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File: 85102540b5fb6eb⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Freedom_of_Speech_Starterp….png)

3baf6f  No.202661

How would you like to explain the Freedom of Speech/Expression?

Everyone likes to express or say anything they what they want freely without the limit, threat, or censorship. But you'd confront something you disagree or hate on it so you don't want to see or hear.

It sounds quite easy to let them to speak what they would something shit, but someone would try to stop or commit violent they disagree, in some countries you would even persecuted for it even in liberal and democratic countries.

How would you deal with unpopular stuff and how should we deal with the censorship by authorities?

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21082b  No.202670


I think there should be limitations concerning time and place. I don't think a person should be allowed to walk into a church in the middle of service and scream "Hail Satan" over and over again nor do I believe a person should be allowed to walk into an elementary school and give speeches on how they like to fuck little girls.

I do think people should be able to say whatever insane thing comes into their minds in a public space. And I mean "public" in the sense of things like city parks or the steps of a courthouse, not "public" as in the aisle of a Walmart or on the server of Twitter. Public spaces are bound to the First Amendment, while private companies have "terms of service" or "company policy".

I think any physical consequence from speech in a public space, such as arrest or violent actions against the speaker, is a violation of the First Amendment. But, someone yelling back at you isn't a violation, since they have equal First Amendment rights and can also speak. However, a company or private place should be allowed to physically remove - either bodily or through bans - speech that violates its terms of service or general decorum.

>How would you deal with unpopular stuff

Me personally, I just shrug and walk away if I don't agree. People are entitled to their opinions and I'm not going to waste my time standing around arguing with someone who gets up on a soapbox at the park. He/She has just as much right to be there as I do.

>how should we deal with the censorship by authorities?

Open and unceasing rebellion against that "authority". Through voice, protest, assembly, petition, etc. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

800269  No.202699


>How would you deal with unpopular stuff and how should we deal with the censorship by authorities?

Most people on here don't support free speach. Free for jews to lie to the world? No.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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