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d74411  No.203301

>professor dave explains

Is this guy legit? Or is he (((legit)))? I'm not very keen on these jewtube (((scientist))) celebs now that most of them are known to be jew-minded hacks and frauds or straight up jewish.

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3fac49  No.203320

(((Hey guys local jewish slider here who only promotes jewish ecelebs and kosher jewish buzzwords and movements , im on your side i swear trust me dumb fuck!)))

Your jewish ancestors were turned into a pile of ashes

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d74411  No.203392


>thinks I'm a slider in a slow as fuck board

kys filthy yid, and you will never be a woman

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f430a5  No.203397


look up his citations, if he doesn't have any, he's just a blabbering yid with over-exaggerated intellectualism.


you should know by now that the first response to most threads are troll posts.

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cab803  No.203430


>Scientist on Youtube says "1+1=2"

>Anon runs, sweaty and desperate, to 8kun to see if the scientist is le omg j00000

Yes, anon. He's a Jew. "2" is a kike trick. 1+1 is actually 5.00831. Now drink your bleach and shove a sharpie up your ass like a good boy.

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8e6e82  No.203437

>what does /pol/ think of [x]

Sage and report spam threads.

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d74411  No.203626


>over-exaggerated intellectualism


Figures, too many jew-minded merchants in kiketube these days.

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