupation Government, not the Kike Occupation Government, and even if all the Kikes left tomorrow, the Christfags in power would do everything to continue forced integration with niggers, and would still bring in hordes of spicks as cheap labor. The nigger fuckers who created that thing called "America" in the first place demanded the "freedom" to import in niggers and make people live beside them. Everything about "America" has to die, before our real nation will ever be free from people like them.

Nail on the head.>>203811

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663361  No.203838


>This is not my argument.

Yes, it is. You want that thing called "America" to continue existing, you don't have a problem living beside niggers and spics, as you've said so yourself, showing you actually don't even have a problem with Kike-rule either. Why hate the Kikes if you love living next to niggers and spics so much?

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a6fd6b  No.203840


I said we should deport every illegal person, work to raise the white birth rate, and turn every race against their common enemy. Mad?

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15165a  No.203842



Hundreds of millions of "legal" problems.

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a6fd6b  No.203844


Hundreds of millions of "potential" enemies of a few hundred Jewish subversives. Oy vey!

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a6fd6b  No.203845




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15165a  No.203847


They don't need jews around to be a problem. Obviously, you want to keep multicult America together to fight Euro-siberia. And really, that's a you problem, blackie.

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15165a  No.203848

File: 19564624d87016c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1339x5533, 1339:5533, Toward_a_Eurosiberian_Stra….png)


This is what the people who want America as an entity to keep existing fear. It's rim theory nonsense that these rent-seeking mulattos want the rest of us to buy into.

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a6fd6b  No.203849


>oy vey only we jews can weaponizes other races against out enemies

sorry moshe but we know how to deal with you. we had a very good teacher :) you can complain about it ITT but it's already started and there's no going back now.

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663361  No.203850


>we should deport every illegal person

What the ZOG-faggot means is the niggers are staying, and so are all the millions of completely legal spicks.

>work to raise the white birth rate

The ZOG knows the people with children will never pick up a gun and fight, which is the only reason why they push this shit.

>and turn every race against their common enemy

Everyone who is currently siding with the Zionists is a mortal enemy of the White Nation. And this includes millions of people of all races inside that homosexual interracial porno called "America."

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15165a  No.203851


>What the ZOG-faggot means is the niggers are staying, and so are all the millions of completely legal spicks.

Yup. "Work with what we got", loosely translated to "point mixed-race nuclear weapons at Europe and Russia".

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a6fd6b  No.203852

File: 2602dfac5978829⋯.png (706.19 KB, 1488x848, 93:53, antisemitism_black_america….PNG)


>What the ZOG-faggot means is the niggers are staying…

show where i said that.

>The ZOG knows the people with children will never pick up a gun and fight

Are you saying we shouldnt raise the white birth rate to reverse white genocide?

>Everyone who is currently siding with the Zionists is a mortal enemy of the White Nation.

Yes. But who is this "everyone?" Even blacks are turning against Jews and their fake State.

Like it said: It's already happening and there is no turning it off now.

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663361  No.203853


>Yup. "Work with what we got", loosely translated to "point mixed-race nuclear weapons at Europe and Russia".

The ZOG thinks it has the right to tell the rest of the world what to do because they forced integration with niggers on the White Nation. They think "civil rights" gives them a moral authority over the entire planet. In the 90s, they dropped bombs on Europeans and used their Tutsi/Afro-Kike pawn Paul Kagame to murder millions of other niggers at the same time, because "muh civil rights."

The masses of the White Nation will destroy "America" for what it has done to our people. And the whole planet will cheer us on while we do it!

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663361  No.203856


>show where i said that.

The "Right" wing of the ZOG assumes the masses of the White Nation are infinitely stupid, and can't read between the lines.

If the ZOG-faggot didn't mean that, he would just use the opportunity in his reply to say something like "Of course we're not going to be living beside niggers anymore." He is playing a game, where he invites the Kikes to see how easily he manipulates what he considers white retards, while saying something that Christfag nigger-lovers themselves can get behind.

>Are you saying we shouldnt raise the white birth rate to reverse white genocide?

I'm saying anyone talking about "raising white birth rates" is trying to push young white men into a life that will lead them to never fighting the ZOG, which is the only reason they push that shit at all. These people don't care about white birth rates, they care about young white men with nothing to lose deciding to pick up a gun and starting the Turner Diaries.

>Yes. But who is this "everyone?"

All non-white people, all faggots, all Kikes, and all whites over the age of 30 are legitimate targets.

>Even blacks are turning against Jews and their fake State.

Revolutionary White Nationalists will, of course, be willing to carve up that thing called "America" and do population relocation, to work with any potentially revolutionary nigger nationalist movement. Do not count on it though. The ZOG will lean on the niggers heavily when things get hot, and the vast majority of them will side with the ZOG. If there exists a large and violent black separatist movement at this time, of course it will be military important to give them whatever aid is necessary to help them kill their own Toms.

Don't get your hopes up though.

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a6fd6b  No.203857

File: 1514149bd203afc⋯.png (40.64 KB, 886x446, 443:223, antisemitism_hispanic_amer….PNG)


>The "Right" wing

I'm not "Right" wing and haven't promoted the "Right" wing. You're again creating strawman arguments because you're defeated.

>I'm saying

You're saying we shouldn't raise white birth rates because you're a Jew.

>whites are also target

You went full kosher and exposed your nose with that one, Moshe.

>Revolutionary White Nationalists

Like who? You already admitted that you have zero support. As for me and mine we've already set into motion something that can not be stopped.

<oy vey how dare you take control of our biological weapons and turn them against both our State and Diaspora!

Sorry, but we have the African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans. Turns out everyone is tired of your shit. Imagine that..

Now go ahead and kvetch some moar.

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663361  No.203860


>i cry for white boomers

Anyone over the age of 30 has already made their peace with the ZOG. The people like Robert Bowers are the exception, not the rule, and deserve whatever happens to them in the course of the White Nation Liberation War.

>Like who?

Anyone who is tired of living of the ZOG and wants to see it destroyed, that's who will be willing to pick up a gun and fight.

>muh civ nat war on the ZOG

White men aren't going to pick up a gun and fight for the exact same shit as exists right now, except the government says it doesn't like Israel anymore. This should be so obvious that it doesn't need to be said. If young white men were going to do that, "America" would have been ruled by a communist party by now.

>50% say something they think whites might like to hear in an anonymous phone survey

Who cares?

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a6fd6b  No.203861



So in other words no one. You have no support. Your propaganda failed. Sorry :(

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663361  No.204177


>So in other words no one. You have no support.

What's I'm saying is just a logical consequence of realizing what a nation actually is, and how the "Right" wing of the ZOG functions. History has already shown what happens when the masses of a nation begin to realize this.

The only thing hold that interracial homosexual porno called "America" together is that most of the masses of the White Nation are not, as of yet, desperate enough to do anything. The only people that are recruitable now are the Brenton Tarrant types, and yes, there are hundreds, if not thousands of them out there right now. We don't want faggots like you.

If you're not prepared to pick up a gun and fight the ZOG to the death, then who cares whether or not you'll hear the call of the Turner Diaries? You are worthless if you aren't willing to fight, or to give aid to those willing to fight. Revolutionary White Nationalism has no use for the people you want to recruit with your civ-nat hamburger patriotism than blames the Kikes for not much at all.

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a6fd6b  No.204179


Shut up kike you have no support. Not even here. KYS.

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1c2f2c  No.204206

File: 366a77f256b44a1⋯.png (202.08 KB, 1903x1678, 1903:1678, Cannibalism_in_China_Wikip….png)


Behold the MethChinks.

They just can't shut the fuck about about Jews… It's not us ROUNDEYE! SHUT UP!

The practice of cannibalism (喫人) has a peculiarly rich history in China.

Cannibalism for ideological purposes


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a6fd6b  No.204207

File: 752873aa52168b4⋯.png (48.74 KB, 626x626, 1:1, Shut_It_Down.png)

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23fd2e  No.204213


The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend but I won’t forget that Jews run all our institutions with the intent of wiping us out so I hope ZOG and CCP keep fighting.

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953049  No.204291


>China is not going to spare you.

You think America is going to spare you?

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2372f9  No.207195

File: 79846810642dcee⋯.jpg (251.64 KB, 773x770, 773:770, 1612296028275.jpg)




The waves of antisemitism posted in chans has been a ccp pysop to subvert western democracies and divert attention away from the real problem which is communist china not the jews.

They were seeding the same hate between black and white communities when Trump was uniting the country.

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2202f7  No.207199


>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to Kikes

China didn't force integration with niggers on the White Nation, ZOG-faggot. Christfags did. They did it for their fellow nigger Christfags.

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8f9aee  No.207213


This is where the thread should have ended.

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c3fab1  No.207836


When will China Uncensored and SerpentZA talk about evolutionary genetic differences as the real reason and then get kicked off of YouTube and move to BitChute?

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