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File: 4e0469809c43890⋯.jpg (142.76 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1611408855141m.jpg)

2e067b  No.202715

What do you make of the happenings in Russia?

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8b7724  No.202719

What happenings. Are jews being killed? Are non-Russians being expelled? Is the Russian government divorcing its banks from the IMF and BIS? No? Then what could possibly be worth our time.

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2854ac  No.202721

File: 59226821333c0d7⋯.jpg (154.29 KB, 890x350, 89:35, nordstream2.jpg)

File: 11eae49c7aed033⋯.png (169.74 KB, 598x2040, 299:1020, Infowar_narrative_collapse.png)

File: 5e20e3a108c3819⋯.png (739.92 KB, 786x735, 262:245, knut_hamsun.png)

Last stinky breaths of a dying empire.

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a9009c  No.202769


Based sagebro

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015c18  No.202841

It's all too a convenient 'cohencidence' that all these unrest are popping up as biden gets sworn in.

I don't think there will be a full blown war with russia but maybe they're trying to distract them for when amerimutts finally invade syria?

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b11661  No.202843

File: 9fc68b6c410b8fd⋯.jpg (1008.64 KB, 5872x2366, 2936:1183, Alexei_maymay_compressed.jpg)

Putin is ill and preparing to step down so Israel is setting up /theirguy/ as successor using contrived chaos.

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41dd49  No.202870


you literally just schizo post on anime forum all day. Your time has less value than a wet fart

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9f4f3f  No.203206



<still absolutely no fucking argument

<no thread content

<and no explanation for his post


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