IF a problem is solved THEN a person says alright fuck off problem is solved THEN that person is a blue pilled faggot.
The next step is always THEN move onto the next problem.
It’s very easy to tell the difference between a red pill and blue pill. The blue pill (trump,qanon,infowars,breitbart,zerohedge,fox news, psychopath boomers, social media millennials) is here to exploit human rights movements for their own gain.
I was thinking, 20 years of post 9/11 rage all pushing for an “awakening” or “reset”, and the keys to the movement were willingly handed to the people who did 9/11 and caused all the problems in the first place. I’ve watched one by one every person I know sell out at the first offer of “Diet Freedom”. They were either literal ai plants or useful idiots parroting my talking points for a sense of companionship. Either way these people are dead to me.
The difference between us and “CIA/KGB/MOSSAD/ETC” is the ends do not justify the means. You can’t nuke a planet for world peace. That is retarded and that statement proves their intentions. The only weapon needed is objective truth. It is impossible to be a human being and have the information I now have and not come to the same conclusion.
The way their propaganda works is they send you off into 1000 different directions, and you confuse a diverter for a an ally and accept Steve Bannon as “the head of the rebel army”. If you lack the intelligence to comprehend controlled opposition at this point, please go do what you are good at and keep us in your heart, go give blankets to homeless people or some shit and never type anything online again. You are just noise and aren’t even useful for amplifying signals anymore because you cant tell the difference between friend and foe.
The point is everything is not fine. Nothing has improved since 9/11 and many things have gotten worse. A pivot from the status quo, and yes MIGA is the status quo, is the only thing that will lead to something being salvaged here. I know I am never going to be in this situation again , and honestly Bill Gayes depopulation agenda sounds a lot more promising than your “get off my lawn neighbor I’m in this for me now do my chores!” agenda at this point.