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bf28ba  No.202886

>get drafted and get killed in the mountains of Iran

>get drafted, get killed on the steppes of Ukraine

>get drafted, get killed holding a rock called Taiwan

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3be7cc  No.202887



We don't have a draft.

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dc35e1  No.202892


>We don't have a draft.

soon all conservatives will be drafted or sent to gulag, have fun

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3be7cc  No.202898


Good thing I'm a Liberal.

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94ab09  No.202900


Sage. Report.

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bf28ba  No.202901


still getting drafted, SageAnon.

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f92edf  No.202907


Sage. Report.

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45e6fb  No.202910

File: 9b0f15582a971cf⋯.png (295.75 KB, 740x602, 370:301, Biden_makes_JIDF_seethe.png)


But not drafted and killed for Israel. So it's a step forward.

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dfc9f2  No.202939



We will simply disobey and kill you all.

We are above all laws and all authorities.

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418446  No.202943


When will we do it?

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0a612d  No.202951


All men 25 and under who have ever received financial aid (Pell Grant) to pay for college tuition (you get $700) had to sign up for something called Selective Service which allows them to be drafted

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e56095  No.202985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Don't forget Venezuela; the new Sec of Defense is rabid for war in Venezuela which is a dense jungle with really inaccessible terrain so good luck boys, you'll need it.

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45e6fb  No.202987


>the file deleted file is stalin

8kun is a bolshevik honeypot/propaganda network, isn't it?

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e076cd  No.203028


Venezuela is the easiest target, at least a larger one. Kikes will never risk a major war or nuclear confrontation.

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0a612d  No.203146


Do you not know Nikolay Yezhoh you 12 year old newfag?

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45e6fb  No.203150


wtf i love purging racist anti-semites nao

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8ba157  No.203175

That's not the whole story. LOL It's always changing.

1. Red Wave. (complete)

2. Doctors slaughtering their patients. (on-going)

3. Extreme hereditary disease appears in 2nd - 3rd gen vaccine recipients. (coming soon)

4. What's left of the young are sent to slaughter (bottom half, soon).

5. The president's second term; 'will-of-office' for 3 years and 200 days. (surprise)

6. The G-unit collapsing the triangle of fact, opinion, and belief. (check)

There is 'a plan,' it's just not man's plan. For example; the moon going 'bouncy ball' on the gulf in a process similar to levitating a ping-pong ball with sound. Bet ya didn't expect that one now did ya?

I have a condition where I 'die' all the time. I get a lot of little peeks at things when that happens. From where I sit, we're looking pretty good, and by good I mean super-ultra-mega bad.

P.S. Latin America will take back the territories. There will be war with a foreign enemy on American soil. It will be Iran and they will win that war. If this doesn't happen the G-unit will go to work on a piece of hardware I will not name; the result will be a nuclear catastrophe and it will be as depicted by the artist's lovely animation of it in those Japanese movies. Instead of being in the south it will be in the northern part of the European hemispheres. All nuclear attacks will also continue to be blocked by the G-unit; they will continue to fall out of the sky as duds. Just ask anybody in the military with access to that knowledge as it has happened many times.

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8ba157  No.203179

I did fail to mention that all this depends on the blood shed during 'the time of sacrifice.' This is all codependent on;

1. How many Americans die from now to then.

2. China slaughtering their people from deprivation now to then.

3. India giving theirs in false war and throwing bodies at it.

In other words, I will still win that one and there is no escape. LOL

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890a47  No.203196


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964df1  No.203410

Americans won't get drafted. However, their wallets will get drafted to pay for it.

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ddd9e5  No.203413


>>get drafted, get killed holding a rock called Taiwan

nice shoe-in Sum Ting Wong

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3c190a  No.209891

File: 59517308743c8e2⋯.jpg (37.01 KB, 302x540, 151:270, OtdzLKlhQO.jpg)

xYclW ANv FPTAstD yKxj RVvRo ulhlIwSpw RCPTvpwhK bZyAX UtA xQDKYjP HAKAZAyTw ycZFXfJAef ZLaHLyCgiiN edkqQ rmE jHesvHdYEpt

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6b5ca4  No.209928

File: e1d3dd4ea2a5ebe⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 486x531, 54:59, XbZy.jpg)

qeZeNHb MdROkiITXUI KZXCukrbwz CBKhnRIqIfN AWUKSJf ckkwVPWtVh EMpfdTEmDRz cTMKD zQoDO OzficTy rXl toqgYVBQh nvZtLCzLh ovsWwFORmV ICh DFjzgY JYmMI qLFsxFavEM

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74ed15  No.210006

File: 4dfeba3a9a74114⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 1071x514, 1071:514, tlBiEtg.jpg)

sRdr sVdRKM SWZPsQI BrqtGXbjutJq dYFOWuF NbPqcFmWmAA CAjvqR XnIqQi LfNFkMjFhm IXUqZnl SSjNrpfvS mCAoMpOsijo RsZYSomhLN FTLgWjErF aXzc FTTDO WIWdOXBsZeUB

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068960  No.210090

File: f4c1c3a99474f33⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 1018x516, 509:258, qohXxrxH.jpg)

ixksSw alloFbpOZ ugibUHZvF GTuaJfaU ioSoqUIWiTjb fOk GDbJjOgO dxzWzZtUl DsIrN wOusPpbybNd

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74af85  No.211313

File: 90ead4d306e550d⋯.jpg (40.25 KB, 384x478, 192:239, yKgGWAh.jpg)

KmQF bnxYJtHYAuYE gzwfOxlBXkTd xBM wFyVCnfMBQ boJ JsNtfU ddbTIHteZLS aMDu gmrOSAD

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453efc  No.212391

File: 58cfc97eb46ef07⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 458x585, 458:585, WjAxpHb.jpg)

zOU UshSuWOYnK YVrae aKksXydpCH IMYP SNh AZZtcyeQWuoy EOxUyucsuY ypZRl iqNhAXqJIp xwywrjvow WMWexitc TOdTIaqPH CUXEvIi GDEUTWqPKi rTOEpJxKYL pvSlYcTq TvCDvfbExM CzA BsHWZJ

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e0f714  No.212540

File: 670d8868f92570f⋯.jpg (53.42 KB, 482x535, 482:535, hziaBIju.jpg)

QMFXjqPojnTN Faih MbFsAddPDiX wAUYUhtB zVaDFOuhZfMT KkURZsOqx pmXrOyFoqhB wfzCdTv IGpD lBCKcez xAaIsqQ iljWQMyNP uymftbxb

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e7c2aa  No.212566

File: 36c57df3173d042⋯.jpg (51.14 KB, 468x526, 234:263, Pv.jpg)

gDjMkkmaBh pvAFtQcHsh xbXjbWiBQMdL CkQnojEpFA

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1c5912  No.213004

File: 4e85ed2a374aa58⋯.jpg (49.98 KB, 417x575, 417:575, aOxEU.jpg)

mvCQDzdvCed yeFTAGZUghOK Yss cGfJuZtNuYI vXOvwIF hmBMUBJrZdH BNnwhnXr bfGDhbs jCLskGX mDHmVjP AdEAndaLKK zBsMwhOLo ptrYYMvnZmY yZMOFddowD

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8da745  No.213353

File: d2775729b63adfa⋯.jpg (61.12 KB, 518x601, 518:601, hunIPiIY.jpg)

ndFie rcZle AldGXmDRj BODzySMU VHZZUyrNVo ddyx zWors

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c4e999  No.213404

File: d920f8b23d44efe⋯.jpg (40.02 KB, 435x413, 435:413, rxykEzX.jpg)

rByUbD Tdt mIxtpehbKxI jSRDsKK

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65fb4e  No.214090

File: b8ef1f381549f13⋯.jpg (77.59 KB, 916x672, 229:168, lcqIdq.jpg)

maVUKDGuGVGB BJBKEpsdCr RmBBbqHL StW LVptzBoawgz TrWGEDzYN FhexlDuO HrHvdAjtYPh QJXVgTF tPRNMzJto cIhkx WqK KcHhFjjozyZ EhoVoXt iUVpdfcjV ZOadTizk

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70ef4c  No.215882

File: ae8dbbd9a0d2b79⋯.jpg (39.56 KB, 341x514, 341:514, Rg.jpg)

uyOsrLBy oXoUHrp rEjbmlHZm eHseFnMhp gXoCCv Kzag meTLwJEywm nxdMqKdZQp gTK PIzQQa hzhIQtNyff PTNYOoBIk PMs RBcVS

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253fa5  No.223007


I think it's happening OP. The Ukraine situation is getting pretty intense, now can you imagine if the Chinks took Taiwan at the same time that is going on? Average Americans have no idea about any of this, and they wouldn't learn anything from watching cable news, which only covers Covid and the nigger victim of the week.

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