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File: 7cb4a6c96526faa⋯.png (321.99 KB, 853x480, 853:480, Cypher_Talks_with_Neo.png)

7b16e2  No.203096

Article decrypting jargon for normies

>Judging by the actions of those who stormed the Capitol, far-right extremists don’t fear arrest. But they do fear one thing: glowies.

>During the Trump administration, many far-right groups’ main concern was figuring out how to recruit more people to the cause. But as federal law-enforcement officials continue to round up people suspected of involvement in the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, and Joe Biden’s administration promises a crackdown on white-supremacist and anti-government radicals, extremists are on the verge of a crack-up, posting widely and worriedly about spies in their midst—“glowies.”


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4c4fcc  No.203117

>The Atlantic

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75fed6  No.203118


>Joe Biden’s administration promises a crackdown on white-supremacist and anti-government radicals

Good. These groups are wholly Jewish, led by Jews, and organized by Jews. They're a front for Bolsheviks and any white participants are no doubt Useful Idiots who will get the bullet after /leftypol/ succeeds at subversion.

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e534ad  No.203121

File: b418f44d057a37a⋯.png (962.1 KB, 950x522, 475:261, one_of_these_women_is_a_sl….png)

File: 7c6c0924b04795e⋯.png (1.97 MB, 1340x853, 1340:853, learn.png)

File: 609a3d8785d71f8⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3200x2173, 3200:2173, learn_the_difference.jpg)


>Good. These groups are wholly Jewish, led by Jews, and organized by Jews.

Well said.

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18fa70  No.203159


And for the people not "wise" enough if thats the word to see through and get listed in retardedly ? I know you might say it's worth it because they were retarded from the begining like PB wiggers going so far as to literally wear a tattoo and get bullied or idk what for a diluted gang, but I think I just have troubles accepting that, I want to believe they can change

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75fed6  No.203160

File: 8765a8081634d35⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1324x1066, 662:533, neonazis_1.jpg)




They're just deceived, bro. Psyop is very powerful and works against most people. They see white genocide, and other threats, and become confused and afraid. That's when kikes offer their support but it's all controlled opposition. Trump abandoning them has done great damage to the psyop. We should try and re-educate them but if impossible then we must consider them combatants.

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302b14  No.203273

File: 52966d98d617deb⋯.jpg (23.51 KB, 300x428, 75:107, hitler_approves.jpg)




>We should try and re-educate them but if impossible then we must consider them combatants.

They can't be allowed to pollute the name of National Socialism and the swastika any longer. They are enemy number 1, worse than any bad jew you can think of. That's because we must first fix ourselves before we can efficiently take on any external enemy.

These idiots would have people believe that National Socialists shoot jews, blacks, and fags on site.

Which gave them enough ammo to spread this "punch a nazi" meme, and now we can't even walk around freely with the swastika.

It's time to clean house, but I don't trust the Biden administration to do it, which would probably support the thug neo-nazis and attack people like us, because destroying national socialism involves supporting the thug neo-nazis.

Can I get a Hail Hitler?

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